Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1868: Named leaf ?? / a>

Ye Shikai is very excited and pacing back and forth, but at the same time, he is also a little nervous. He is now a father. Everything is like a dream. He seems not ready to be a father. He even doubts whether he is dreaming now. .

"Mr. Ye, the pregnant woman is now weak, but you can go in and see." After a while, the doctor said to Ye Shikai.

"Great, thank you doctor." Ye Shikai entered the delivery room, Chen Yuxin was lying on the bed, his face pale, and there were several nurses around him.

Even if you are a cultivator, giving birth is a painful process, but at least there will be no dystocia, and the physical quality of the cultivator will recover quickly after delivery.

"Xiaoxin, you worked hard." Ye Shikai came to the bed and gently held Chen Yuxin's hand. The child was lying quietly beside him, a boy, looking very healthy.

"Xiaokai, look at him, how cute." Chen Yuxin looked weak, but looked at the child next to him, and smiled happily. Ye Shikai looked at the child, his mouth was like him, and his eyes followed Chen Yuxin.

"Okay, you have a good rest here for a few days, the doctor said, you are very weak now, you should be recuperated, and you can be discharged after a while."

"Okay, then you will be by my side." Ye Shikai reassured, looking at the little baby around him, his heart also calmed down, and suddenly there was a son, he was not ready for a while, but who is not In this way, it will be normal after a while.

Late at night.

"Xiaokai, what name do you intend to give your child." Chen Yuxin suddenly asked.

"Yeah, this ... I didn't even think of it." Ye Shikai laughed bitterly and took the name of such a big event, he even forgot it, think about it too, he was always excited, and he forgot it for a while.

"You are the father of the child, of course you should give the child a name."

"Actually ... I don't have any good ideas." Ye Shikai thinks that he is not a literary youth. The name can be a big or a small thing. It is the name of the child, but it represents the hope of the parents for the child.

"Then you just want one." Chen Yuxin urged.

"Then I think about it, or else ... just call him Ye Di." Ye Shikai thought for a long time, and the name suddenly appeared in his mind. Ye Di, the name he used before, originally claimed to cover his eyes and ears. " "Ye Ye", now he simply named his son "Ye Ye".

"Ye Ye, Ye Ye, well, I listen to you." Chen Yuxin murmured the name and didn't refuse. She originally intended Ye Shikai to get the name.

Ye Shikai looked at the little Yelong around him. He felt deeply in his heart. With a child, even if he had a complete family, he shouldered a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders. He and Chen Yuxin are not ordinary people, so do n’t worry about raising children. He didn't even have to work for various expenses. Whether it is his assets or the Chen family's assets, ordinary people can't get them for hundreds of lifetimes. Even so, he still feels "tense", Xiao Ye's parents None of them are ordinary people. He can live a luxurious and affluent life. However, being born in such a family is a huge pressure in itself. Ye Shikai only hopes that his children can live a life indifferently.

The next day.

Ye Shikai woke up very early, Chen Yuxin still needed a rest, he did not disturb, walked out of the room lightly, but did not expect a group of "acquaintances."

"Nightmare, ghost, soul extermination, Mo Ji, and you, Pharaoh." Ye Shikai said excitedly. He didn't expect that several of the Hades would come. At least, Ye Shikai didn't expect them to come so soon. Then, the worm He Ziyun also followed, holding many gifts in his hand.

"Haha, Lao Ye, the birth son will not inform us to come over." Wang Kai came forward and Ye Shikai gave a big hug. Counting, the two have disappeared for several months, while Chen Yuxin was waiting for delivery, Ye Shikai never left Yanjing.

"You are busy recruiting people abroad, I am worried about disturbing you."

"Sir, the situation has stabilized and the strength of the Three Halls has been restored. Now, we are fighting against the Palace of the Sea King." Nightmare told Ye Shikai in detail about the matter of the past few months. The forces have changed, and these days, Nightmare has been recruiting and training people, and has been investigating the movement of Doris and Aphrodite.

"This time we came to Yanjing just to see your boss and your nephew." The ghost came from the East China Sea, so it was much faster than others.

"Yeah, we also brought gifts."

"Okay, the child and Xiaoxin are resting in it. We haven't seen it for a long time. Let's find a place to have a good meal."

"it is good."


Zhuxi Hotel.

"Come on, cheers."



"Lao Ye, what are you going to do next." Wang Kai ran out of the glass and suddenly asked Ye Shikai next to him.

"Xiaoxin has had a baby ~ ~ As a father, of course I should be with her. As for other things, I haven't considered it yet." Ye Shikai said directly.


Hearing Ye Shikai's answer, everyone on the wine table showed a dilemma.

"What do you have to say, let's just say it." Everyone got along for a long time, and Ye Shikai knew them well, and at a glance they saw that they had nothing to say.

"Sir, we are growing stronger now, but sooner or later there will be a battle with Doris and Aphrodite, and it will be a battle of death. If this is the case, I hope that the Lord can help me." Nightmare said bluntly.

"Doris." Ye Shikai thought of this person, and the anger in his heart surged up.

"You are right, we will have a battle with them sooner or later, and it is a big battle, enough to shock the entire underground world, and I will definitely go to the battle when the time comes." Ye Shikai said firmly, he and Doris and Aphrodite There are already similarities between the two, and there is no possibility of reversal. However, he will now be with Chen Yuxin and his children. There will be a decisive battle, but it will not be in the near future.

"It's so busy." At this time, a cold voice came from the door, and everyone turned around and looked up, and got up.

"Master Luna."

"Qian, why are you here too?" Ye Shikai didn't expect Ji Qian to come, a little surprised.

"I heard that you have a son, shouldn't I come to congratulate you." Ji Qian raised the glass on the table and sipped it out.

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