Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1544: Eat the old π1 stick

Originally, I went to bed early, got up early, and set off. As a result, I tossed for a long time because of the coyote attack last night, and tossed Zhang Zi'an into a spirit. , Was awakened by the birdsong outside.

It was dawning out of the tent.

In fact, the elves woke up long ago, but they didn't get up, they were happy to rest for a while.

The bonfire was long gone, and even the embers were cold. He added firewood at about four in the morning, and it was estimated that he could sustain it for up to two hours.

Feimas proposed that it should be responsible for Tim Chai, anyway, it is more convenient to sleep outside the tent, but it does not have the flexible hands of humans. If Tim Chai can only plunge dead branches into the fire, it is easy to throw out Mars There is a certain danger, so he decided to come by himself.

Seeing him coming out, Feimas yawned and said before he asked: "Everything is OK, the coyote did not return. In addition, I thought why the head deer was aware of the danger in advance yesterday."

"Oh why?"

When the camp was selected by the creek yesterday, the head deer apparently showed a tense look, as if he perceived some potential danger, but Feimas didn't smell anything, and something happened at night. It was always worried about it, even though Zhang Zi'an and the other elves returned to the tent and went to sleep, it was still thinking about it, and it finally got it.

Feimas led him to the stream.

The stream that was temporarily formed due to thunderstorms has a significantly lower water level today than yesterday, and the flow rate and flow have weakened a lot. It will probably become a mud ditch after two or three days, and it will eventually dry up. Until the next thunderstorm came again.

Feimas explained: "Because the head deer drank the raw water of the stream, and I drank the water that was filtered, disinfected, boiled and cooled by you."

Zhang Zi'an seemed to understand, "You mean, the smell of the coyote was dissolved in the water, so the head deer tasted it?"

"It should be so." Feimas nodded.

That makes sense.

Zhang Zi'an looked up towards the upstream of the stream.

Coyotes also need to drink water. After they drink water upstream, the smell is carried by the stream to the downstream. When the deer drinks water, it is felt that there are coyotes in the upstream, so it is nervous, but the cold white drink that Feimas drinks has no such smell.

The head deer knew that there was a coyote upstream, but it couldn't determine how far away it was. No one knew how long the stream was. As long as the direction of the stream came, it could be counted upstream.

According to scientists, deer are not very afraid of coyotes. To be precise, deer have two reactions when they smell the coyote. One is when the dominant individual in the coyote group is the coyote leader. Deer can be frightened, but if they just smell the smell of a common male or female coyote, the deer will not show obvious fear.

Apparently, it was the black wolf dog that caused the head deer to react uneasily.

Zhang Zi'an held the compass in one hand and the mobile phone in one hand. Through comparison, it was found that the position of the light group seemed to be the current direction of the upper stream. If you continue to move forward to the light group, you may still encounter coyotes, especially yesterday The group at night.

Of course, the flow of the creek is tortuous, maybe after turning a few corners, he turned elsewhere.

In any case, the living person can never give way to a few animals, and even if he detours, he may not have no trouble, because 獾 is a smart and vengeful animal. There are many related videos on the Internet showing 獾 ’s personality. Including a movie "God is Crazy 2", the male protagonist almost chased the entire desert because he accidentally stepped on the flat-headed man ...

Yesterday, the cricket ate a huge loss, and will probably want to get revenge after slowing down.

Zhang Zi'an said that it didn't matter. It came when he wanted to. After all, there might be a black bear behind him. There were no more differences between a few coyotes and an American lynx. No more lice, no bites, no more debt ...

"Quack! Last night's road torch, do you have any spare? Give this uncle a play!"

Richard pretended to jump intimately over his shoulder.

"What do you want that thing for?" Zhang Zi'an waved it and hurried it aside, "Get up, don't delay me making breakfast."

"Quack! Your idiot's accuracy is too poor. Like last night, if you just tossed the torch into the pit that was stinking out, wouldn't it be all right? So, if you encounter an accident again, Ben The uncle can bombard chickens, hold the torch and be responsible for bombing, and guarantee one shot per shot! "He cried.

"If you dare to beep again, I'll remove the word" bang "." He said scornfully, "Look at you that scary last night!"

Richard desperately tried to justify himself, what a gentleman is so poor ...

After having breakfast, I should not move immediately after I have eaten my stomach, which is prone to stomach problems, so Zhang Zi'an did not rush to start, but implemented the idea of ​​last night, found a suitable length of branch, and cut the bark and branches with a knife. It was cut into a straight stick, and the rough red phosphorus on the road torch cap was used as sandpaper to smooth the burr.

"Π, this is for you."

He greeted π and waved the stick again.


π was sitting on a branch and looking out at the giant tree in the distance. The water bubbles in the palm of his hand had disappeared. He heard his voice and looked at the stick again, unable to help himself.

"You were brave last night, but the branches didn't wave well, right? So I cut this stick for you, and I will rely on you to protect everyone in the future." Zhang Zi'an slammed the stick a few times, exhaling wind.


π jumped down the tree three times and two times ~ ~ ran over with hands and feet, happily took the wooden stick, ran to the open space, and studied him a few times.

Zhang Zi'an's trekking pole was too long and heavy for π. This stick made it hard to love, and its weight and length were suitable for its use.

π stunned the stick for a while, then carried the stick on his shoulders, and walked around the camp vividly, looking around vigilantly, like a dedicated guard, even Richard looked envious.

After waiting for Vladimir Zhang Luo to return to China, he will get Pi a hat with a red star on his head.

Watching it look very happy, Zhang Zi'an secretly regretted why he hadn't thought of cutting a wooden stick for it?

Each elf has its own strengths, as long as it is a stage suitable for them to play. Who would have thought that π would be so brave against the coyotes before last night?

Even the spotted owl, including the spotted owl, gave a force last night, crying to warn the appearance of the coyote.

The only thing to count on is Richard.

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