Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1860: Trembling

No matter what, the situation is now like this. The passage has been blown up. Those mutants can only be trapped underground for a while. Ye Shikai breathed a sigh of relief. In the situation just now, if these monsters were really allowed to rush out, then the whole port The city was ruined. These monsters rushed into the city, just like a group of hungry wolves rushed into the flock. One action determines the fate of millions of people. Anyone else will fall into a high degree of tension. Even now, Ye Shikai still has a lingering fear. Even the legs are a bit soft, and so is Tianjing. Outside the factory, millions of Hong Kong people in the dreamland will not think that their fate almost reversed in just a few seconds ...

Squatted on the ground, gasping for breath, restoring strength and calming down.

After half an hour.

"Instructor Ye, why are you here?" Cheng Luoqi asked curiously. As soon as she received an order from her superior, she took the SAD special forces to the factory. She was seeing the police stopping a group of factory personnel, and hurried forward to help. Wait until Later, when the police of the brigade arrived, she completely controlled the situation outside, and she led the team and rushed in.

"Check the case." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Cough, I am the leader of the National Security Bureau, Tianjing, suspected of conducting human experiments in this factory." Tianjing took out the National Security Bureau certificate and explained to Cheng Luoqi.

"What, human experiment, how could it be." Cheng Luoqi was shocked. This factory looks nothing special except for its large scale. How could there be human experiment.

"The specific things will be explained to you at the summary meeting going back. Captain Cheng, this factory should be authentic. You have to find it quickly." Tian Jing is too late to explain, and such things as mutants cannot be disclosed.

"Have you all heard, carefully look around to see if there is authenticity here?" Cheng Luoqi ordered.



Although these monsters were "suppressed" underground, Ye Shikai and Tian Jing did not dare to relax. They immediately reported the whole thing to the Golden Calendar. What shocked them was that after an hour, the Golden Calendar came When he arrived in Hong Kong City, in fact, when he heard that Shenwu was attacked, he was already on a plane to Hong Kong City, not only the Golden Calendar, but also a group of masters from the National Security Bureau and Longya, all of which were adjusted. come.

Hong Kong City, Security Office.

Mutant human matters are important. Although they are all "suppressed" underground now, but how to say, they are all time bombs and must be removed. The key is how to remove them.

"Everyone, these are the pictures and materials of the mutants." Jin Li distributed the integrated materials to the leaders of the security department. These materials were from the moth people and some from Ade. I do n’t know the current mutants. Whether it is the same as before, but it is a reference. The most horrible part of the HST project is that if you can control these mutants, you only need hundreds of moths to make a city into chaos. Mass production, it is not an exaggeration to say that this world is going to be in chaos. If the power of the war is turned into, every monster has at least the strength of the late distraction, and cultivators of this level are "fragrant" in any family.饽饽 ", to cultivate such a master requires a lot of cultivation resources. According to Ye Shikai, even in the Chen family, there are only dozens of people in the later period of distraction, in addition, these monsters are not afraid of life and death , Just like the beast.

"This ... I didn't think there was such a feared creature. These people planned for so long in Hong Kong City, why no one has been aware of it."

"You are not the time to investigate who is right or who is wrong. Right now, these monsters are only temporarily crushed in the ground, can they come out, when will they come out, how many are there, what is their destructive power, we don't know. "Jin Li tapped his fingers on the desktop, beckoning everyone to be quiet."

"Director Kim, our people have blocked the entire factory, and heavy soldiers have been deployed at the iron gate. Once the monsters come out, they immediately open fire and kill them." One of them said.

"Based on the current situation, conventional weapons have been difficult to cause fatal damage to these mutants, and the factory is surrounded by residential areas, with a large flow of people, and cannot use weapons of mass destruction." Tianjing continued. "Therefore, Sending people to block the exits is the last line of defense, and we must go in and solve them. "

"By the way, since these mutants are crushed in the basement, will they die because of starvation." Suddenly someone asked, although it seems a bit "stupid", but this is also a realistic question. Do mutants want it? Eating, Ye Shikai is really unclear. From the perspective of energy conservation, since it is a living creature, it must be eaten, otherwise it will starve to death, but these mutants are really difficult to say ...

"We interviewed those developers who really need to eat, but even if they stop eating, they can survive for months, which is only a conservative estimate." Tian Jinghui reported.

"That is to say, ~ ~ If you don't deal with them, millions of people in Hong Kong City will live on a time bomb for a few months." Everyone heard the firmness in Jin Li's tone, these Monsters must be removed.

"In addition, there is another point. We found the tunnel in the factory. It is preliminarily speculated that the principal behind the scene has left Hong Kong City along the tunnel. He also took all the research reagents. We caught some security personnel and research. People. "Tianjing added.

"It's awful, let these **** slip away."

Ye Shikai also felt that it was a pity that the only bottle of potion was robbed while she was being escorted by Shenwu, that is to say, all the research results were robbed, but the only thing fortunately was that these researchers Now, if these masters behind the scenes are even more crazy, they will all be silenced when they evacuate.

Two hours later, the meeting was over and Cheng Luoqi immediately found Ye Shikai.

"Such a big thing happened, why didn't you tell me in advance." Cheng Luoqi asked.

"This matter is of great importance. In fact, not only you don't know, the leaders of the security department don't know, if we don't come to investigate in person, we don't know that the base of the HST project has moved to Gangcheng." Ye Shikai Explained.

"These people are really mad, they must be caught." Cheng Luoqi said indignantly, hitting the wall with a punch.

"I'm afraid it's too late. If the tunnel directly leads to the port of Hong Kong City, if unsurprisingly, they have left Hong Kong City to go abroad."

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