Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 952: Before leaving

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it. I don't even know her appearance till now. This woman doesn't even seem to take off the mask. ☆" Ji Qian shook her head and sighed.

"What, you won't look at her ... take a shower."

"What are you talking about? Of course not." Ji Qian rolled her eyes. "That woman has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance. She did this before Destroying the Soul, but it was difficult."

"It turned out to be this way." Ye Shikai's face became dignified. "Speaking from this, Bai Cui still doesn't want us to know her identity."

"So ah, only you stupid person will leave her silly. She's better, and she won't reveal her noodles." After Ji Qian complained, her complexion returned to normal, and said seriously, "Since everything is now At the point where I am, I have no objection to her staying in the Hades, but she cannot return to Huaxia, so that even if he does damage, he will not hurt you. "

"There is no problem with this." Ye Shikai nodded and promised, allowing Bai Cui to stay abroad, he could order her without worrying about the harm she might cause after "reversing the water." At that time, as long as the ghost is "focused on" her, Will suffice.

To put it bluntly, Ye Shikai is a cherished talent. He feels that Bai Cui can still be controlled. Of course, Ye Shikai must make good use of Bai Cui within the scope of his control.

"In this way, the contradiction will be resolved." Ji Qian is also very satisfied with the result. In this way, the dispute between the two of them can be put to an end, but the woman is very "revengeful". Ji Qian still said to Ye Shikai just now Very "mindful", this night, she kept holding Ye Shikai's soft meat around her waist, and kicked him with her feet. As a result, she couldn't fall asleep.

The next day.

"What, you let me stay here," Bai Cui said in amazement, looking at Ye Shikai in front of her, she seemed to resist the decision.

"Yes, this is also the decision of Luna, why do you want to disobey." Ye Shikai said very heavily, in order to make Bai Cui feel Ye Shikai's firmness first, from the accent, he can be sure that Bai Cui is a A Chinese, so he also guessed that if Bai Cui was not allowed to return to China, she would be unwilling.

Therefore, Ye Shikai suddenly increased his tone to the level of "defying the order". As long as Bai Cui refused, it was against the command of Ye Shikai, the Pluto King. This gave them a reason to kick Bai Cui out of the Hades. Therefore, Bai In order not to leave a message, Cunning can only promise.

"Of course not, but ... why not let me go."

"Of course this is my consideration. You don't need to know, don't forget, now that you are a member of the Hades, you must obey unconditionally." Ye Shikai continued.

"Then if there is something urgent and the ghost approves, can I go to Huaxia."

"This is okay, but it must be approved." Ye Shikai nodded. If so, he could open it up.

"Well, then I agree, there is nothing to do in China anyway."

"Well, this is also your test period. If you pass the test period, I will not embarrass you."


"Boss, Lord Luna, take care when you return to Yanjing." Ghost said to the two at the South American airport.

"Of course, you should pay more attention to that white cunning." Ji Qian also ordered.

"Well, as long as she does something, I will definitely pay attention." Ghost nodded and said, "Surveilling a person, small things."

"There may be clues in the information Johnsen wants to find. The Kam Gang has been destroyed. Now Tony is in charge of the local underground world. You can go with him to find it." Ye Shikai said lightly. "The most important thing is that information. , Maybe, there are many secrets hidden in it. "

"Yes, boss."

On the flight back to Yanjing, Ye Shikai looked out of the window, and his mood was volatile. When he met Tang Yun for the first time, he was on the plane back to Yanjing, but at that time, Ye Shikai did n’t have any “miscellaneous thoughts” After living in Yanjing for a while, he has experienced so many things, and he has a lot of thoughts. Considering many things, they are not so pure, like a piece of white paper, after colorful "staining", then It will not become the original appearance.

He was still thinking about Tang Yun, and he didn't know where she was now and why, he would never forget an assassin who had wanted to kill him. Is it because she was the first person Ye Shikai came back home to know.

"Are you thinking?" A jade hand appeared in his field of vision. Ji Qian waved his hand in front of him. It seems that Ye Shikai wants to go away ...

"No ... nothing."

"You won't still think about Tang Yun."

I trust, do women read minds.

"Why is it ~ ~ How do I think about her." Ye Shikai quickly denied that, fortunately, his acting skills were good, otherwise Ji Qian could see it. If he directly admits it, then he is "seeking death" Because of this, Ji Qian and Ye Shikai almost became cold violence because of this matter, if you admit it, it will be over.

"You still don't want to think about her anymore. When you return to Yanjing, your mind should be on Qingyu." Ji Qian continued, "One more thing, Tang Yun is missing now, I suspect she is most likely to return. Yanjing, if she really does what you think, washing her hands in a golden basin is the best result, but ... "

"If she reappears, don't step in and let me deal with it." Ji Qian's words were a little more cold, and she wanted to completely eliminate Tang Yun.

"Okay, no problem."

Ye Shikai didn't let anyone pick up the plane, including Su Ziqing or Han Ruoyao. He had just trained the female soldiers and ran directly to South America without spending more time with Su Qingyu. Ye Shikai felt very guilty at that time, so this time, he To surprise Su Qingyu.

In the parking lot of the airport, Ye Shikai wanted to let Ji Qian get on the car, but she did not expect that she also took out a car key and activated the Maserati side.


"You are going to find the dumping rain, then hurry up, I have some things, I will not be accompanied." Ji Qian took the driver's seat and directly launched the sports car.

Ji Qian is of course giving Ye Shikai some space with Su Qingyu. If the two go to Su Qingyu together, wouldn't it be awkward.

"Really a proud woman." Ye Shikai murmured. Forget it, let's call Su Qingyu.

"Hey, it rains."

"Are you back?" On the other side of the phone, Ye Shikai's thoughts were heard day and night.

"Well, I just arrived at the airport. I'll go to the company to find you now."

{End of Chapter}

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