Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1578: key

"Let ’s split up and find out which house is more complete, at least not leaking. We will live in which house tonight."

Zhang Zi'an removed the backpack and rubbed his sore shoulders.

The elves were curious about this deserted village that was once home to beekeepers and horsemen, and they went into the village for sightseeing.

He wasn't sure when the village was abandoned, and since he could see a Chevrolet in the 1960s, at least after that.

Because the dense forests that cover the sun provide natural shelter, wind and rain are blocked and weakened by trees, and the Indians have some unique house building skills. The most important thing is that there are no bear children to make trouble. These factors add up. This village is quite well-preserved, and at a glance, most of the window glass is intact.

When the beekeeper and the wrangler abandoned the village, there were two possible situations. One was to come here for the last time and take away all the valuable items, and the other was to feel that it was not necessary to pack and go directly. Abandoned.

If it's the latter, maybe you can find something useful in the village.

Take something that people do n’t want, should n’t it be stealing?

Unexpectedly, Xiaobai led the stray dogs to scavenge in China, and he scavenged to the United States ...

"Squeak! Squeak!"

π wielded a wooden stick, ran back first, grabbed Zhang Zi'an's corner of clothing, and let him follow him by hand, with an expression of excitement.

Zhang Zi'an left the backpack in place, anyway, with so many wolves guarding it, he was not afraid of being stolen.

He followed π to the back of a house, where there was a fallen tree, and it almost touched the house.

"Squeak." Pi points between the trunk and the ground.

The tree did not completely fall to the ground, but maintained a small angle with the ground, as if it was pinned by something.

Zhang Zi'an squatted down to look around, and accidentally found that it was a well made of stones.

"Π, a little further away, I push this tree aside."

He looked around and felt that the tree was not very thick, and maybe he could try to push it.


π gestured anxiously, and then pointed back to the entrance to the village, which meant that the wolves would not be asked to help, because this tree is much thicker than the tree used to be the bridge.

"Relax, I think it's okay." Zhang Zi'an rolled up his sleeves, picked up an iron-footed chair from the side, and tried it, taking advantage of it. "I'm not pushing with brute force, do you know the principle of leverage? Give me a woman, I can create ... No, give me a fulcrum, I can pry the earth! "

He stuck the back of the iron foot chair into the gap between the Ishii platform and the trunk, and then pushed forward with the foot. The L-shaped chair structure acts as a crowbar.

The heavy trunk was lifted loose, and every time it was lifted, it moved a little to the side, and finally fell to the ground, exposing a black hole in the wellhead.

Zhang Zi'an took a flashlight into the well and saw the reflection of the water in the well.

Because the trunk completely blocked the wellhead before, there were not many fallen leaves on the water surface, and the water quality seemed very clear, after all, it was groundwater.

The other elves heard the movement here and rushed over to check the situation.

"Thanks to π, I found the source of water," he said. "You don't need to be thirsty tonight."

"Squeak." Pi nodded his head.

Just to say, as a village, even a small village is too inconvenient to have no water. Indians who are proficient in the wild can't ignore this when they build a village.

The wolves did not know the existence of this well because the wellhead was blocked by trees.

After finding the water source, Zhang Zi'an's confidence was enough.

"Quack quack!"

A room not far came from Richard's exclamation.

Zhang Zi'an and the elves ran over and were shocked, and saw a crowd of black animals flying out of a house with an open door, screaming into the evening sky with a high frequency, Like a dark cloud moving fast.

It's a bat.

They were flying too fast, and he couldn't see what they looked like. It was probably a large brown bat that was common in North America, and they used that house as a nest.

"These big flying mice almost scared Uncle Ben!" Exclaimed Richard, frightening his chest with his wings.

"Your eyes don't work well, so don't mess around all day, be careful to lose your life someday." Zhang Zi'an warned.

Although bat is a beneficial animal, its body is very dirty and it is easy to spread germs, so there is no need to look at that house, and there must be a lot of bat dung in it, which smells bad.

"Zi'an, Lao Shi found a house that seemed to be intact." Lao Cha ran over and said.

"Go, look over."

Zhang Zi'an and the elves followed the old tea to a house and looked carefully.

This house is built with stone foundations and walls, and a roof made of wood, which is both sturdy and light-you must know that the west coast of the United States is the hardest hit area of ​​the earthquake. In the event of an earthquake, the stone roof is likely All the people in the house were killed, and the wooden walls were not safe to face the black bear in the forest.

The house did look quite intact, the glass was unbroken, and the curtains were partially hidden, as if the owner might return at any time.

"Is anyone inside?"

Although there was no one in the room at 99.99% chance, he knocked on the door and asked aloud.


A sharp and vague voice echoed, making people scary.

He hesitated with the elves, taking a half-step back, and after a few seconds he had a taste of it-Nima responded to this human mimicry of Richard.

"Quack!" Richard knew he was going to be beaten, and quickly flew high to hide.

Zhang Zi'an had no time to ignore it and tried to push the door. The door was locked and very strong.

No way, UU reading seems to only break through the window.

He was about to shatter the window glass on the side and then unlock the window lock to enter the room. He suddenly remembered that in many American movies or TV shows, Americans often saw the door keys hidden near the doorway, such as under the door mat or over the door frame , Or pressed under the flowerpot on the windowsill ... especially in a house like this holiday cottage, the homeowner does not come once a few months, and it is easy to lose the key with him.

When he thought about it, he fumbled around the door, looking for it, but he didn't get pregnant anyway.

Once the integrity of this house is destroyed, it will likely be reduced to a bat's lair. In the future, if a hiker comes here, he will only be disappointed to camp in the wild ...

It's better to think for others.

"Quack! What the idiot are you looking for?" Richard couldn't help asking.


Zhang Zi'an hadn't figured out how to reply to this cheap bird, and removed a natural stone under the porch with a metal key under the stone.

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