Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1295: Discover the Oasis

The elves didn't agree with Zhang Zi'an's desperate idea, because the bird was too far away, and it was unlikely that it would catch up. Instead of wasting fuel to do useless work, wait for the next bird to appear.

But he still decided to chase, because it is unknown whether the next bird will appear.

Lao Cha cautiously proposed another possibility, "Zi'an, how do you know that bird is coming home? If it is foraging from the nest, wouldn't it be the same?"

The other elves were also awakened. They wanted to track the bird to find the oasis, but if the bird was flying away from the oasis to find food elsewhere, the farther it was chasing, the farther away it was.

Zhang Zi'an didn't put all his bets in his head, he had a reason to do so.

He motioned for them to look outside.

It is now afternoon, and the sun is obviously sloping west. The light is much weaker than noon. According to experience, there are only about two to three hours left before the sun goes down.

He explained using Richard as an example: "Most birds have night blindness, that is to say, whether the bird leaves the nest or returns, it will return to the nest within three hours, otherwise it will only Invisible things land in the desert at night, which is dangerous for it. "

He was quite sure that the bird was coming home.

The elves are astonished that due to their good night vision ability, they often ignore the night blindness of birds.

Except for long-distance migratory birds, most birds will definitely return home at night, but it is midsummer. I have not heard of any migratory birds that migrate in midsummer.

As long as the bird is not lost within two or three hours, they are likely to follow the vine to find its habitat, and hope that there is an oasis, even if there is no oasis, at least a few full cacti, cut one The kind of cool juice that can flow out from a small mouth.

Both the elves and Zhang Zi'an stared at the bird intently, and the drone followed its flight trajectory in the air, followed its departure from its original route, and turned to the east.

As time passed, the sun gradually settled west, but it kept soaring, showing no sign of landing, making Zhang Zi'an's own judgment shake.

This painting style is not right, that guy ... Could it also be a drone?

Or mirage?

Several times in the middle, they have already separated it from the field of view because they want to go around the sand dunes. If the field of vision of the drone is not farther, they may be lost.

And as the light dims, it becomes more and more difficult for the naked eye to capture that black spot.

Just when the sun was close to the horizon and Zhang Zi'an had begun to doubt his life, the black spot suddenly began to fall-the angle of the fall was relatively smooth, and the light was not good, so he didn't find it at first.

"Look over there! There is reflection!"

Vladimir jumped to the roof, looking farther than him, and his eyes were dazzled by a shiny reflection on the horizon.

The reflections in the distant desert are generally either rocks, Gobi, or ... lakes.

Zhang Zi'an and the elves were all excited.

If there is a lake, even a small Wangquan eye can completely solve the problem of drinking water.

This area is blank on the map and does not show the existence of an oasis. Nabari also did not mention it. It may be an oasis formed by a new spring eye emerging from the ground.

The drone's battery was almost dead, but in the last glance before landing, a large shadow of a suspected wood did appear in the image, as well as the sparkling flashes of the setting sun.

Zhang Zi'an stopped, took the drone back to the car, and then discussed with the elves: "Since we have found the oasis, we might as well camp here, and it's not too late until tomorrow dawns."

He now has the bottom of his heart, instead of worrying, he is more worried about whether there will be any danger near the oasis, because if the desert oasis does not become a gathering place for humans, it will become a gathering place for animals, such as the suspected raptor just now Birds, maybe snakes, and other dangerous animals.

The remaining water in the car will not be a problem for another two or three days. It is not necessary to arrive at the oasis tonight.

The elves were all daring artists and didn't take it seriously, but decided to take a night here.

The so-called camp, even the tent and the inflatable moisture-proof mat are gone, and there is nothing to stick. I just moved my stiff body due to sedentary, watched the movie saved in the mobile phone for a while, and put on my clothes While sleeping.

At least tonight, the water was drunk casually, but one container of water should not be thrown away.

Go to bed early and wake up early the next day.

As soon as the sky was clear, he and the elves woke up.

The drone ran out of power, and he simply stood on the roof of the car and raised his telescope to look at the rising sun.

In fact, last night, he woke up with a nightmare. He dreamed that this oasis was actually a mirage with no drop of water. The despair from his heart made him wake up in cold sweat.

He was worried that nightmares would come true.

Fortunately, the sight clearly showed that it was just a dream.

An area is not very large ~ ~ but the vibrant oasis appears in the field of vision of the telescope.

Tall palm trees, low bushes, occasionally flying birds, and the turquoise lake are all people in the desert most eager to see, as beautiful as dreams.

But this is by no means a dream. No mirage can last all night.

"Quack! I don't know if there is any fresh fruit in this oasis. Uncle Ben hasn't eaten fresh vegetables and fruits for a few days, and even his gums are swollen and painful!" Richard cried pretending.

"First you have teeth to have gums, and you better be careful not to be eaten by raptors as fresh birds."

Zhang Zi'an is in a good mood today, making fun of it with him.

Thinking of vultures such as vultures and falcons, Richard was really frightened. He hurried back to the car and said, "Quack! Of course, Uncle Ben cannot condescend to pick fruits yourself, otherwise you idiot has What is it for? "

After a brief clean up, after breakfast, he drove towards the oasis.

Considering that there might be mosquitoes in the oasis, he also prepared anti-mosquito water by the way, although it was not as useful as cold oil.

Before walking too long, they came to the edge of the oasis, and the air here was even more humid than elsewhere.

Before the car stopped completely, he and the elves couldn't wait to jump out of the car, rushed to the lake, and drew a handful of water on his face, his head, and his body.

It's been a long time since I have enjoyed such fun.

He knew that this behavior was very rash, but he really couldn't care much about it. Only people who had experienced thirst in the desert could realize his mood at this time.

Hmm ... There should be no crocodiles in such a small lake?

Suddenly itching all over him, he wanted to take a bath.

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