Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1579: plunder

The elves were shocked to see Zhang Zi'an rummaging through the door to find the key.

Facing the questioning of the elves, he pretended to laugh mysteriously without saying a word, so that he would not say that he was the key-hiding habit of Europeans and Americans seen in European and American movies.

He inserted the key into the lock hole and twisted it gently. The door lock did not need to be a bit astringent for a long time. He increased his strength again, and finally twisted it. The lock was snapped back, and then the door was opened by pushing it with his hand.

Before he could see the situation inside, the dust on the door frame had spilled, making him cough, and the elves stepped back a few steps.

When the dust at the door was settled, Zhang Zi'an turned on his flashlight and shot into the room, looking at the interior furnishings.

The air in the room was turbid, the floor was thick with dust, and the corners of the spider were still covered with spider webs, but the spider had only a dry, empty shell. After all, the doors and windows were tightly closed, and even flies and mosquitoes could not fly in. Can only sit and eat.

Tables, chairs, simple sofas and other daily necessities are all neatly arranged, and even covered with a white cloth to prevent falling dust. This proves that the owner intends to return when he leaves, but it may be due to the deterioration of the economic situation or other reasons. The reason, the host never came back.

Fortunately, this village is located in the virgin forest. Otherwise, even if the owner is away for a few days, I am afraid that the bear child or the teenager who is too busy with the eggs will break the glass or explore as a haunted house, and then pee or paint around the house. Maybe a fire will burn the house ...

A candle holder was placed on the table in the room. Zhang Zi'an entered the room and lit the candle with a lighter. The warm candlelight drove out the darkness.

He ripped off the white cloth covering the furniture, and the sky was filled with dust. He took a breath and quickly opened all the windows for ventilation.

Because it is close to the sea, there is no trace of wind like the deep forest. The passing wind quickly blows away the floating dust.

Then the elves slowly entered the room, looking around curiously.

Zhang Zi'an went to other rooms and opened all the interior doors and windows.

The house consisted of a master bedroom and a secondary bedroom, each with a bed, a storage room and a toilet. He found a bucket and a rope in the storage room, which could be used to fetch water for a while.

There are also tools such as hammers, chisels, and handsaws in the storeroom. He clamped his handsaw under his armpit, preparing to saw branches for fire.

To say that the life of the owner of the house is boring enough. Without the Internet or TV, the only entertainment equipment he can find is an old radio. Of course, it can no longer be used.

There is a hand-made simple shower system in the bathroom. Hot water is filled in the tall water tank, and gravity is used to spray hot water from the shower.

The mirror in the bathroom cabinet was also covered with a thick layer of dust, and he could not see the handsome himself in the mirror. He found a piece of cloth and wiped it casually, so that he could see the figure.

As he wiped the mirror, he felt the mirror shake.

All the furniture in the room, including the bathroom cabinet, was hand-made by the owner. Although it is not good-looking, it is sturdy and practical. After years of storage, it is still as stable as new, but it was lost on the bathroom cabinet for no reason.

He hesitated for a moment, and suddenly remembered that the bathroom cabinet mirrors in European and American countries can often be pulled out. There will be a small mezzanine behind the mirror. Europeans and Americans will put some commonly used drugs in this mezzanine, such as televisions and movies. There are often such shots-the male or female protagonist looks into the mirror for a while, pulls the mirror out to take out psychotic medicine to eat ... and most Chinese bathroom cabinets do not have this mezzanine.

So he tried to look at it from the side. Sure enough, he found a pair of hinges on one side, and then lifted out from the other side.

The hinge was a bit rusty. After pulling it a few times, it did not open. He pulled out the Swiss Army Knife and successfully pried it open. Then there was a mezzanine, and as he expected, some medicinal bottles were placed in the mezzanine. Cans.

He unscrewed a medicine bottle casually. The pills in the medicine bottle remained dry after many years without being wet. The expiration was definitely expired, but he didn't know how much medicine left.

The traffic here is extremely closed. The beekeepers and wranglers have been living in the forest for a long time, and have little contact with the outside world. The daily headaches and brain heat are all solved by themselves, and with their meager income, I am afraid they ca n’t afford the high medical costs in the United States. There are more kinds of medicines in the family than ordinary medicines in the family, and even unopened disposable syringes.

The medicine bottles are all in English, and even sad Latin. He reluctantly selected some medicines that might be used against the translation software in his mobile phone. After taking the medicines for so many years, he was afraid to take them. The miracle drink arsenic is almost the same. External application and other medicines can be used. Put it in your first aid kit with a syringe. Is it safe?

With the depletion of supplies, his backpack has become a lot lighter, and he doesn't care about increasing the load.

As for the other things in the house ... He flipped it roughly, nothing useful, and nothing valuable, but found a picture frame on the bed in the bedroom, which confirmed the homeowner's speculation from the photos. .

He simply cleaned the dust from the bedroom and the living room. Although he only stayed for one night, he couldn't be too good at it. Then he began to boil water for dinner and by the way lit the fireplace.

The elf gathered all around the fireplace and roasted comfortably, knocking on the plate and waiting for dinner, only he was busy on his own.

Dinner is the same as noon ~ ~ The elves eat roasted nutria meat. He is a combination of rice, wild vegetables and canned food. The pots and pans in the kitchen are complete. The problem is that his craft is too tide. You can't make a flower with kitchenware.

The wolves were not idle at night. They went hunting on their own, and returned after filling their stomachs. They slept outside the house and could hear them chasing each other outdoors.

It is rare to have a shower, and since he entered the forest, he has not taken a bath for many days, so he simply burned a few more buckets of hot water, took a random shower, washed the hair that had stuck to the bird's nest, and was refreshed. Cool, I feel my body is a lot lighter, and the sewage was almost blocking the sewer.

This night, it may be that he was used to sleeping in a tent or he was unaccustomed to sleeping on a stranger's bed. Zhang Zi'an was agitated, and he fell asleep until the middle of the night, dreaming that the homeowner, the Indian, suddenly returned. He pointed his black barreled double-barreled shotgun at his head, demanding a huge amount of accommodation ...

Therefore, eating people's mouths is short, taking their hands soft, even dreaming so tangled.


PS: At my request, I wish a happy birthday to Italian readers and sand sculpture friends

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