Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1522: Complex smell

In the morning, set off again.

They have now penetrated into the heart of the forest, and they cannot easily leave the forest whether they move forward or backward.

The group of red deer still followed Zhang Zi'an behind, about 20 meters behind. The head deer staggered forward, and the remaining deer followed behind, looking intently for salt from the dirt and grass.

After a rest in the middle of the night, the head deer recovered some strength, although it still couldn't run, at least it was OK to walk.

At first Zhang Zi'an used salt to lure the deer. He wanted to see how the deer herd was infected with prion protein. This deer has no signs of infection and disease. It stands to reason that he does not need to continue to lead them, but he found that the deer was looking for water This talent is important in the forest, and ... even if he no longer sprinkles salt, the herd of deer does not seem to intend to leave.

As the injured deer walked, he looked back from time to time, not staring at the deer herd behind, but something farther away.

Zhang Zi'an looked through a telescope, but he could only see the dense woods.

"What is it looking at?" Old Tea also found the problem.

"do not know."

Zhang Zi'an shook his head, but there was some faintness in his heart. Did the black bear hate him and kept following them quietly, ready to take revenge?

It is possible.

The domain of male adult black bears is tens of square kilometers. This black bear left the nest a day or two ago, probably to hunt and visit the territory, or to find female bears to mate. For it, Zhang Zi'an is a wicked invader. , Not only made it extremely painful, but also robbed food from it, inevitably vengeance.

It dreaded the power of the anti-bear spray and did not dare to attack again, but followed far behind and waited for opportunity.

As an old opponent in the forest, the leading male deer may have some intuition, knowing that the black bear is tracking, so he led the herd to follow Zhang Zi'an, because it felt that he could easily repel the black bear and protect the herd.

What can Zhang Zi'an do? He is also very desperate. Whether it is a deer herd or a black bear, they are willing to follow. Anyway, he will not stay in the forest for too long.

One piece of mixed news was that after dawn, the mist gradually dissipated, revealing the overcast sky, and still couldn't see the sun, but the visibility improved.

Last night, his attention was on the black bear. He didn't pay much attention to the movement of the elf. At this time, he looked through the electronic map and found that the distance to it was closer. It had been hovering somewhere and did not continue to run.

Pegasus rediscovered Mike's smell and continued to track.

Mike didn't follow a straight line, it was more similar to an S-shape. In order to maximize the search area in the forest, Zhang Zi'an could only follow his route to avoid being lost.

The spotted owl and Richard were standing side by side on top of his backpack to snore, and he also wanted to snore. He slept too little last night, and his eyes could hardly open, but there was no way but to go ahead daringly and go ahead. Leaving the territory of this black bear, although this often means entering the territory of another black bear, he has no vengeance against other black bears.

Another morning, as the backpack gradually reduced in weight, and Zhang Zi'an adapted to the way of hiking in the forest, he could vaguely feel where to go and where it was difficult to walk, and he could avoid some hidden pits covered by dead leaves. Instead of stepping in like you did the previous two days.

However, due to the twists and turns of the route, he did not go far from the straight line in the forest.

After dinner at noon, continue on the road.

While walking, the spotted owl who had been standing quietly on the backpack suddenly agitated. It spread its wings, whine on the top of the backpack, and turned around anxiously.

Richard was squeezed to the edge of the backpack like a frustrated daughter-in-law, and if he squeezed again, he would fall off the backpack.

"Quack! This uncle Tiger is in Pingyang, don't you bully this owl!" He shouted shyly, but his body kept receding.

Zhang Zi'an didn't know what was going on, but felt that the two birds on the backpack were tossing a lot, to make Richard quiet, don't bully the newcomer.

Richard was angry, and he was bullied.

After walking for a further ten minutes, Zhang Zi'an suddenly felt that the backpack was lighter, and at the same time, he heard Richard shouting cheerfully: "Quack! This glutinous rice is finally rolled out! Count on you, remember that Don't show up in front of Uncle Ben! "

Zhang Zi'an turned around and looked up, and saw that the spotted owl had fallen to a horizontal branch next to it.

He checked its injuries this morning. The burn was not completely good. When he tried to pull the injured side of the wings, it would retract the wings nervously, while the other side was fine, so he estimated that the injuries were still Have pain.

"We have to keep going," he said to him, pointing forward, repeating it twice, still stretching his arms and patting the top of the backpack, motioning it back.

He turned his head and looked around, still clasping the branches with his two claws, and did not mean to return to the backpack.

Zhang Zi'an waited for two or three minutes in place, right was resting, but could not wait forever, and waved goodbye to it, "Well, goodbye then, be careful in the future."

Richard was finally able to monopolize the throne at the top of his backpack, and has been urging him to leave.

While he was resting, Feimas didn't rest and ran ahead to explore the road, at which time he trot back and said, "There is a sign in front of someone."

"Oh?" Zhang Zi'an was startled, wondering what it was like.

He has been in the forest for almost three days. Since he did not take the official recommended hiking route, he didn't even meet half a figure along the way. It is reasonable to hear that there are some traces. He should be as happy as someone from his native country, but who Will it appear deep in such a forest?

"Is Megan?" He asked ~ ~ Feimas shook his head, "It is the smell of many people, there are many animal smells, and even there is a strong smell of gasoline and motor oil, and ... Bloody. "

He hesitated for a moment and immediately responded, "It's a slaughterhouse!"

To meet these conditions, I am afraid there is only a slaughterhouse in the forest.

Is it ...

He looked up at the spotted owl again. Was this little guy injured when he hit the power grid of the slaughterhouse?

If the slaughterhouse built in the forest is not set up, many carnivores and scavengers will surely be attracted by the **** smell, which will cause great trouble and threat to the equipment and employees of the slaughterhouse.

No wonder it refused to go forward, probably recognizing the surrounding terrain, knowing that the power grid hurting itself was in front of it, and it had fresh memories of the pain when it was shocked, so it was scared to move forward, even if the injury was still Not good, and he didn't want to stay on his backpack.

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