Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1881: All withdrawn

Yes, I will take someone right away. "Nightmare personally selected a team of elite Hades, who took the lead in the front and ambushed near the Palace of the Sea King. He also expected that Doris appeared on the surface to face Ye Shikai in a battle of death, even if the number of people was small People who do n’t know will probably think that Doris is going to fight hard. In fact, the more fierce she looks, she has made up her mind to apply oil on her feet first, this time, Ye Shikai will not give She got this chance.

"Magic, ghost."



"It ’s just a nightmare. I ’m not worried. The two of you also led a team of people. You laid hands at multiple intersections. After the war, you do n’t have to come and support. You just have to wait in situ. In short, your goal is only one. , Just do n’t let Doris go out alive. "

"Relax, boss." The ghost said firmly.

"Doris is superb in strength. The three of you can work together and should be able to contend with her. We will immediately support it. Remember, the key is still Doris. If she does not die, even if we blow up the Sea Palace, It ’s meaningless for the elders to come to South America this time. Do you understand? "

"I see, it is impossible for Doris to live out anyway."

"Well, take care of you."

Ye Shikai sent his confidant, not for confrontation, but for breaking his way. This shows how much he valued him. If Doris ran away, it would be at least half a year and a year at most "Pulling" out of a palace of sea kings, that is a time bomb, suspended above the heads of the three halls, may "explode" at any time.

"Soul extermination, you lead another team of people, set off in advance, arrive at the designated location, see what Doris wants to do, if there is any movement of her people, report immediately."

"Okay, Dark Guard and I are here."

"Everyone, move on."

after an hour.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many people in Doris." Ye Shikai held the telescope. Doris did not open the battle and fought with them. Instead, he sent people to block all intersections, and many people patrolled.

"Boss, they are not many in number. They are definitely not our opponents. Let me lead a team of people and go directly to the Palace of the Sea King." Soul extermination volunteered, Ye Shikai hesitated, but he was worried whether Doris was already fighting. She slipped away before, and if it drags on like this, she may really slip away.

"Well, Emily, you go with the soul extermination, lead a team of people, kill them without leaving a live mouth, and then break through at full speed." Ye Shikai ordered.


Soul Extinguisher rushed up with a sword. The people in front did not react at all, and they were surrounded by the dark guard who suddenly sprang out. They were not opponents of the Hades. They had not been able to resist for long. Emily held the Divine Bow and fired arrows, shooting all the remaining people who wanted to escape.

"Boss, there are more than a hundred people here, and resistance is less than twenty minutes in total, and it will not work anymore." Soul Extermination will soon return, killing them with almost no loss.

"These are just a few of the people arranged by Doris. They are outposts at all. It's nothing to kill them." Ji Qian wasn't very excited. Sending these people over was totally a cannon fodder. Doris couldn't help it. You know, she sent these people completely to delay time.

"No, Doris is deliberately delaying our time, so that every time we move forward, it takes time and effort." Ye Shikai immediately realized.

"What, then what to do."

"Soul extinguisher, you immediately lead a team of people to tell the people in front that Doris has abandoned them. They don't need to sell their lives for her. If they can surrender, anything, the three temples will never blame, in my own name. To say, I believe they will not resist again after they hear it. "


"The big army followed suit and quickly arrived at the Sea Palace."


After two hours.

"It's finally here." The crowd rushed all the way to the Sea Palace. Most of the personnel arranged by Doris to block the Three Palaces chose to surrender. They knew they were not opponents of the Three Palaces. Nor do they get the "benefit" of Doris's promise. After all, they "stuck the wrong team" before the war and can now save a life, which is already a good thing.

"It's weird. There's no one here. It might have all run out." Wang Kai was a little worried. If Doris slipped away first, then they ran far to South America and killed so many people. Isn't it useless?

"Indeed, it's a bit surprisingly quiet here, we all hit the gate of the Neptune Palace ~ ~ but we couldn't see the people of Doris." Ji Qian also had some doubts, the magnificent Neptune Palace was so rich Majestic, even in peacetime, there can be no one outside.

Ye Shikai felt faintly that Doris had run away, leaving him an empty building alone, which made Ye Shikai not expect that he thought Doris was a divine master and hadn't started fighting yet, so he ran away ...

But having said that, if Doris really ran away, wouldn't they really have come in vain, and they had lost so many people, so it was impossible to become a "demolition team".

"Damn it, coward, I'm going to blow up the Sea Palace." Wang Kai scolded angrily.

"Don't be excited, the situation is still uncertain, and I don't know where Doris is." Ye Shikai walked forward slowly, reaching for the gate of the Neptune Palace. It was strange, if it was really running, how could it be Will close the door tightly.

Boom, boom, boom.

At this time, Ye Shikai suddenly heard a sound of footsteps inside. The sound was very mixed, indicating a large number, but the sound of the footsteps was very heavy. Every step, even the ground seemed to tremble. This is not like the footsteps of human beings. Yes……

"not good."

Ye Shikai stepped back sharply and jumped straight down.

"What's the matter." Ji Qian asked quickly.

"There are monsters inside, all the firepower, aim at the gate." Ye Shikai shouted.


The door of the Neptune Palace was opened before Ji Qian's response, to be precise, it should have been "fried" directly.


"What it is."

"It's a monster."


Ye Shikai's face was dignified and he hadn't waited for the crowd's reaction. A dozen monsters had rushed out of the gate and swooped towards the crowd.

"Everyone, fire."

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