Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1523: Defensive

Zhang Zi'an speculated that the smell smelled by Feimas is likely to be one of the main targets for entering the Redwood Forest this time, the venison slaughterhouse, but this is only a guess, whether it is the slaughterhouse, and whether this slaughterhouse and Loshi Whether dog food is relevant or not remains to be further investigated.

Of course, he was also thinking silently in his heart. Don't be a mysterious military base surrounded by a power grid, such as "The Hut in the Forest", and then take him in for cruel experiments ...

He energized the elves, paid attention to the movement around them, and then left a can of open cat cans for the spotted owl, at least it doesn't need to be hungry today.

Soon after moving forward, signs of human activity really appeared in front. As long as you are careful, you can find the cigarette butts that have been stepped on, or the confetti that has been blown out, and the footpaths that have been stepped out because of people walking around, of course. There is no shortage of ... used umbrellas.

Emmmmm ... field?

I hope that these people with high sexuality like to find excitement do not encounter curious black bears in the field.

Zhang Zi'an looked around the ground for clues. The sight of other elves was also low. Instead, Richard, who enjoyed the top of his exclusive backpack, saw a sign hanging on a tree next to him, and raised his wings to remind him.

The sign reads: You have entered the private territory, which contains the power grid and the evil dog. For your safety, please exit immediately.

A sign like this one can be seen at regular intervals on nearby trees.

Sure enough, it seems to be here.

Zhang Zi'an is not afraid of the power grid and evil dogs. As long as there are no landmines buried, as long as it is not a military restricted area, he will not be scared away by a few lines in this area, at least it is true.

Going further, the woods are no longer as dense as before, and the towering trees have disappeared, replaced by young new trees, but because the red shirt itself grows rapidly and the climate is suitable, the so-called new trees are also better than ordinary trees The old tree is thicker and taller.

Zhang Zi'an stopped and found a hole in the bottom of the tree. He unpacked the heavy backpack and packed it lightly.

The herd of red deer seemed to know that there was human activity nearby and looked stumped, but the deer was worried that the black bear would catch up from behind and did not dare to be too far away from him.

Zhang Zi'an considered that there was a venison slaughterhouse or a processing plant in the past. It was definitely not appropriate to bring a few deer in the past. Although he felt that the other party did not dare to hunt wild deer openly, at least it also affected the privacy of the operation, so he thought One way, find a thick red shirt, melt the salt in a bottle of water, and then pour the salt water evenly on the bark.

Deer herds smelled of salt, and surrounded the tree, licking and licking against the bark. It is estimated that they can stay here for a while.

As for the black bear, it did not sleep all night, and it is unlikely that it would attack the deer herd today.

When he was done, he covered his body with trees, set foot lightly, and went forward with the elves.

After only a short walk, the front was blocked by a barbed wire. There were extremely noticeable warning signs on the barbed wire. Crossed lightning and skulls were painted on the bright yellow background. "Text, even the illiterate can understand the icon.

He didn't get too close, because a sturdy metal pole was buried in the ground every other distance. The metal pole is not only a support for the power grid, but also a surveillance camera is installed on the top of the pole. The lens is facing outside the power grid. If you walk out of the woods, Immediately into the scope of monitoring.

Of course, the security personnel working in the monitoring room may not always keep an eye on the images returned by so many cameras. They may be snoozing, playing cards, smoking, going to the toilet, but this is a chance problem after all. He does not want to bet on this chance.

There are also some low bushes in the power grid, as well as a building and a dormitory, where the sound of cars, talking, and the roar of machines can be faintly heard. In addition, the warning that "there are evil dogs inside" is not a bluff.

What secrets are there that are worth defending with a combination of power grids and evil dogs?

At present, the power grid may be a circle. Judging by the curvature, the area of ​​the slaughterhouse is not large. After all, it is built in the forest, the traffic is inconvenient, and the employees have no entertainment activities.

"Quack! How are you going in? Uncle Ben asks you to pee yourself and don't take yourself as James Bond!" Richard urged narrowly: "Besides, don't even think about Uncle Ben! Ben Uncle flying in may be shot by a shotgun or caught by someone as a little white face! "

The power grid is about three meters high, let alone him. Even if Feimas wants to jump in, there is a certain degree of danger, and cat spirits are even more impossible.

Because it is a private land, all trees that can be used as a springboard around the power grid have been cleaned up, preventing the possibility of climbing trees and turning over the power grid.

Take a step back and say that even if a high ladder is set over the grid, is it necessary to jump from a height of more than three meters to the other side? Poor landing posture or no professional parkour training may break your leg, at least it will stomp your feet.

The elves looked at the power grid and surveillance cameras, and they felt helpless.

Zhang Zi'an looked through binoculars for a while and determined that there were no people nearby, because now it is working time, employees may all work in the factory building, this kind of place will not support people.

He was mentally prepared for this situation and would neither risk it on his own nor the elves.

"You guys wait here ~ ~ I'll come and go."

He returned to the tree hole where the backpack was placed, and soon turned back, fetching the largest single weight drone named Nehbet after he entered the forest.

A few days ago, the elves saw that he was going to carry the drone into the forest, and they all felt that this was a stupid act, because here is not the Sahara desert, the trees are too dense, and the drone is difficult to take off. use?

Drones, remote controllers, gimbal cameras, lenses plus spare batteries and chargers. This set weighs at least five kilograms and is a precision component. It cannot be packed with other sundries. It's heavy and takes up space. Wouldn't it be better to use this load and space to carry something else?

Along the way, the elves didn't complain less, either because they didn't have enough, or because they lived uncomfortably. The more they looked at the drone, the more they became obstructive.

Now seeing him bringing the drone, the elves suddenly realized that the drone is not suitable for the current situation?

Zhang Zi'an has never regarded himself as a courageous hero like James Bond, nor does he want to smash the slaughterhouse alone, as long as he explores it and keeps the evidence.

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