Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1296: Beauty cat getting out of the bath

Since entering the desert, the entire team, whether male or female, have not taken a bath at all, and have no conditions to take a bath. At first, people who were accustomed to taking baths every day were uncomfortable. They smelled of the smell of their bodies and disliked themselves. They itched on the inflatable cushions every night. Later ... I got used to it and didn't even smell it It can be said that humans are really adaptable.

Nevertheless, the urge to take a bath can no longer be suppressed when seeing this clear lake.

As soon as he unbuttoned the two shirts, he felt something sharp on his calf.

Looking back, it was a disdainful Snow Lion, pressing his claws against his skin across his pants—fortunately, it was short, otherwise it might not be the calf.

"Meow meow! What are you stink man doing?" It opened its teeth and tried to make a fierce look, but after all, the face value is too high. Taking any picture with any expression on the Internet can attract a lot of people to suck. .

"I plan to take a bath." Zhang Zi'an told the truth.

The Snow Lion widened his eyes and took a few sips, saying, "Well! Do you want to go to the bath without looking at your Majesty? You stinky man jumping will pollute the water source, so find a place to die!"

Zhang Zi'an turned his head to look, and Fina was standing by the lake, staring at the pangs of the lake.

He wanted to take a bath. Fina even wanted to take a bath more than him. The shameless face had long lost its usual radiance. This was intolerable for clean lovers. It also rejected the Snow Lion's request to lick its hair clean. ...

Fina pulled out a front paw and pulled the water back and forth, as if observing the depth and clarity of the water, hesitating to enter the water.


Just as Zhang Zi'an wanted to remind Fina, he was interrupted by Snow Lion.

"Meow meow! My old lady warns you that only after your majesty finishes washing, can you use your dirty paws to touch the water, especially not to interfere with my young lady watching the beautiful cat out of the bath, otherwise ..."

As a warning, Snow Lion's claws moved forward slightly, giving him a grin across his pants.

"No, now I'm not sure if the water is dry or not, mainly because there is no danger in the water. You don't want to let Fina encounter any dangerous animals after entering the water, right?" He explained with a cool breath.

When he came to a completely strange environment, he worried that there might be unknown danger in the bushes or water?

The possibility of crocodile living in the lake is almost zero, but there may be snakes.

When it comes to the snakes living in the desert, it is not easy to mess with any one. I only found an oasis by stepping on the dog **** of Zhongtian. If you took a bento for a bath, it would be worthless ...

Fina, these cat spirits, are not afraid of poisonous snakes on land, and can even be said to be natural enemies of poisonous snakes, but in the water ... emmmm.

The Snow Lion listened and tangled. It wanted to watch the beautiful cat out of the bath, but did not want Fina to be accidentally injured, not even a perfume.

"What do you do? Hurry up and think of a way! Are you a stinking man who is full of words all the time, don't you usually have a lot of ghost ideas?" He twitched his paw again, urging.

"Don't worry, you have to eat bite by bite, you have to do everything one by one, you can't wait."

While Zhang Zi'an was distracted, he quickly flashed to the side, out of the scope of his control, after all, it was quite painful to be choked by it.

The Snow Lion wrinkled his nose and threatened him, and then patrolled back and forth around the lake, forbidding any elves to excrete in the lake, especially Richard.

He took out all the bottles and jars in the car, and took out the water purification tablets and filters. He planned to fill the water-filled things with water, taking into account the load of the vehicle, and then throw the things that can be thrown away. Throw it all out of the desert in one breath.

As for the bones of the German soldier encountered on the first night when he entered the desert, the GPS coordinates have been recorded, but he had no time to converge the bones when he was separated from the scientific research team. After the escape, he commissioned the Bedouins to do it.

Since there was no shortage of water, he released Feimas, and it was amazed to see this desert-like oasis.

Then, of course, Shihua, as Yude Shui said, was her.

To solve the problems in the water, no one is more suitable than her, and she also boasted Haikou in front of the live broadcast audience, and to live in the desert oasis, just to meet her wish.


Shihua emerged out of thin air, plunging into the lake with a touch of pale blue, splashing a large splash.

"Meow meow meow……"

The snow lion heard that there was movement in the lake, thinking that he jumped into the lake to take a bath while he was not paying attention, and just wanted to have a seizure. Take a closer look that he was still standing by the lake. The water was Shihua.

Although the Snow Lion was very dissatisfied, he put Shihua into the water without consulting with him, but after all, he wants to be a female and a big-breasted female in the afterlife, so just forget it—this is a face-seeing world, No problem!

"Oh! Where is this?"

Shihua pops her head out of the water and looks around with her dark green hair ~ ~ The eyes are very similar to the Arab oasis in the thousand and one nights of the fairy tale she has seen. Want to sell me to the Arab Prince? "

"What the hell? Isn't this why you asked me to take you to Oasis for live broadcast?" Zhang Zi'an asked, "Well, the oasis you want."


There was a little disappointment on Shihua's face, did she really want to marry an Arab prince? Not to mention that the number of Arab princes is as many as dogs. Not every prince is a handsome rich man. Only the prince who inherited the oil field is rich. The other princes only have the name of a prince. Of course, they are richer than ordinary people Too many, even if the prince with an oil field at home, marrying the past life is not as good as she imagined ...

Besides, she was a mermaid. What was her dream of marrying into the royal family? He wants to marry a Nordic princess too!

"Where's my cellphone? Give me your cellphone, I'm going to broadcast live to my friends! Let them see the real oasis, let them be envious and jealous and hate!" Her arm dangled on the shore of the lake, the other hand toward He held out.

"Wait, before you broadcast, you first see if there are any dangerous creatures in the water, such as snakes, otherwise in case a snake appears during the live broadcast, it will definitely scare your female fans in the live broadcast room, Then you lose the powder. "He flickered without change, not to mention that he wanted to take a bath himself, so let her take charge of the trip first.

Shihua, who has no inside information, thinks carefully. It seems that this is indeed the truth. Although she is not very afraid of snakes and has seen sea snakes in the sea, no matter how cute the animal is, snakes are not cute.

"okay then!"

It's about the fans, she agreed very simply, and a fierce son plunged into the lake from head to foot, half-sweeping without revealing the water.

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