Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 885: Beat the gangster

Recommendation: Witch Doctor Awakens https: //


"Yo, where's the wild girl? It's a bad temper." A bunch of hooligans were surprised for a while, but it turned out to be a big beauty.

Dongfang Lian has never seen such a scene. A teacher teacher who came out of the ivory tower has not seen the bottom darkness in society. When a hooligan came forward and wanted to make fun, he couldn't help taking a few steps back, his face A look of fear was revealed.

"This woman is quite pretty." A lot of hooligans shouted. These people rarely see women in the city, naturally seeing "Dongfang Lian".

"Asshole, get away from me." The male students in the car were kind and rushed down. I saw my teacher was bullied by a hooligan. Who could swallow this evil spirit, but the number of other people was obviously larger, and both The students were still students after they were holding steel bars. If they fight, they will suffer. At this time, Ye Shikai and the two women saw the situation and walked down from the car.

"A group of little hair boys, give money away, otherwise don't blame us for doing it." A hooligan threatened, male students are also young guys, being intimidated for no reason, how can they willingly yield, but this is not Yanjing University, but It's outside a wilderness where birds don't **** ...

"Uncle, or I'll call the police." At this time, Yaoyao told Ye Shikai that her father Han Jiang was the chief of the Yanjing Police Force and was specifically dealing with these hooligans. When they met such a few hairy thieves, the efficiency was high However, this is a suburb after all, even if the special police are here, it will take some time.

"You send a text message to your dad first," Ye Shikai said lightly. Before that, he still had to show it.

"It's okay to have no money. Leave her ...". A hooligan's gaze slowly fell on Dong Fang Lian, a group of **** who wanted to rob the rich.

Dongfang Lian was obviously scared by the hooligan. He couldn't help taking a few steps back. Several male classmates kept her behind. Even if they were afraid, those male classmates didn't back up. After all, the goddess teacher in his heart was behind him. It must stand up when it collapses.

"Get out of the way, or we'll call the police." A male student tried to scare them with the alarm. The gangsters listened. Not only were they not afraid, they laughed out loud and arrogant. Fighting, they are all a bunch of foolish people. If Luo Shiqi is here, it is Li Gui who meets Li Yan, and the little witch sees the big witch.

"Haha, stinky boy, if we are afraid of the police, we still do this, let me tell you the truth, you are gone here, and the people outside do not know." As soon as the rogue voice fell, he rushed straight up and thought To catch the pity of the east.

"Classmates, protect the teacher." When everyone saw this, they rushed up, and even pushed the hooligan back, but this annoyed them, twenty or thirty people rushed up, and each was holding a weapon in hand. The students here will be injured.

Bang, bang, bang.

For a moment, everyone's iron bars suddenly broke into two, and everyone only felt a shadow flashing, and then the weapons in their hands were scrapped.

"Illegal offenders dare to be so arrogant." Ye Shikai's figure appeared in front of the group, with a fast speed, like an instantaneous movement.

"Who are you again?" The hooligan froze, looking at only half of the iron rods in his hands, and looked at Ye Shikai in confusion. This is an iron rod, and twenty or thirty, how could it suddenly break off? .

"Is this important, but the point is, if you don't leave, you will immediately be like this iron rod."

"Student Su, let your brother-in-law come back soon, he will be hurt." Dongfang Lian quickly held Su Ziqing's hand and said.

"Relax, teacher, my brother-in-law is a big hero."

"Shit, I think you're looking for death." A rumbling shouted, how could twenty or thirty people be scared by such a person, holding a steel rod and waving directly, Ye Shikai slowly reached out his hand, accurately Clasped the man's wrist.

"Ah." The stun screamed like a pig the next second, and Ye Shikai broke the stunned wrist with internal force, but it was deep into the bone marrow, and the pain was deep inside.

"Go." Ye Shikai pushed hard, pushing the man directly to the ground.

"Brother, are you okay."

"Give me, kill him." The roar shouted loudly, and his arm hurt so much that he lost consciousness. What Ye Shikai hated the most was these bully and stubborn hooligans, who wanted to do something to the students and teachers.

"Come on then." Ye Shikai moved his body and punched directly into the face of a person. This punch directly interrupted the bridge of his nose, and his nosebleeds instantly.

"Who's next." Ye Shikai's gaze fixed, as if the beast saw the prey, making people shudder, killing Yihan accidentally, everyone seemed to see a **** of killing.

If Ye Shikai is really playing, none of these people can survive, and killing an ordinary person to a practitioner of this level is really like killing an ant.

Although it is impossible to kill, it is hard to escape living crimes. These people are here, and I am afraid that they have hurt many pedestrians. Today, he will learn a good lesson.

Ye Shikai looks like a charm, making the whole car stunned. Is this still human? ~ It's so fast that you can't see the figure, but you can only see one hooligan being blown off and falling to the ground.

"Police, don't move." At this time, several police cars drove from a distance, and the special police with live ammunition rushed down. The size of the twenty or thirty people was not small, and Han Ruoyao called the police. The special police and civilian police quickly rushed over .

"Stop all." The police officers were frightened by the sight in front of them. All twenty or thirty people groaned on the ground, but they were subdued for safety.

"Who are you?" A special police officer looked at Ye Shikai and thought they were a group. Ye Shikai didn't say much. He took out a document from his pocket and passed it. The special policeman took a look. I returned the document immediately and saluted him.

"Major Ye."

"These people stopped our car and wanted to forcibly collect tolls. They also wanted to beat people. I was repelled." Ye Shikai said faintly. He has the status of an army instructor, a major major, and those who confuse and listen to him A major moved his hand and immediately faced death, which was a felony.

"Fortunately, the students were not injured. Rest assured, we will take them back."

"Check it out, I'm afraid these people have done this more than once." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Understood." The police escorted those gangsters into police cars. The students all applauded and Ye Shikai suddenly became the focus of everyone.

"Thank you. Without you, I really don't know what to do." Dongfang Lian came to Ye Shikai and thanked him.

"You too, I didn't expect a weak woman to dare to rush up first." Ye Shikai smiled slightly and said lightly.

"I am a teacher, and of course I want to protect the students."

(End of this chapter)

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Recommendation: Witch Doctor Awakens https: // mobile read.

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