Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1543: Red flame

Not only the coyotes, but the elves were stunned by a series of actions by Zhang Zi'an. They knew that his backpack was carrying a lot of things, but did not expect that there was such a burning stick that could be thrown out.

In fact, this is not a rare thing, but it is easy to buy in the United States. The literal translation should be a road torch.

People have said that the United States is a country built on wheels, with a vast territory and a sparse population.

What should I do if the car is driving and broken? Of course it's a car repair, but what if it's bad in the wild? The mobile phone signal coverage in the United States is not high, and there are often blind spots in the wild. Cars in the evening encounter troubles in the wild and can only ask for passing vehicles for help, either to get out of the car or to carry them to nearby towns. Repair shop.

It ’s dangerous to stop your car on the road at night. If the driver does n’t notice you, you may hit you directly, but if you are waving a burning road torch, you will be noticed by others from afar.

In addition, if the car broke down on the road at night, in order to prevent other vehicles from hitting it unobtrusively, a road torch can also be placed a certain distance behind the car to warn subsequent vehicles.

Now the road torch does not necessarily burn, many are electronic torches with batteries, but Zhang Zi'an bought the real road torch.

The road torch is like an oversized match. The rough part of the cap is red phosphorus. The flammable material in the torch comes with oxidant. When it rubs with the red phosphorus, it starts to burn violently. It can last at least a few minutes. Not only can it be used Asking for help on the road can also drive away beasts and serve as a signal for help in the wild, so that search and rescue helicopters can see you.

This thing is a throwing weapon, how far it can be thrown depends on the arm strength of the thrower. As for the standard, it must be the farther the worse.

If you use it to throw a coyote, it will definitely not work. Coyotes will avoid it flexibly. But who makes this American badger like to dig a hole to hide himself? No wonder he was.

The brightness, power and taste of road torch burning are far from comparable to bonfires. Because of its own oxidant, it can burn in the rain or even in water, especially the first inch. It is compressed by a large number of flammable materials. The back is more intense, emitting extremely dazzling red light, and once ignited, it can hardly be extinguished.

It is precisely because this thing burns too violently that the dead branches and grasses in the fall place are instantly dried and ignited.

The red light illuminated the nearby woods, and even Richard, who had night blindness in birds, temporarily regained his sight.

"Quack! What a brilliant sun!"

"Ah! Your eyes are shining!"

"As if the sun is brilliant!"

He opened his throat and sang a song "My Sun" in Italian. The thick tenor came all the way in the silent forest, and awakened the birds that had already nested in the night, hula lapping and flying away. Already.

The coyotes finally managed to adapt to the bonfire, and suddenly came with a more powerful light source and heat source. Even worse, the American badger had thick, dry hair on its buttocks, like a broom, just a little.

In addition to the smell of sulfur in the air, there is more smell of burning proteins.

It was so screaming in pain that it wandered around without a thought, but the coyotes who regarded it as a military officer were too afraid of it, for fear that the moving fire group would be implicated in themselves.

If you change places, this American tapir may be directly burned to death, but there is a small stream nearby. Zhang Zi'an and the deer are camping next to the stream. It probably ran out when it ran and jumped in. In the stream, this put out the fire on his body.

When he got out of the water again, all the hair in the back half of his body had been burned out, and the flesh was exposed. The hair in the first half was also burned to half bald, and that word was a good description but it was too embarrassing.

It no longer cares about coyotes, limping into the woods and disappearing.

The black wolf dog is also the leader of a long-time battlefield. When he saw the momentum of his own side was frustrated, the pack of wolves had no intention of fighting, and had to make a long whistle, followed by the American maggot into the woods.

The other coyotes ran away in dingy, and the forest was calm again.

Richard also resumed blinding.

The road torch is still burning, and the light has greatly diminished.

Zhang Zi'an walked over, picked it up and threw it into the stream, and filled the grass with an empty can to extinguish the fire on the grass to avoid causing a forest fire.

The deer herd calmed down, and probably the coyote there ran away.

"Nearly burned the monster." Laocha sighed. "Lao Guanguan ... The Americans are very old, their hair tips are white, and they may grow old and become fine, but let it run away."

The old tea still cherishes the legend of the cricket, and always feels that this thing has evil spirits and yin, and it is an animal that likes to dig.

"It doesn't matter, it was burned by the fire. Even if it didn't die, it would lose half a life. It wouldn't make any water splashes. Whatever it was, it was just an old woman." Zhang Zi'an explained for the old tea.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

π was so happy to throw away the branches, dance and celebrate victory.

"Π, you are great!"

Zhang Zi'an gave him a thumbs up, "It's brave and strong, it's really amazing! Can be good, good, good!"

"Squeak ..."

π is not used to being praised and covers her face embarrassed.

"Quack! Uncle Ben? Isn't Uncle Ben very powerful? Are you an idiot not going to brag about Uncle Ben?"

Shouted Richard, but it couldn't see clearly and didn't face Zhang Zi'an.

"Ha ha."

Zhang Zi'an was speechless to this cheap bird. He picked it up and shoved his **** into the creek, and put it to the campfire to let it dry its feathers.

"Oh! Is this ... Is this the legendary ice fire?"

It said nonsense that Zhang Zi'an didn't understand ~ ~ no one ignored it.

"Xinghai, thank you for reminding me."

He thanked Xinghai again. If it wasn't for Xinghai reminding him to keep the bonfire burning, maybe something would happen, maybe Pi and Richard would be hurt by the coyotes.


Xinghai crooked her head as if she didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Thank you too, speck."

He looked up to the spotted owl and thanked the sentry for the night.

It squatted on a branch above its head, not flying or barking, and not as stubborn as it had been in the previous two nights. It had probably been quietly full, and it seemed that it had recovered most of its foraging ability.

After tossing for a while, it was too early to dawn.

Zhang Zi'an and the elves had no sleepiness for the time being, first went to pick up some dead branches around, enlarged the bonfire, and then got into the tent, and slept until dawn.

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