Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 939: Admit it

The King's Wife of the Personal Soldier, the first volume of Chapter 939, admits "What, but I was flattered. I can't think of the dignified Lord Pluto even talking to me."

Ye Shikai really wanted to slap him in the past. What kind of garlic does he still wear? He thought he would change his identity when he changed his clothes. He almost ruined the wedding. This account hasn't been calculated yet.

"Bai Cui, why are you covered? Why can't you show it to me?" Ye Shikai spoke sharply and planned to let Bai Cui take off the veil. He had to take a good look at this woman.

"This ... my face was destroyed, it was scary, so I kept covering my face to prevent scaring others." Bai Cui found an excuse for "crime but practical", she dare to come directly to pick up people, so Explain that Ye Shikai is not afraid to ask this question. If he didn't guess wrong, under this woman's veil, he might still wear a mask, even if Ye Shikai unexpectedly took off the veil, he was also separated by the mask.

Man is a curious animal. The less he wants to let others know, the more he wants to know. He does n’t know now, but he still needs to know.

"Bai Cui, I heard that you have some conflicts with Soul Killer." Ye Shikai changed his angle. When Soul Killer heard this, his face changed, and it was really a shame.

"Really, maybe it's the wrong personality, but we've made up as before, isn't it, soul killer." Bai Cui turned his head and looked at soul killer through the veil.

"Yeah, we've ... reconciled."

"Since that's the case, it couldn't be better. It's getting late, let's hurry back to the base."

"Yes, boss."

"You're tired after taking this plane for a long time. You still need jet lag, and you'll take a break later." Ye Shikai held Ji Qian's hand and said softly.

"I'm okay." Ji Qian's complexion was a little pale, and she seemed to be a little uncomfortable. After flying for so long, she would be a bit tired, but Ji Qian is a practitioner, and she won't look too tired. It's the pile of broken things in the Hades, and winning Qi Qian's heart is a blessing in Ye Shikai's life, and it is also his most unfortunate thing.


South America, Hades.

Hey, hey, hey.

"Please come in." The door handle was slowly opened, and Ye Shikai slowly walked into Bai Cui's room. The pink eyes were like a little girl's room, but Ye Shikai's attention was not here.

"Master Pluto, it's you, the little girl is polite." At this time, Bai Cui came out of the bathroom and saw Ye Shikai, saluted slightly. After returning to the room, she still didn't take off the black gauze. But Ye Shikai was a little disappointed.

"Bai Cui, I should have met you before." Ye Shikai opened the door to see the mountain, but he still kept some, pretending that Bai Cui was the person who kidnapped Luo Shiqi on the wedding day.

"How come, Lord Pluto, you are distinguished, I am just a little person in the underground world, how can we have met each other?" Bai Cui still did not admit it, turned and arranged the clothes on the bed.

"Really, then you don't mind ... I'll take a look." As soon as the words fell, Ye Shikai hurriedly stretched out his palm, very fast, and when he was not ready, Ye Shikai was sure to catch it.

Between the flashes of light, Ye Shikai's hand has fallen on the black yarn in front of Bai Cui.

& nbs--

p; ??? caught.

Ye Shikai pulled it hard, and tore off the black yarn.

"Master Pluto, you ..." Bai Cui was speechless in shock by Ye Shikai's actions. Under the black veil, there was a gorgeous golden mask. Ye Shikai was a little lost for a while, but it was expected that this woman Save it.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"Why, as a Pluto, can't you look at you." Ye Shikai was a domineering and hue-like man. Of course, it was all he installed, and he wanted to stimulate Bai Cui.

"My looks are ugly, adults don't look at it." Bai Cui quickly turned his head to prevent Ye Shikai from seeing her, and was still protecting his mask in one hand, apparently afraid that Ye Shikai would remove the mask again.

"Really, but I think it's not bad, it doesn't seem to be destroyed at all." Ye Shikai stretched out his hand and pressed it directly on Bai Cui's shoulder. The gauze on his body was very thin. Down, exposed Bai Nen's incense shoulder, Ye Shikai was surprised by this "comfortable" touch, but still put his hands on her shoulders, he now wants to "play hooligan".

"Come, show me your face." Ye Shikai stretched out his other hand, pinching Bai Cui's chin, forcing her to look over. The two looked at each other. Ye Shikai saw Bai Cui through the golden mask. His eyes were trembling with bright eyes, and his face was scared, as if the expression of an innocent girl being seized, but under those scared eyes, there was a hint of slyness.

"Sir, don't do this." Bai Cui's pitiful appearance ~ ~ The body unexpectedly leaned back and lay directly on the bed, and the most important thing is, if you look from the side, Wan is like Ye Shikai pushing her to bed.

"Why, I'm going to watch it now." Ye Shikai looked arrogantly, slamming up, intending to take off Bai Cui's mask.

"Don't, save your life." Sure enough, at the last moment, Bai rolled swiftly to the side, dodging Ye Shikai's hand, and then stood tremblingly, with a look of fear.

"Okay, Bai Cui, don't act anymore. On the day of my wedding, kidnapped Luo Shiqi and seduced me out to save people. The latter is you, right." Ye Shikai climbed up from the bed without any obstacles, finishing Glancing at the collar, he stared sharply.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ... A full half minute passed, and Bai Cui didn't say anything.

"Ha ha."

"Mr. Ye, you didn't expect it, you already know it." Bai Cui sneered suddenly, mocking himself.

"You're like that, you admit it."

"Yes, I ruined your wedding," Bai Cui admitted generously.

"Since you came to Hades, I would first ask you why you want to join us." Ye Shikai took out a cigarette and smoked it. Although Bai Cui has admitted it, Ye Shikai did not directly act, and It was with her.

"Reasons, I won't tell you first."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry to listen. Since you don't say it, I don't have to ask." Ye Shikai said faintly, glanced, and turned to leave the room.

"Wait a second, why didn't you do it, I almost killed you then."

"I remember when you said that someone told you not to kill me." Ye Shikai said lightly, and suddenly said with a mockery, "Speaking of it, you still wanted to extract my teeth."

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