Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 827: There is an order from the Lord

"If I were willing to come back, then I wouldn't have fled from the lab." The exorcist said coldly, "Today, I am here to avenge, you are the source of sin."

"Trust a **** and pretend to be a ghost in front of me." Poison Ji took out a dagger around her waist and stood in front of Mr. Xing, coldly.

"In the name of the Lord, to wash away sins, I can give you a chance to make atonement." The exorcist slowly walked over. "Otherwise, that is death."

"Haha, funny." Boss Xing suddenly laughed and patted his palm. "Ade, you are just a failed test in the laboratory, and you dare not speak up here."

"If you don't take drugs again tomorrow, then you won't have to wait for the National Security Bureau to arrest you, you will not survive the day after tomorrow, even if you kill me, you will not get the antidote."

"I know that all the antidote is stored on you, so today, either you give me the antidote, or all go together." The exorcist said coldly, this is his ultimatum.

"Haha, Ad, you still think about it, I can also give you a chance. If you trust me now, I guarantee your life safety, and I can recommend you before the Lord. At that time, money, power, you Everything is required. "Boss Xing didn't do it directly, it seemed to be a little daunted, but the exorcist had no compromise on his" compromise ".

"If I really trust in you, I'm afraid I can't even survive tonight." The exorcist, it should be said that Ade, stretched his hands, each holding a sword, there is a faint tendency to shoot.

"Since you are going to drink alcohol, you're to blame me." Boss Xing saw that Ade had no "appreciation", and suddenly smiled and patted his palm. "Don't worry, come and see your good friend first."

With the applause, the doors of Mr. Xing's side slowly opened. In the darkness, several dark shadows came out, red eyes, sharp claws, a pair of wings behind him, and a furry chest. The shell shell, the most frightening, is the head, completely dehumanized.


Full of four hawk-moth people.

The four Sphingoids walked slowly to the boss Xing. It seemed that Ade was shocked by this scene. Unexpectedly, he resolved the guards outside, but in this room, there were still four Sphingoids.

"Well, it's not bad to see your" kind "." Boss Xing laughed. Although the mixed genes are different, in the final analysis, you are all human beings, beasts and beasts. You want to live again. Living in a normal person is simply a dream.

"Abominable." The exorcist showed a rare anger, yelled, the clothes on his body suddenly split two openings, two arms extended, four hands and four swords, really like the "three heads and six arms" in the mythical novel .

"Come on, kill him." Boss Xing commanded coldly, and the four moths screamed sharply, then rushed out, and the exorcist waved a long sword to meet him. The moth was huge and full. Two or three meters tall, four Sphingoids surrounded the exorcist as if four adults were bullying a child.

Even Ye Shikai, it is difficult to persist under the encirclement of four Sphingoids. I thought that the exorcist would be quickly repelled, but the facts seemed to exceed the expectation of the boss Xing. The exorcist's four arms seemed to have Their own thinking, orderly parry, seems to be very skillful. Although the Sphingos are huge and powerful, they have no internal strength, and the internal strength of the exorcist is deep. If you say, the reason why Ye Shikai has difficulty parsing the four Sphingoids is " Two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands ", then the exorcist has no such scruples, and the four hands are exactly against the four Sphingoids.

"Master, the moth man ... doesn't seem to be able to subdue Ade." Poison Ji looked away with a worried look on his face.

"Haha, this can prove that our follow-up research is valuable. The parasite's potion is too overbearing and makes the original internal force of the human body unusable. This potion is just a group of brute force monsters. And the new medicament injected by Ade is what we need, but he is a failed product. "Boss Xing said lightly" Although he is a failed product, it has great research value. With him, a new generation of medicament Improving soon, we must capture him. "

"Yes, master."

The Mothman gradually began to become violent. The rough skin and thick body combined with the unbreakable shell armor. Although the exorcist had four hands, he could only parry and not defeat them.

After more than a hundred rounds, the exorcist began to turn to the downside. Boss Xing was right that the exorcist was a failed product, more specifically, a defective product. Once the internal force is excessively used, the physical strength will drop rapidly, and the four hands will also Began fatigue.

The exorcist turned sideways, dodging the attack of the scorpion, and then slashed **** the ground. The wooden floor immediately turned into two halves, lifting a large wood chip. For a time, the entire living room was lifted up. The sawdust, the exorcist found the right time, and rushed towards the second floor boss Xing.

"Master is careful." Du Ji immediately rushed forward, stabbed a dagger towards the exorcist's neck, but he avoided it, turned to a sword to stab, and was also flashed away by Du Ji ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ back down. Boss Xing rushed over, concentrated his internal forces in his hands, and slapped his palm on the exorcist's chest.

"Haha, Ad, don't you understand it? We created you. Do you think you can win us in turn?" Xing Boss made a combination of punches, and he was a powerful exorcist just now. Defeated.

"So powerful internal force." The exorcist's face was dignified. Compared with when he escaped, boss Xing's heart seemed to be stronger, but why, within such a short period of time, the internal force rose greatly.

"Are you going to continue your resistance?"

The exorcist snorted coldly, glanced at the side of the wall, and threw a sword vigorously. The entire wall was instantly punched out of a large hole, and the exorcist rushed towards the opening.

"I still want to escape, hum, chase me." Boss Xing immediately ordered, the four Sphingoids vibrated their wings and flew out of the big hole, followed by Boss Xing and Du Ji.

ten minutes later.

"Ade, you can't run away. If you don't fall, you are dead." The four Spurs, surrounded the exorcist, and the exorcist panted, and the situation did not look good.

"Master, the master is behind." At this time, Du Ji suddenly said, Boss Xing turned his head, and a black BMW stopped suddenly on the road.

"Hurry up to meet Lord, I'm here to deal with Ad."

"Yes, master." Du Ji hurried to the BMW car, the windows slowly lowered, but the sky was too dark to see the face inside.

"Master." After half a minute, Du Ji ran back again.

"What's wrong?" Boss Xing asked curiously.

"The Lord has an order. If he doesn't surrender, kill him on the spot."

"That being the case, Adelaide, your death is tonight." As soon as Boss Xing moved, the four Moths rushed together.

End of this chapter

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