Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1562: Call of the Wild

In fact, in Zhang Zi'an it smelled and tasted, the protein bar was nothing special. It smelled bad, and modern people who were spoiled by various delicate diets did not feel any taste at all.

But for a wild gray wolf, removing those new cats is not counted. Under normal circumstances, the success rate of hunting is only one-tenth, and it is often enough to eat a week. Already accustomed to difficult bones and plugging hair, I suddenly encountered something so soft and so smelly, I couldn't help but smell it again.

It saw Zhang Zi'an and other elves eating this kind of food, hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't fight the appetite in the stomach, tried to poke the protein bar into his mouth, and almost choked.

"and this."

Zhang Zi'an knew that the gray wolf belonged to a camel. He often didn't eat for a week and ate another week's food. A protein bar would definitely not satisfy his appetite, and he threw a bag of ripped beef jerky.

The gray wolf could not resist the strong scent of beef jerky, and did not hesitate to eat all the beef in a few seconds, and then licked his mouth expectantly and stared at Zhang Zi'an.

He opened another box of canned braised pork, and he was not even willing to eat it. After opening it, he spit himself out.

The opened can must not be thrown away, or even the soup with meat spilled on the ground. He took the can and shook it twice, and placed it on the ground half a meter in front of him to signal it to come and eat.

As a canine, even Zhang Zi'an couldn't resist the smell of braised pork. The gray wolf stared at the can. After a few hesitations, he finally came over and put his mouth into the can. Meat, and licked the soup with my tongue.

To him, the flavour of this meat is a bit strange, unlike the raw meat that it often eats, but it is so soft that it feels melted on the mouth.


Zhang Zi'an let out his hand, indicating that if you look at me again, I can't take it out.

Actually he still has, but how many cans can fill this wolf's appetite? It's a bottomless pit.

The adult gray wolf can eat 9 kg of meat in one meal, which is called the king of big stomachs.

The gray wolf waited for a while, seeing that he did not intend to continue to take out the food, he turned around and took a few steps back, but this time it changed to half-lying on the ground, tilted the injured hind leg up, and pierced his head. Under the crotch, lick the wound with your tongue.

The snow lion's stroke was not too deep. After all, the arms were short and only cut the flesh without hurting the nerves and bones.

Old people say that saliva can sterilize, and children lick their wounds when they are injured. The reason is that animals can be licked and wounds are good. In fact, these two points are scored.

Animals are injured, maybe accidentally, or bitten by other animals. The wound is already dirty, licking with the tongue can have a positive effect, at least it can clean the wound, but if the wound is not dirty, use the tongue. Licking can only be counterproductive.

As for people, licking a wound or something, it's just a misconception that rumors are better than licking tap water.

Zhang Zi'an took out the hydrogen peroxide and the bandages, and as soon as he tried to get up, the gray wolf stood up alertly and stared at his actions.

"Help you bandage?" He wrapped his bandage around his arm for demonstration.

The gray wolf didn't seem to understand what he meant.

Forget it, after all, it is a carnivorous beast, not a herbivore such as a deer, including wounds. It is still too dangerous, and it looks like the wound is not deep, and it has stopped bleeding.

The deer was scratched by a steel claw-like bear's claw. The wound was deep, and he could not stop the blood even without bandaging.

Speaking of deer, deer herds have receded to a safe distance when gray wolves appeared. They don't know animals like wolves, but intuitively tell them that this animal is dangerous.

This can also indicate that the wolf has just recently arrived in this redwood forest park.

Zhang Zi'an retrieved the hydrogen peroxide and the bandage into his bag.

It wasn't always a matter of staying like this, he stood up and greeted the elves, ready to go on.

The elves had always wanted to find the killers who killed the cats. At first they wanted to get revenge, but then they wanted to see the true colors of the killers. Now they see it, but they seem to have nothing to do.

Lao Cha said that killing the abuse without teaching.

Now they stunned the wolf, and even killed it, to make it understand why it was beaten and why it was killed? Of course it is impossible, so this is also abuse.

I can't communicate and I can't kill, it's really meaningless to stay.

They also had enough rest, and they planned to leave with Zhang Zi'an.

The gray wolf watched their movements, standing still without any indication.

At this time, the ears of Feimas and the gray wolf moved at the same time, as if they heard something.


Feimas said, staring in a certain direction.

"Why didn't I hear?"

As soon as the words came out, Zhang Zi'an also thought it was nonsense. His hearing was far less sensitive than that of the elves. It was definitely because the distance was too long.

Feimas can hear the wolf howl ~ ~ but it can't understand the meaning. After all, the dog and the wolf have been separated for tens of thousands of years, which is enough to form two completely different language systems.

The gray wolf listened for a couple of seconds, and walked away with his legs in the other direction.

Zhang Zi'an and Feimas exchanged glances, and the latter nodded, which meant the direction of howling was over there.

"Look back."

He waved his elves to keep up.

The gray wolf suffered a minor injury to one hind leg, could not run fast, and could not walk a particularly rugged road, so Zhang Zi'an did not struggle too much to follow them.

The Snow Lion has been clamoring for Fina to wipe her face.

"Zi'an, this wolf is afraid to meet with the wolves, it seems not safe to chase after it," Lao Cha said worriedly. "Further, what we want to know, this wolf can't tell us, the other wolf must also tell Can't wait for us. "

Why did the wolf bite a particular cat, and why he didn't eat it, rather than being hungry has always been something he and the elves couldn't understand.

Zhang Zi'an pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked a strange question: "I can't hear the wolverine, can you hear the wolverine, can you be sure that it is a real wolverine?"

The question asked the elves.

"Not a real wolf, but a fake wolf?" Feimas asked.

"Maybe, I just think it's possible."

As he walked, he explained.

Hunters in North America who want to hunt coyotes must first find coyotes, so how do you find them?

Coyotes use long-distance communication to call, so hunters figured out a way to record the calls of other coyotes, and then play them in an ambush, often attracting coyotes, they called this method Coyotecall.

If this method can attract coyotes, will anyone use it to attract gray wolves? 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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