Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 953: Pairing principle

"No need, I will go home immediately, go straight to home." Su Qingyu said on the phone.

"Well, okay, see you at home." Ye Shikai brought some South American specialties back, which was considered to be a gift for Su Qingyu.

"By the way, Qingqing's school is closed. You can pick her up at Yanjing University." Su Qingyu also said that Yanjing University originally provided student accommodation, but also allowed students to rent out houses, so Su Ziqing simply Living at home, but because of some competitions and art activities organized by the school, Su Ziqing still stayed at the school from time to time for a period of time. This time the event was over, Ye Shikai could pick her up by the way.

"Okay, I'll go now." Ye Shikai, steering the wheel, changed course to Yanjing University.

Ye Shikai likes the university atmosphere, youth, and vitality. Especially in this China's highest university, all are aspiring young people. Unfortunately, he immediately joined the army after graduating from high school, but even if he joined the army, Ye Shikai was also a leader. The best commander, the youngest major.

"It's weird, Qingqing people." Ye Shikai parked the car, and nowhere was Su Ziqing's traces found. He said it was OK to wait here, wouldn't it be dangerous ...

"Excuse me, have you met Su Ziqing?" Ye Shikai stood under the girl's dormitory and asked the female students who came down.

"I don't know." The girl shook her head, glanced at Ye Shikai, and asked curiously, "Are you her suitor?"

"Ah ... no." Ye Shikai shook his head quickly, saying that although he was only in his twenties, but compared horizontally, he was much more sophisticated and mature than his peers. At least compared to these college students, Ye Shikai still had Very different, why that girl thinks he is Su Ziqing's suitor.

"Oh, I'm sorry, there are a lot of boys who usually pursue classmate Su. I was mistaken." The girl said apologetically.

"So, she usually has a lot of pursuers." Ye Shikai became interested and asked curiously.

"Of course, it happens almost every day, and it comes from various colleges." The girl said with a smile.

"I didn't expect this," Ye Shikai said as she saw a little "jumpy" little girl coming out of the door.

"Brother-in-law, here I am." Su Ziqing hurried over and came directly to Ye Shikai.

"Well, have you packed everything up?" Ye Shikai touched Su Ziqing's little head. Although she is a college student, she is more like a schoolboy who hasn't come home for a week and has to wait until Friday.

"Well, it's just some grooming stuff, let's go home now." Su Ziqing got on the bus as soon as possible. The classmates around looked surprised, they didn't know Ye Shikai, and it was the first time she saw Su Ziqing got on a man No wonder the car is surprised.

"Those classmates." Ye Shikai smiled with understanding. Although there are differences between college and high school, boys and girls are generally used in high school and college.

"There are quite a lot of suitors for you." Ye Shikai suddenly teased in the car. Just outside, I saw several boys coming to find you. Of course, Ye Shikai said it casually, but he just wanted to tease him. Su Ziqing.

"Where." Su Ziqing blushed. She was different from Su Qingyu. If Su Qingyu heard that many men were pursuing it, it would be a faint "Oh". The iceberg beauties are already common to these. There is no Su Ziqing With a little vanity in his heart, Su Qingyu didn't catch cold on the suitor.

But Ye Shikai is quite clear. The aesthetics and standards of these two sisters are quite high. Otherwise, they will not be indifferent to so many men. Su Ziqing has been in college for so long and he has not seen a boyfriend. What.

"When are you looking for a boyfriend?" Ye Shikai said suddenly, but this made Su Ziqing blush and fell in love, she never seemed to have.

Perhaps it is really difficult to have enough charm to conquer Su Ziqing.

According to a magazine, if men and women are divided into five categories according to their social status, physical appearance, academic experience, wealth value, moral cultivation and other comprehensive factors, the so-called "Gao Fushuai" and "Bai Fumei" are the first echelon , Then the most difficult to get rid of is the first echelon among women and the fifth echelon among men.

According to the traditional concept of marriage between men and women, pay attention to the door to door, and men are the dominant family in the concept, so men who belong to the first echelon, which is the best type in society ~ ~ tend to choose women Among the second echelon, the two sides will not differ too much, but the man is slightly stronger than the woman, maintaining a "delicate balance", decreasing, and being "the man in the second echelon", will choose " The "third woman" and so on, it is difficult to match only the "first woman" and "the fifth woman".

It turns out that this seems to have some truth. Women want to find a man better than themselves. Su Ziqing undoubtedly belongs to this "first echelon". That is, unless the pursuer is "extraordinarily" excellent, she cannot enter her. The eye of the law.

As a dignified king, Ye Shikai has countless possessions, and he has strong cultivation and strength. If he ranks down, he must be the leader of the first echelon, and he is exactly matched with Su Qingyu, who has wisdom and beauty.

"Brother-in-law, do you remember the person named Wang Kai last time?" Su Ziqing said suddenly.

"Of course, he is my good friend. Why, what do you want him to do ..." Ye Shikai said suddenly, but Wang Kai fell in love with Su Ziqing at first sight, and even begged Ye Shikai to be a matchmaker, but Ye Shikai didn't care. In fact, he didn't look down on Wang Kai, or had any prejudice, but because of his status, Wang Kai was also the main god. If he was with Su Ziqing, he would be walking on the old road between him and Su Qingyu. At that time, Su Ziqing There must be a lot of troubles and even danger to life because of Wang Kai.

Ye Shikai thought he was sorry for Su Qingyu. He really didn't want to involve Su Ziqing any more.

"Um ... I just think he's quite interesting. The last time was urgent and no contact information was left, so I asked you to."

"Okay, I'll give it to you when I get home." Ye Shikai had to perfunctory first, then think of a way to obstruct the past.

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