Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1883: Iceberg

After half an hour.

"What the **** are these monsters."

"Yeah, so terrible, is it a beast or a human."

"It must be the ace left by Doris. These monsters are so terrible. We are all humans. How can we win."

Ji Qian led the large army back to the entrance of the Neptune Palace. This time they lost more than 1,000 people, most of whom were from the organizations of the League. Although they won, they were also terrible, and the three palaces were seriously injured. The following people are all talking. After this battle, their morale fell to the extreme, and some people even planned to quit.

"How are you, are you okay." Ji Qian greeted with concern.

"Relax, I'm okay." Ye Shikai waved his hand. This time it was only hundreds of mutants, which made it difficult for them to parry. If there were more than a thousand, even if it was only five hundred, I'm afraid Ye Shikai would have a headache.

"This time I did not expect the mutant to appear here, it was my fault." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"This is not to blame you. No one knows that Doris was colluding with the HST project. These monsters were obviously sent to the Neptune Palace. They were waiting for us to come over, and then they were all released.

"What should we do next." Ji Qian asked, which also caused Ye Shikai a headache. Doris did not get rid of it, and looked at the situation, it should have been run away. He can only hope for ghosts, nightmares and demons. Ji Ji, I hope they will gain something in advance. If they do n’t, then he does n’t know what to do. If they continue to pursue, there may be attacks by mutants, but if they leave like this, then they will be in vain. By the way, I have lost so many people in vain.

"I do not know either."

Twenty minutes later.

"Sir, we are back." At this time, the three nightmares also led the team back. They looked disgraced and should have experienced a war. So speculated that they should have fought against Doris.

"How is the situation?" Ye Shikai asked immediately.

"Sir, we didn't stop Doris." Nightmare suddenly knelt in front of him and bowed his head.

"What the **** is going on." Ye Shikai was a bit lost, but he also expected that no matter what, they had done their best in the nightmare. , And a foolproof escape.

"We ambushed in the back road of the Neptune Palace according to the order of the adults, and we did meet Doris, but ..."

"It's just nothing."

"There are many mutants around her. These mutants are strong. We tried to intercept, but in the end let Doris escape."

"Sure enough." Ye Shikai waved his hand, and there were mutants beside him. Even if the nightmare ghost Moji joined forces, there would be no chance of winning, let alone interception. Doris will not fight. Once there is a gap, she will It was nothing but a nightmare to escape while chaotic. Beforehand, no one expected a mutant person to join the war.

"It seems that these mutants already have their own thinking and have a very high degree of obedience, or that someone controls them from a distance. Either way, it means that the HST project has made a breakthrough. Those monsters If you know how to receive orders and how to execute them, then you really are a legion. "Ye Shikai looked dignified. Not only he but the people in the three temples understood what this meant. With this legion in hand, the entire underground world I am afraid that the pattern will be subverted, and even the pattern of the twelve main gods will be broken.

After all, an army of thousands or even thousands of mutants is unstoppable in the entire underground world. Even if they are blocked, they can be manufactured in batches with potions, thousands, tens of thousands, as long as there are enough People, they can create an army of mutants like a pipeline, and the cultivator will die one less, and if you want to cultivate a master of distraction, it will take at least 15 years or more on average ... …

"Okay, you have worked hard, hurry up, hurry up and send the injured brother for treatment without delay." Ye Shikai asked.



"Asshole." Ye Shikai was so depressed in his heart that he suddenly cursed loudly that he was fed up. This time he came to South America and died so many people. If he let Doris run away, he would not be reconciled, everyone in the three halls Will not be reconciled.



"Pass my order and chase it immediately." Ye Shikai continued. "Now I can pant. I will chase them all. After chasing Doris, I will report immediately, and then kill them all. One will not stay."



"Boss, if you find mutants ~ ~ report to me immediately, these **** can send so many mutants, indicating that they have their base in South America. This time, we will cut the grass and remove the roots. In addition, Let the worm send a message in the underground world, Doris has defeated, but used despicable means, and even hesitated to release mutants, called on everyone in the underground world to come to South America to help me hunt her down, and be able to take Doris's life, reward 20 100 million yuan. In addition, there is also the position of the sea king, who killed Doris, who is the next sea king, all three halls will be regarded as allies. "

"Yes, I'll go right away." The ghost nodded. Ye Shikai would do so, and he would definitely attract more cultivators to join in to supplement their lost manpower. In addition, he would put Doris on the opposite side of the entire underground world. , Let her become a cross-street mouse, everyone shouted, as long as anyone found out, the three halls knew where she was, leaving her nowhere to escape.

"In addition, you immediately notify Tianjing and tell them what happened to us here. Mutating people's affairs is also a threat to China. He will also participate in it. This is a big battle. We must bring all the forces that can be drawn together. bring it here."

"it is good."

"You calm down." Qian Qian persuaded.

"How do you calm me down? They even use mutants. If you don't kill them this time, the killed person will be us sooner or later. This time we must kill them." Ye Shikai shouted loudly.

"Qian, you quickly leave Baiwujun and go back to Huaxia. Don't blend in again." Ye Shikai continued.

"No, I won't leave." Ji Qian said firmly.

"When such a big thing happened, I will tell Senior Ji personally that you will have to go back if you don't want to go back." Ye Shikai was also determined to let Ji Qian go back. The hundreds of mutants this time are probably just the tip of the iceberg , He suspected that the real crisis was still behind.

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