Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1867: childbirth

Ye Shikai returned to Chen's house and was always with Chen Yuxin. The two people spent more time with each other. Many of the previous barriers were also solved invisible. In the final analysis, the conflict between the two before was due to the short time for getting along. Although they used to be couples, that was a few years ago.

Since Chen Yuxin became pregnant, Ye Shikai first traveled back to the Qin Dynasty, "disappeared" for two months, then went to the Kunlun Mountain ruins, and went to Hong Kong City for investigation. Now Chen Yuxin is pregnant for more than six months. He didn't have much time to accompany Chen Yuxin. He was ashamed to speak of it. As a husband, he didn't accompany his wife.

Late at night.

"Xiaokai, what are you thinking." Chen Yuxin suddenly opened her eyes. With the faint light of the desk lamp, she found that Ye Shikai had her eyes open. It is now in the morning and he has not slept ...

"Xiaoxin, you have been wronged during this time." Ye Shikai is reflecting on himself. Although Chen Yuxin does not do well in some places, he is only a hundred steps and a hundred steps, compared to Chen Yuxin He fulfilled the duties of a wife, but he did not do what a husband should do.

"what are you talking about."

"Some time ago, I experienced too many things. I never had time to think and reflect on myself. During this time, I stayed at home, but figured out many things." Ye Shikai said lightly. After all, he was not enough To think about things that matter, and calm down, many things in your heart will naturally come to mind.

"I didn't really care about you before, which made you feel anxious and insecure. This is my responsibility." Ye Shikai continued. "I once complained about you, and I didn't tell you a lot in my heart. We Talk about it. "

"Okay, Xiaokai, then you can tell me now what happened to you in those two months." Chen Yuxin suddenly asked, Ye Shikai discovered that he never seemed to tell her about the Qin Dynasty.

"I can tell you, I'm afraid you won't believe it." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly.

"I am also a cultivator, and the Chen family is also a large family of cultivators. I have seen many things that sound like a fantasy, so I have seen it with my own eyes, so if you say it, I will not doubt it."

"Well, then I will say."

Ye Shikai accidentally crossed back to the Qin Dynasty. Although it only took two months here, he actually lived in the Qin Dynasty for two years. There were too many things in it. Ye Shikai was an officer in the Qin Dynasty and went to the North for the wolf. Clan, and met the Meteorites in the East County, he did not hesitate to betray the court, rescue the people, and later turned to Li Wen, became the general of the Chu army, commanding hundreds of thousands of troops to conquer Bashu, these things sound very "legendary", also difficult I believe it, but Chen Yuxin listened to it very much, as if listening to a storytelling. There were so many things happening that Ye Shikai did not finish it until dawn.

Of course, regarding the war part, Chen Yuxin is not interested. She is most interested in the part about He Linghan. This is not her vinegar, but the most basic feeling of a wife. The husband is in another dynasty, and other When a woman is married, she will of course not be happy, so as soon as He Linghan is mentioned, she will hold Ye Shikai tightly, fearing that he will be "robbed away".

"Xiao Xin, I didn't want to say anything about Ling'er, but if you think about it carefully, I still don't hide you, you have the right to know."

"It's okay, don't you come back now." Although Chen Yuxin didn't show it on her mouth, her tight palm "sells" her.

"Frankly speaking, it was an accident for me to return to the Qin Dynasty. It was like winning a lottery of 10 million, winning one time, thinking of the second time, it is almost impossible, so I really thought I would not have the opportunity to come back Ye Shikai explained, if it is true, he did not come back, then in modern times he is missing, and missing for a long time is basically equivalent to his absence ...

However, one thing Ye Shikai concealed is the appearance of He Linghan. He did not tell Chen Yuxin that He Linghan looks like Su Qingyu. Although he should not hide it, if he really said it, he was worried that Chen Yuxin would hate Su Qing. Rain, even revenge, and the best way to "revenge" is to use the Chen Group to suppress the Tianya Group everywhere.

"About He Linghan, I actually don't hate her." Chen Yuxin suddenly looked up and said calmly, "Although she did" rob "my husband, but if you really have no chance to return to modern times, then I hope There is a virtuous woman who will take care of you for me. "

"Xiaokai, these things, no matter whether you are in love, or voluntarily, are already in the past. We live together now, we should look at the things in front of us, don't we." Chen Yuxin continued.

"You are right, we should all live in the moment."

"I don't care what He Linghan's status is in your heart, but now I am your wife, Xiaokai. Let's stop talking about the two of us and talk about our affairs, okay." Chen Yuxin buried her head in Ye Shikai's arms. There was a hint of crying in the words ~ ~ Okay, okay, I promised you, not to talk about the past, just to talk about now. "

Ye Shikai stayed with the Chen family accompanied by Chen Yuxin. During this period of calm, the outside world seemed to press the pause button. No major event happened. The Chen family did everything as usual. He did not hear any new news about the HST project.


Four months later.


"Doctor, what's the situation inside." Ye Shikai was sitting in a chair outside the operating room, his legs were trembling, and he was very anxious. Today is Chen Yuxin's birth day, not only him, but every man will be nervous and nervous. When the parturient was pushed out, he became a father. The Chen family is one of the four big families in Yanjing. Chen Yuxin is also expensive to be the head of the family. The news of her childbirth has been heard by other cultivating families.

"Relax, everything is normal, the delivery of pregnant women is very smooth, mother and child are safe." The doctor took off the mask and said lightly.

"Great." Ye Shikai was very excited when he heard the news. Chen Yuxin was safe and gave birth to a son.

"Then why didn't she come out yet?" Ye Shikai asked back.

"Pregnant women have just given birth, and their physical strength has collapsed. Let's rest more in it."

"That's good, that's good." Ye Shikai murmured, two hands rubbing involuntarily, which is an expression of excitement.

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