Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1882: Play against

The mercenary with a firearm immediately raised his weapon and fired a fire at the door, but the skin of these mutants was like the heavy armor of the armored car. The bullet hit the top. At best, the skin was scratched and could not be directly killed, and these The mutants were rushed out directly, and the people did not respond at all.

"How could this happen." Ye Shikai never imagined that there are so many variants in the Neptune Palace. How could the products of these HST projects appear in the Neptune Palace in South America.

"Protect Miss." Chen Ligong led Bai Wujun in front of Ji Qian. Although there were thousands of people on the scene, these mutants surged up like a tide, hundreds of them, and they were all fearless. In addition to the appearance of this half-human and half-beast, some uncultivated practitioners panicked at once.

"Prepare for the battle." Although Ye Shikai didn't know what was going on, these mutants were close at hand, and retreat was already impossible. If the retreat was ordered and so many people were present, they would be chased and run by monsters. It may turn into a startled bird, and then it will not retreat, but defeat ...

The only way is to face the face-to-face battle, and must use the most powerful strength to kill all these mutants.


The three ghosts are not present. Wang Kai will naturally pick up the girders. He led the members of the Temple of War and rushed up first. Ye Shikai followed him with the dark guard. The remaining practitioners also stepped forward. Fight against mutants.


The hawk moth flies in the sky and dives downward from the air. The wings with a length of several meters are like two sharp knives. Some people can't dodge and they are cut off their arms directly.

"What the **** are these monsters?"

"Run quickly, they won't be killed at all."

Many people are frightened by the "appearance" and horror strength of the mutants. Seeing that the situation is not good, they are already planning to slip away.


More than a dozen bull head mutants rushed towards the team. Like a tank, they were unstoppable. The team of thousands of people was instantly torn open and divided into two parts.

"Run quickly."

"Run fast, life is important."

"Boss, it's not good, some people have escaped, and if we go on like this, we will be defeated." Soul Destroyer rushed to Laihui to report.

"You lead people to stop them. Anyone who dares to escape without permission will be beheaded." Ye Shikai ordered.


"The survivor enters, the retreat dies, and everyone comes with me." Ye Shikai ordered him to be firmly on the front line. With a sword and a knife, he had killed a dozen mutants. These mutants It is the result of the HST project. It ’s infinitely powerful. With its huge size and hard shell protection, it is difficult for even a cultivator to contend. Hundreds of mutants rushed out of the Neptune Palace, just like the same Thousands of people in the Three Palaces were scattered in a short time before the death team.

"Qian, are you okay?" Ye Shikai beheaded all the way and came to Ji Qian, but at this time, Baiwujun and Yuewei also died a lot of people.

"Relax, I'm okay, I can't fight this way anymore, the manpower on the left has already begun to decay." Ji Qian persuaded.

"Okay, you immediately retreat with the big team, I'll break it."


"Okay, you don't need to say more. I know the strength of these mutants best. Other than me, others can't stop it." Ye Shikai continued. "You and Elder Chen, with Baiwujun leading everyone Withdraw, hurry up. "

"it is good."

"Soul extermination, you also lead the team to retreat, Pharaoh, we stay and break."

"it is good."

"it is good."

After two hours.

"Lao Ye, those mutants have retreated." Wang Kai walked slowly to Ye Shikai, the battle had ended ten minutes ago, everyone was exhausted, Ye Shikai and Wang Kai led the elite of the Hades and the Temple of War After the break, the loss was heavy, but more than 200 mutants were killed. In the end, the residual mutants voluntarily retreated. Ye Shikai did not expect that these monsters even knew how to retreat. He always thought that these monsters would only die in battle, but this is also the case. Good thing, their losses are too great, and they have no spare time to pursue them.

"Okay." Ye Shikai has been exhausted and exhausted. There is no effort to say more. From the current situation, Doris must be linked to the organization behind HST to get so many mutants. Here, Ye Shikai really regrets why he did not eradicate his roots in Hong Kong City at that time. This group of people will continue to make mutants when they go abroad. For example, today, hundreds of mutants make it difficult for thousands of practitioners to parry. There are thousands of mutants out there, so who else can stop them?

"Lao Ye, what the **** are these monsters, so strong ~ ~ Wang Kai was covered with blood from monsters. He tore a piece of cloth from the clothes of the cultivator's body on the ground and wiped it hard. The God of War, even in the face of unknown monsters, is not afraid at all. He is hard at work, and this time he has killed more than 20 mutants.

"The HST project is to develop a potion that can transform people into mutants, half-humans and half-beasts, with strong strength, at least equivalent to the strength of the distraction period. I have played against me many times before, although I have won, But the principal behind the scene was able to escape every time. This was the case last time in Hong Kong City. Counting it, it has been several months. I did n’t expect this time to appear in the Palace of the Sea King. I did n’t even think that Doris was even with this. The guys are colluding together. "

"It's normal. The woman was insidious and cunning, and she used everything. To defeat us, she could use any means." Wang Kai said indignantly.

"How many people have we lost this time." Ye Shikai looked at the corpses all over the place and couldn't help but feel a bit chilly. With so many mutants, there were thousands of dead people.

"There may be more than a thousand bars. If it were not for you to let Luna and Soul Extinction lead the retreat in advance, I am afraid that more people will be lost. In addition, if it was really defeated just now, then we will be miserable." Wang Kai sighed.

"Okay, no matter what, we won this time, Lao Ye, we send a signal to let Luna lead the big army back."

"Good." Ye Shikai nodded.

Ye Shikai looked at the distance. The remaining mutants had fled into the woods. They were all half-humans and half-beasts. When they entered the woods, it was impossible to catch them like fish and water. In addition, he was also curious. These mutants should have no thinking skills. Yes, but how did it retreat this time? Is it possible that the HST project has developed mutants with their own consciousness, or that someone is manipulating them in some way from a distance.

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