Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1577: Desert village

If it wasn't for Fai Tui's help with the wolves and it became the last straw that crushed the camel, the tree would not have fallen down easily, and Zhang Zi'an would not have dared to approach a half-upside-down tree, like When the fireworks and firecrackers were set off, the leads were obviously burned out, but the firecrackers quietly did not explode. At this time, whether they went forward to check or discard them, there was a risk.

Cat elves can help, but the cat's weight is too light. Even if you add Fina, it is not enough ...

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

When Fina noticed his gaze moving, she asked coldly.

"Meow meow! Your slave helped his dig out his thief's eyes!" The Snow Lion shouted with open teeth.

Zhang Zi'an immediately explained: "I want to say hello to you to get on the bus ... No, get on the bridge!"

Although the tree fell, he didn't dare to get on the bridge directly before confirming the stability, because he was carrying a large bag and it was difficult to control the balance. If he walked on the bridge and the bridge suddenly rolled sideways, he would People with bags fell into the water, and the elves could not be expected to come to the rescue.

The other elves crossed the bridge safely one by one. Richard also deliberately flew back and forth on the river a few times to show off that it had wings, and did not need to cross the bridge.

He pushed from the side and felt quite stable. He threw his trekking pole across the river, and carefully stepped on the bridge. He stretched his two arms like a steel wire to help maintain balance, and tried not to pay attention to the rapid water. It was safe to cross the river safely.

As for the deer herds that are far behind, it is not a problem for them to cross the river, whether it is walking the tree bridge or jumping directly, or even crossing the river, there is no problem. After all, the deer's jumping ability is very strong, and it is not like Zhang Zi'an was so afraid of getting his body and backpack wet with water.

After crossing the river, there was no obstacle ahead.

After another hour of walking, it was getting dark early in the forest, and it was getting dark before evening.

There is no water source around, and the deer herd are afraid to approach due to the existence of the wolf herd, so the herd cannot be expected to help him find the water source again.

There is absolutely no way without water. If it is completely dark and no water source can be found, it will be very uncomfortable tonight.

Zhang Zi'an hesitated, whether to turn back towards the lower reaches of the river and walk for a while, or continue to move forward and try his luck to find a source of water?

"By the way, Fai Tui, except for the river we just passed, where is the nearest source of water?" He asked Fai Tuo, who should be able to inquire about the wolves, and asked.

Law pushed back the wolves running ahead, and growled and asked them.

Zhang Zi quietly waited for the result of the communication between him and the wolves, and by the way breathed.

After a while, Francesco said unexpectedly: "There is no water source, but listening to them, there is a village not far away."

"Ah? The village?"

Zhang Zi'an was taken aback. The fact that there are villages in this virgin forest is no less impactful than seeing ghosts during the day.

"Don't you say that Lippit is the only human settlement nearby?" He asked.

"Yes." Fatu nodded calmly. "Because this village is a long abandoned village, the wolves found it when they came here before, and there was no one in the village at that time—the village was actually It's not very accurate, because there are only a few houses. "

"So it is ..."

Zhang Zi'an looked at the sky. If no water source can be found, instead of camping in the wild, it is better to spend the night in an abandoned village tonight.

In addition, he was thinking that since there were people who lived there, maybe those villagers have a solution to the problem of water resources, and they ca n’t carry the burden every day to get water in the river, right?

"Well, ask the wolves to take us there," he said.

Faith yelled a few more times, and the commanded wolf group turned in the other direction.

Zhang Zi'an and the elves followed.

After walking for a while, they found the path of a suspected sidewalk in the forest. Although it was overgrown with weeds, they found a vague sign on the side of the road.

After walking along the arrow of the road sign for a few minutes, a miniature village appeared in front of it.

As Fayue said, there are only a dozen houses scattered in the so-called villages. Some are made of stone, some are made of wooden boards, some are half-stone and half-wood, and the windows are all black holes.

If you change to ordinary people and suddenly see such a few houses when you hike in the forest, you may be shocked. Maybe you thought it was a haunted house, but Zhang Zi'an is not very scared. The ghostly feelings are just psychological effects. From ghosts, talent is even more terrible.

"Is it the hunter's house in the forest?" Lao Cha asked.

Zhang Zi'an shook his head. "No, hunting is banned here very early, unless it's a hunting licensee or someone who doesn't care about the law at all."

Even if there are hunters in the woods, it is enough to build a small wooden house to rest, just like veteran Mike, and these houses are obviously once used as long-term residence.

Outside the house, you can see people's cool tables, chairs, trolleys, and some houses have worn swings. There is even a 60-year-old red Chevrolet car. The patent leather is peeling off and it's all covered. Pine leaves and leaves.

Some houses have wide portals and some doors and windows are closed, but in many signs, the owner of the house is not in a hurry when leaving.

"Look over there."

Zhang Zi'an pointed aside and said, "It's a stable and a beehive. I see. It used to be a place for beekeepers and horsemen."

Next to a house, there are a lot of wooden boxes arranged in an orderly way ~ ~ There is a wooden shed to shelter from the wind and rain.

Further afield, a long row of stables stood in front of a room like a fence, and the troughs in the stables were also covered with dead leaves.

Both beekeepers and wranglers migrate like geese periodically, where they bloom, where the plants are abundant, and where they move. After the flowering period, the plants grow yellow and move to other places.

This used to be a fixed migration site for them, but I do n’t know when it may be. With the continuous commercialization of California, this traditional industry is becoming more and more difficult. The owner of the house slowly stopped pausing here, and it became an abandoned deserted village.

If he was right, the beekeepers and horsemen who once lived here might be Indians.

The history of Indians in the United States is a coffee table full of cups.

We have resolved the question of why this village was abandoned, and everyone is at ease, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be thinking about it tonight.

Anyway, I don't need to live in a tent tonight.

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