Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 938: Go up

"Haha, it's okay, let's go entertaining. Besides, I go to a friend's wedding in a foreign country by myself, and I feel a little uneasy. Spin # 罗 # 小说" Tang Yun blushed a little bit shyly, this Ye Shikai understands that many things are not convenient in a foreign country, and law and order cannot be guaranteed like Yan Jing. A woman, especially a **** and beautiful woman, is somewhat uneasy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was excited for a while, and it was a bit abrupt." Tang Yun instead realized that it was not right. Although she and Ye Shikai had a "fate", they did not meet very often, so they invited them directly to participate The wedding was a bit too direct and somewhat pretentious, and maybe Ye Shikai had other urgent matters at hand. Tang Yun bowed politely and apologized to Ye Shikai.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not because of this, mainly ... I do have some urgent matters at hand, I'm afraid ... there is no such world." Ye Shikai said apologetically.

"That way, that's okay, wait until after South America." Tang Yun didn't say anything, she understood Ye Shikai.

"I don't know how long it will take to wait for boarding." Ye Shikai looked at the closed gate and couldn't help complaining. The plane was delayed. Maybe it was a headache for many people. If I knew it, I should let the ghost prepare for Hades. Special plane.

"It should be fast, international flights will be like this, don't worry." Tang Yun also said aside, who had been a stewardess before, and should be familiar with these.

"Passengers, flights to South America are about to start registering ..." After half an hour, the voice of the broadcast finally came. Ye Shikai breathed a long sigh of relief and walked through the gate with his luggage. At this time, he Did not notice, in the seat not far away, there were a pair of eyes, watching him ...

Ye Shikai bought first class, while Tang Yun was in economy class. After boarding the plane, the two separated, thinking about the upcoming flight to South America, Ye Shikai's heart was filled with those things that killed the soul.

"Originally, her name is Bai Cui." Ye Shikai murmured, remembering the mysterious woman in black, and Devil's description of her was exactly the same as that on Ye Shikai's wedding day, even the figure and martial arts were similar. Would be wrong.

"Miss, your seat is over here."

"Okay, thank you." At this time, a beautiful figure slowly came over, sitting directly next to Ye Shikai, and looked up instinctively.

"This ... Qian, why are you here?" Ye Shikai was startled, not seeing that it was Ji Qian who came.

"Of course I can't rest assured. I thought about it and decided to go with you. I was worried that it would be too late. Fortunately, you made a mistake here and I took some measures to buy this first class ticket." Ji Qian said lightly.

"I let Selena protect the rain, and my moon guard, you should be assured now." Ji Qian seems to see Ye Shikai's thoughts, Yan Jing has a ghost in the trade, even Ji Qian It doesn't matter if you leave, Ye Shikai is mainly worried about Su Qingyu's safety, so Ji Qian keeps close personal guards to ensure foolproof.

"I didn't expect that I had just joined the beauties shortly after I left." Ji Qian seemed to be thinking of something, with a displeased expression, and was quite jealous in her tone.

"This ... you said just now." Ye Shikai was very embarrassed. Tang Yun and him were ordinary friends at best. Perhaps because of the many women around them, there was always an illusion .--

It is that once Ye Shikai meets with a certain woman secretly, it must be a matter of "feelings". This is a "black pot".

"Her name is Tang Yun. I met her on a plane trip. At that time, she was a stewardess. How about it? Now you are satisfied," Ye Shikai explained.

"Well, you are coming, why not tell me in advance, at least ... send a text message."

"A surprise for you."

"I think it's scary, but forget it, things in South America may be trickier than I thought. With your presence, I can rest assured." Ye Shikai said so, but she still hoped that Ji Qian could come, She has a fine mind and is very strong. No matter when it is, she can help Ye Shikai greatly.

"The ghost said that a woman named Bai Cui" has occupied "the base of the Hades. I want to see her true face." Ji Qian looks inevitable. She has the same idea as the ghost. This white Cui's path is unknown, his identity is unknown, how can he master the organizational power of the Hades, but Ye Shikai has another idea. The woman could have killed him at first, but she let it go. Objectively speaking, it should be It is also a friend and foe, bold use is not necessarily a bad thing.

"What do you think." Ji Qian suddenly glanced and fell on Ye Shikai.

"I think, wait until you talk, Soul Killer is still there, there should be nothing for the time being, I will postpone the operation of the Kam Kam Gang ~ ~ and wait until we arrive in South America."


South American airport.

Historically, when Pluto reaches a certain place, members of the Hades and the Dark Guard will be in charge of welcoming them, but this time they changed. Although the pomp was not large, they were all characters.

Soul Slayer and Magic Girl will of course come. They are now very "looking forward" to Ye Shikai's arrival, but what Ye Shikai didn't expect is that Bai Cui also came.

This "halfway line" woman dared to come directly to meet Ye Shikai.

It was still the face that was so tightly covered that she couldn't see her face, and even Ji Qian was shocked by her arrival. Wasn't she afraid Ye Shikai killed her directly, and Ji Qian was there, plus two Hell, almost no one can retreat in the joint kill of the four masters.

"This ... should be Bai Cui who has newly joined our Hades." Ye Shikai motioned to Ji Qian not to take any action. He wanted to see this mysterious woman first. Ye Shikai deliberately emphasized "new joining Hades" and wanted to ask Bai Cui emphasized that you are one of the Hades and must obey Hades's arrangement unconditionally.

Then, if you insist on not taking off your mask, you are blatantly defying Pluto ...

"Hello, Lord Pluto." Bai Cui reached out and motioned to shake hands with Ye Shikai. Of course, he would not refuse. Bai Cui did not use a voice changer. As soon as his voice came out, Ye Shikai recognized it, and of course the wedding. The mysterious female killer is the same. Sure enough, it is her.

"Bai Cui, have you seen me for the first time?" Ye Shikai asked casually on the way back.

"Haha, Lord Pluto is famous, I certainly have seen it, but the adult may not have seen me." Bai Cui replied unhurriedly.

"Oh, right, but I feel like we've met before and talked."

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