Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1563: resurrection

After listening to Zhang Zi'an's explanation, the elves felt novel and surprised. There were actually hunters recording coyotes' voices to lure and hunt coyotes. The power of technology was really terrible.

It is said that coyotes are very cunning. After a certain recording is used in a certain place and the same recording is put again, the coyotes will not be fooled, so hunters need to change the recording often. In addition, the recording is not 100% effective, because people do not know what the recording is, maybe the coyote is saying-whoever comes over will kill anyone.

He talked with the elves in the back, and tried to be as quiet as possible. The young gray wolf in front could certainly hear it. It also knew that Zhang Zi'an was following himself, but did not show obvious dislike and impatience. Maybe it felt that it had followed him It's ... friends of wine and meat.

There are gray wolves walking in front, Zhang Zi'an they just need to follow it, not paying much attention to the path, besides there is only direction and no road in the forest, there are similar plants everywhere in the same area, until they get out of the vine-filled depression When he entered the woods again, he suddenly felt familiar around him--isn't it back to where he started?

But the situation seemed a bit wrong. Before he could understand what was wrong, he listened to the elves and exclaimed in unison: "What about those cats?"

He just tasted it. They returned to the open space where they started to track the smell of the gray wolf, but when they left, there should be the bodies of more than a dozen cats. At this time, the open space was empty, and only some blood remained on the fallen leaves. And cat hair, the body was missing.

Zhang Zi'an looked around nervously, felt the taser and anti-bear spray in his hand, and whispered, "Will it be ... taken away by scavengers?"

This is the most common sense explanation. There are many large and small carnivorous animals in the forest, including coyotes and black bears, and they will not let away easily accessible food, even corpses that have been dead for a few days.

He knew that the black bears and coyotes might have been following the opportunistic revenge behind them. They could come here to clean the battlefield while he was leaving to track the gray wolf.

The elves were vigilant. If a black bear or a coyote actually came, they might still be nearby.

The young gray wolf staring at the open space was also a little at a loss. He ran into the open space and sniffed, looked back at Zhang Zi'an, and turned his head to the other direction.

Feimas also sniffed around the open space to eliminate rotten birds such as vultures. If bears and coyotes come over, they will definitely leave a fresh smell.

However, after sniffing, it stifled, and couldn't believe his judgment again.

"What's wrong, Feimas?" He noticed its abnormal behavior.

Feimas said in amazement: "There is no smell of coyote and black bear, it looks like ..."

It was too shocked and said for a while, "It's like the cats left ..."

Leave alone?

Zhang Zi'an and other elves also listened. The dozen cats were dead before, and their bodies were cold. He examined almost every cat ’s body in person, and saw the dent holes in them with his own eyes. What cat might be pretending to be dead or seriously injured, let alone one or two, because he didn't see it blindly, but all of them were like this?

What a joke! It's just that the forest cats bullied me old and weak, and I can't stand the opposite!

Don't say he doesn't believe it, nor do the other elves. All the sensitive elves have sniffed around the open space. From their expressions, they have reached the same conclusion as Femmus.

The smell will not lie. During the time they just left, there was no new smell near the open space. It can rule out that people or animals took away the cat carcasses. The freshest smell is the smell of those cats leaving collectively.

After excluding all possibilities, what remains unacceptable can only be true.

"Did those cats not die?" Zhang Zi'an tried to find a reasonable explanation. "Injured seriously, or there are plants around that can cause anesthesia effects ... Although this probability is small, isn't it completely impossible?"

The elves were silent and did not answer.

The human mind circuit relies heavily on vision, but animals can analyze both vision and smell.

The chemicals in a living animal and an animal that has been dead for a long time have changed. The scent emitted is completely different. The elves can smell the difference.

The cats were indeed dead, but somehow they stood up again, and left the open space step by step in a dead state. The elves could even "see" what they stepped out when they left. Scented footprints.

It's almost like ... the walking dead.

Seeing the constipation-like expressions of the elves, Zhang Zi'an had already received their answers.

"Meow me! This is really his evil door!" Vladimir, who has always dared to fight, also rarely appeared dazed ~ ~ squeak! Π tightened his body and hugged its stick tightly.

"Quack? Quack? Uncle Ben hates horror movies and psychic movies the most! No, Uncle Ben seems to be in a hurry ..." Richard fluttered his wings and flew to a branch to solve physiological problems.

Zhang Zi'an imagined that more than a dozen cats who had already died suddenly stood up again and wobbled into the forest like a zombie, without knowing where to go ...

Feimas suddenly turned back, "The four dead cats of yesterday ..."

If these dozen dead cats could be resurrected today, wouldn't the four dead cats they met yesterday be the same ...

Zhang Zi'an slowly shook his head. "The four cats were buried by me yesterday. If you saw them, even if they were alive, it should be difficult to crawl out of the ground."

Yesterday, Lao Cha asked him to put the four dead cats into the ground for peace, and he did as well, and in order to take care of the feelings of the elves, he deliberately dug deeper to prevent the cat's body from being eaten. The rotten animals are planed out and eaten. It now seems that his hands-on work has made him and the elves less worried.

Even the four cats were alive, their bodies were sturdy and pressed by the soil, there was no trace of space, and their joints could not move. It was impossible for them to dig out and dig themselves out, as if they were **** in a sitting position. On a chair, his arms, body, and legs were all tied up. He could not stand up from the chair with his own strength.

"Bai Yujing in the sky, five cities on the twelfth floor. The prophet touched me, and the seal was given nine lives ..." Laocha sighed creepily: "If it is such nine lives, the old man would rather live only once ..."

Is there a connection between a zombie deer in front and a zombie cat in the back? 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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