Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 884: Dongfang Lian

Speaking of, it is a dream that almost all male classmates can meet a super-beautiful teacher. It is often mentioned in online paragraphs that if my class teacher is so beautiful, then I will not be able to skip class again. Ye Shikai is not A vulgar person who looks at people by appearance may be a vase if they are beautiful. The root of that paragraph is still the plain truth. Beautiful people are easy to catch others' eyes, especially the opposite sex.

Ye Shikai's former teacher was a middle-aged woman in her fifties, but she was "kindhearted". When she skipped class, she would not be punished severely, and at most she wrote a review.

"Hey, smelly brother-in-law, what are you looking at in color?" Suddenly, a sound of resentment sounded in Ye Shikai's ears, and suddenly he was brought back to his head. Turning around, Su Ziqing was staring fiercely. It seemed to him that Ye Shikai looked at beautiful women.

"Huh, you can't walk when you see a beautiful woman." Su Ziqing gave a hard push around Ye Shikai's waist. Su Ziqing was Su Qingyu's sister. Ye Shikai stared at a beautiful woman like this, of course, she would not be happy.

"Oh, sorry, mainly ... your teacher looks like ... very special." Ye Shikai said embarrassingly, indeed, when she saw her for the first time, Ye Shikai couldn't help "infatuated", it was strange, Doesn't he have any resistance to beauties now?

"Yo, uncle, you also have to bow down under the pomegranate skirt of Teacher Dongfang." Han Ruoyao teased.


"The one you see is our teacher, called Dongfang Lian. He is twenty-four years old this year, but he is already a PhD and was just transferred to our school soon." Han Ruoya explained to Ye Shikai.

"You know so clearly."

"That is of course. When Teacher Dongfang came, it caused an uproar in the whole school. I don't know how many male students know this." Han Ruoya said with a smile. "It seems that the uncle is also a hero and sad beauty."

"Kee, classmate Han, classmate Su, and ... this ..." At this time, Dongfang Lian came over with a loudspeaker. When her eyes fell on Ye Shikai, she suddenly stopped, and she and Ye Shikai did not know before, and naturally did not know his name.

"Ye Shikai, my brother-in-law." Su Ziqing quickly introduced.

"Oh, it's Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I forgot my name." Dongfang Lian said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, I also accompanied Qingqing, and I hope the teacher will take care of her a lot." Ye Shikai also responded.

"Since everyone is here, let's get on the bus as soon as possible." Dongfang Lian pointed at the bus and said.

"Okay, let's go now." Ye Shikai helped the two women put the luggage tent in the storage layer under the bus, and the three of them got into the car one by one.

Most of the participants were students of Yanjing University. To be honest, Ye Shikai was very envious of them. After all, they were admitted to the so-called "first college". After coming out, they will have a higher level of comparison with the freshmen in the country. For more competitiveness, the most important thing is that college life is a wonderful memory. Unfortunately, for various reasons, Ye Shikai does not have this memory ...

Ye Shikai took a seat and sat down, and the two women began to argue about an issue.

Because the buses are connected by two seats, and then there is a corridor in the middle, both women want to sit next to Ye Shikai, but ... there is only one seat.

"Get out of here. I want to sit next to the uncle."

"Yao Yaoyao, you give me up, this is my brother-in-law." The two women began to argue, Ye Shikai hurried forward to dissuade them, but they are all classmates and teachers. Noisy here, that's OK, Yenching University The two schools are jealous of a man fighting for the wind, this is not a mess.

"Well, don't quarrel anymore."

"Well, don't quarrel anymore."

At this time, two voices, a man and a woman, sounded at the same time, one was Ye Shikai's voice, and the other was Dongfang's voice.

The whole car was silent.

The two glanced at each other, instantly embarrassed, and they really spoke in unison.

"Qingqing, Yaoyao, you are too much." Ye Shikai was very embarrassed. Looking at the strange look around her classmates, she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. Now the classmates are gossip and easy to think about.

In the end, at the request of Ye Shikai, Su Ziqing was still sitting next to him, but he and Han Ruoya only separated the middle aisle, and they could reach out by reaching out.

"Brother-in-law, look there." Suddenly, Su Ziqing patted Ye Shikai's shoulder and pointed at the seat next to Han Ruoyao.

"How about, brother-in-law, should I talk to Teacher Dongfang, and let me change seats with her. I'll sit next to Yaoyao, and let Teacher Dongfang sit next to you." Su Ziqing looked sly, as if she was trying to seduce Ye Shikai, right It is clear that it is temptation.

"Then your sister is afraid that I will not be allowed to enter even the door of the room ~ ~ Ye Shikai puts on the headphones and intends to spend the boring time on the car.

The car traveled to the suburbs, and the journey was over halfway. If the suburbs were to go outside, it would be camping mountain.


Suddenly, the car suddenly stopped. The students in the car fell forward because of inertia. Dongfang Li quickly stood up and asked the driver, "What happened and how did I stop?"

"Someone is coming forward."

Ye Shikai raised his head. There were dozens of men, dozens of men in front of the car, holding steel bars or something in their hands, blocking the road with a wooden frame.

Bang, bang, bang.

Suddenly, several men came over and knocked at the car with the steel bars.

"The toll was paid." The leading man yelled, and others yelled beside him. At this time, the classmates in the car also noticed abnormalities and looked at the crowd outside.

"What's going on." Seeing these fierce men and men holding steel bars, Dongfang pity a twenty-four-year-old girl inevitably a little scared.

"It should be some unemployed nearby people. This place is remote, so it threatens to pass tolls on passing vehicles." Ye Shikai said lightly. In the final analysis, these behaviors are like the former bandits and bandits. These people are in groups of three, holding steel rods. Intimidation, forcibly charging fees, and past vehicle drivers are also afraid of getting in trouble, so they think they are unlucky.

"What, how can there be such a person." Dongfang Li asked the driver to open the door and rushed straight down.

"Hey, why are you so unreasonable, why should we collect our money?" Dongfang Lian shouted to a group of "hooligans" with black-rimmed glasses.

"No, let's get out of the car and help the teacher." The male student in the car shouted loudly. Those hooligans are not law-abiding citizens, and Dongfang Qing gets out of the car like this.

End of this chapter

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