Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1564: 2 difficult choices

In just two days, the spirits of the elves experienced several 180-degree changes.

At first, they felt indignant about so many cats killed by beasts, and could not wait for a killer to kill them immediately; later, Richard first discovered that the existence of these cats caused a large number of rare birds to be preyed. I also think that these cats were the first to lose ground, and the killer is excusable, but they still don't have a good opinion of it; now, they see the killer's true body, and they see that the cat that has died is resurrected, this ...

Their mood is extremely complicated, and some of their inherent ideas have been subverted.

Zhang Zi'an thinks more. He is not a cat. The impact is not as great as the elves, and he is not so sensitive in smell, so the imagination space is not as rich as the elves.

He thinks about the connection between zombie deer and zombie cat. Is this a coincidence? Of course, zombie deer are just people's image names. Deer infected with prion protein will not be resurrected after death.

Prion protein can infect cats. Corresponding to cat spongiform encephalopathy, but I have not heard of a precedent that sick cats will die and come back to life. There must be such a situation. The scientific community has turned the world upside down.

He still leaned that these cats were not resurrected like zombies, maybe some things he and the elves hadn't expected, after all they had not witnessed the whole process.

"Forget it, I can't guess if I stay here, so the wolf has left, and if we delay again, we will be left behind."

He glanced back at the direction in which the young male wolf was leaving. Although the elves could follow it to keep up, but if the wolf was ahead, it would be better if the wolf was introduced.

The elves were so shocked that they might decide what to do. The daring elves wanted to dig up the soil of the four cats buried yesterday to see if the four cats were alive, and the timid elves wanted to pretend. Nothing happened.

At least one question has revealed the clue, why the gray wolf bites the cat but does not eat the cat-even in a game or a movie, will someone eat a zombie meat after killing it?

But how did the Gray Wolf know this? It is probably impossible to comprehend it by yourself. Why does the wolf have such an awareness? Wouldn't it be perfect? Even if humans deliberately train a group of hounds to do so, I am afraid it will be very laborious.

Most people have instructed the wild wolves to do so, as long as they follow this young male wolf, they may find the truth.

The elves were persuaded by him to follow the smell of the young male wolf to leave the open space and re-enter the woods.

The young male wolf walked uncomfortably, and seemed to be waiting for them intentionally, but was caught up by them soon.

It walked around, sometimes bowing its head to sniff the smell at the root of the tree, sometimes tilting its head and wondering what it was looking at.

"There is a smell of urine from other male wolves," Feimas whispered.

In this way, the young male wolf really wants to meet the wolves. I am afraid that more than a wolf hunted for "zombie cats" in the forest.

Zhang Zi'an nodded, trying to respond, the audible sensitive elf suddenly seemed to hear some kind of sound, and collectively looked up to look behind.

Not only the elves, the young male wolf and the deer herd behind Yao Yao looked up in a panic, as if in shock.

Zhang Zi'an didn't hear anything at first. After a few seconds, the rumble of vibrations came from the rear at high speed, and the sound became louder and louder.

He looked up, through the tiny gap between the leaves, and saw a helicopter coming from behind, about to pass over his head. The strong wind from the propeller caused the crown to shake slightly, and the leaves and twigs fell like raindrops.


Can you see a helicopter in the deep forest?

He first thought of Xiaoxue, because before he entered the forest, he asked Xiaoxue something. After he left the forest, he would report to her and others that he was safe. If he didn't come out late, ask her to call the police.

Why ask her? Because of her acquaintances, she is the only one traveling in the United States and also in California. Otherwise, she would never let a friend living in China call the police. The US police would definitely consider it a prank.

Except for her, he couldn't imagine anyone calling the police.

Has she called the police?

Did this helicopter come to search and rescue him?

He was a little bit happy and a little bit regretful. Someone was still thinking about his safety. Regrettably, the alarm was reported early, and he hadn't reached the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted.

He felt the road torch across his backpack and hesitated to light it for help.

If he did not emit a strong red light as a signal by lighting the road torch, the helicopter pilot would not be able to see him on the ground through the dense branches and leaves, but if it was lit, the helicopter would save him, which would mean this trip This concludes the journey.

Seriously, he was very unwilling, because he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth, half a ninety miles away, and leaving now is tantamount to failure.

But do n’t light the torch ~ ~ Let the forest police and rangers spend huge manpower and material resources to search and rescue him, and he also feels unbearable, although it is not his money that is spent, but the money of the American taxpayer ...

The timing was fleeting and there was not much time left for him to decide.

Redwood Forest is an oversized park group consisting of a national park and three state parks. It covers a large area. Even if the forest police narrowed the search and rescue scope through the information obtained by Xiaoxue and Meghan's mother, they still could n’t know his specifics. You can only search for the needle position in a haystack. After the helicopter flies, it may take a long time to fly back, and it may not fly back.

He hesitated in his heart, with no idle hands, one hand took the road torch from the backpack, and the other raised the telescope hanging on his neck-he didn't particularly suspect anything, but just wanted to take a closer look.

However, the moment his gaze fell on the helicopter fuselage through the telescope, his hand touching the road torch stopped.

This ... doesn't seem to be a search and rescue helicopter dedicated to the forest police.

Although he has not seen what the local forest police helicopter looks like, from a common sense, search and rescue helicopters are generally painted in eye-catching colors such as red, yellow, red and white, and red and yellow, and there will be corresponding units on the fuselage. Abbreviation.

At the same time, when the search and rescue helicopter is performing the mission, the cabin door will also be half open. The forest police in the cabin look at the forest below and to the left and right, increasing the chance of finding the victims, not the pilot alone. Come here.

Finally, search and rescue helicopters will not fly very fast. After all, they are coming to find someone, and they must leave enough time for the victims and the forest police to respond.

But the characteristics of this helicopter do not meet any of these points.

So this is not a search and rescue helicopter. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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