Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 828: Zhang Ting was injured

After receiving the order from the Lord, Xing Boss had three more points of intention to kill, and the front palm greeted him. He was also copied from the four breads. The exorcist did not fight hard, and quickly flashed to the side. Boss Xing That's right, he is an "experimental defective product". The effect of the medicament is not satisfactory. The danger of launching the four arms is already fatal, let alone to fight with so many people and consume it. He It's really going to die.

"I still want to hide." Boss Xing turned around, flashing a bit of wickedness in his eyes, and rushed up again. At this time, from a BMW car on the side, he suddenly shot a beam of light and flew over very quickly, straight in the drive. The speed of the demon's chest was so fast that almost everyone did not respond, including the exorcist. The whole person flew out like a disconnected kite, spitting blood in his mouth.

"Ahem ... good internal force." The exorcist slowly stood up, the blood flowing from his mouth had stained his shirt, he was shocked by the internal force of the "master" on the car, condensed the internal force into a beam, and Hitting it at a very fast speed. In one move, the Exorcist was seriously injured. This requires a strong internal force. At least the mid-level masters can do it. From the perspective of the posture, the opponent has not used all their strength. That is at least a master in the late parting period. You must know that the boss in front of Xing, that is, the strength in the late period, is not even in the parting period.

Who in the world has such a powerful internal force, we must know that the masters of the fit period are rare and peerless, that is to say, the distraction period is already the highest level of cultivation that the exorcist has seen, and the late distraction, I am afraid The strongest master he has ever seen.

After such a move, it really hurt his muscles. The exorcist faintly felt that the other party still had spare hands, otherwise he may be dead now.

The intention is that others do n’t know, the exorcists know best, they still hope to catch it for further research on the HST project.

As soon as I thought about it, the exorcist had to go all out to escape, but when he looked up, both Xing Boss and the Sky Moth had followed.

"Stop all, don't move, raise your hands." At this time, a sudden noise sounded, and everyone turned back sharply. A policewoman was holding a pistol at them. It was dark and they couldn't see clearly. But if Ye Shikai is here, she must be surprised to recognize that this policewoman is Zhang Ting.

After eating supper, Zhang Ting patrolled nearby. When she saw a call here, she came over and looked at it. The lights were very dim, she raised her pistol, and looked away. She thought that some strong men were bullying a young man. If she knew, It wasn't the brawny man in front of it, but the creepy monster, not what it would look like.

"Police, all are not allowed to move." Zhang Ting took the pistol, approached slowly, took out the police flashlight that he carried from his waist, opened it, and looked at her with four pairs of red eyes and she was frightened. As soon as her body trembled, the flashlight fell directly to the ground. If it was not her guts as a police officer, she would have been fainted. She has n’t seen the larva, but she has heard Ye Shikai describe it in detail. Human respect, and now, there are still four, look aside, a man with four hands, what kind of monster are these.

"Damn." Boss Xing rushed out, and went to Zhang Ting in the blink of an eye, and cut a hand knife on her neck, and then took out a dagger, trying to kill Zhang Ting, and she saw that What should be seen must die.

"Master wait." Suddenly, Du Ji suddenly ran over and said in a hurry.

"what happened."

"Order from the Lord, don't kill this policeman."

"What." Boss Xing was a little surprised, why the master would let Zhang Ting go, but he didn't ask much. As a subordinate, the most taboo is to guess the mind of the superior.

"What about the Ade people." At this time, the boss Xing was surprised to find that the exorcist had disappeared in situ, but the scorpion people looked at each other and were at a loss, their IQ was not high. If the boss Xing had not ordered them, they would have Will not consciously stop the exorcist.

"It's a waste." Boss Xing turned around and scolded fiercely, turning his head to stare at the unconscious Zhang Ting. If it wasn't for this "Cheng biting gold", the exorcist would have been arrested long ago.


Yanjing Hospital.

"Doctor, how is she?" Ye Shikai sat outside the ward, and when the doctor stepped out of it, he immediately greeted him.

"The patient was stunned and had a slight concussion, but it seems that he should be strongly frightened, and it is no problem to rest well." The doctor said lightly.

"Okay, thank you doctor." Ye Shikai walked in after speaking, and Zhang Ting just woke up.

"Are you okay ~ ~ Ye Shikai is sitting next to the bed, and Zhang Ting still has a terrified expression on his face. It looks like something terrible happened last night. Last night, the patrolling police found it in the grass. Zhang Ting, who was in a coma, called the National Security Bureau the first time. Ye Shikai heard the news. First, she was stunned, and then she was full of worries. Who was the one who knocked Zhang Ting out? Is it a demon, Zhang Ting? Although she is an ordinary person, she is a special police officer after all. She has a good skill. Three or five big men can't get in at all. She can beat her so easily, she is definitely a master.

"It's okay." Zhang Ting took a deep breath and said lightly, worthy of being a special police officer, his mental quality is really good. If it is an ordinary little girl, I'm afraid that the moment I see the Sky Moth person, I'm already frightened.

"What happened, you just passed out in the grass." Ye Shikai was curious and worried.

"I saw ... Sphingus." Zhang Ting spoke with fear that could not be concealed. Ye Shikai was even more confused. Sphingery, he and Tianjing had recently investigated Sphingoids, and this was it. At that time, Zhang Ting also met the Sky Moth, was it just a coincidence?

"There is also a man with four arms." Zhang Ting muttered, Ye Shikai's face was surprised, but slowly solidified ...

"Maybe I read it wrong." Zhang Ting thought that the "four arms" was too ridiculous, and was shocked by Ye Shikai, so she quickly changed her mouth, but she didn't know that that was the exorcist Ye Shikai had been looking for.

After being shocked, Ye Shikai couldn't help secretly rejoicing in his heart. It seemed that this was a clue. There was a relationship between the Mothman and the exorcist.

"Yes, I also saw ... Boss Xing."

"What." Ye Shikai was even more surprised at this moment. The three people in Yanjing he wanted to catch most, Xing Boss, Sky Moth, and Exorcist, were all there.

End of this chapter

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