Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1619: 1 blood transfusion

There is a small amount of bottled pure water in Zhang Zi'an's backpack, which was used to sustain life in the case of no water source, but he has not encountered water shortages along the way, so he has not used it.

He took out a bottle, washed a glass of water, then pumped a certain amount of pure water with a syringe, put it on a candle to heat it slightly, weighed a certain amount of sodium citrate with a small balance in the kitchen, and mixed it together and shake it evenly. Although the conditions are not particularly accurate, the concentration is about 4%.

After shaking well, he sucked 5ml of sodium citrate solution with a 50ml syringe, and in accordance with the ratio of 1: 9, he would draw 45ml of blood later.

"Phimas, you can put your paw down, you're going to draw jugular vein blood for a while."

He saw Feimas solemnly put a front paw on the table, as if he was learning to draw blood from a human, and couldn't help laughing.

Pegasus pulled back his forefinger. "Cut your neck hair shorter if you don't need it? I don't mind."

Zhang Zi'an nodded, and Megan took the initiative before he ordered, and cut off a piece of hair from Vladimir's neck under his instructions.

After the wound was stitched, Vladimir's condition did not continue to deteriorate for the time being, but it also did not improve. The consciousness wandered on the edge of sobriety and blur, struggling against the Sandman, even if Megan cut her hair only slowly looked at her A glance.

In the two steps of blood drawing and blood transfusion, the blood transfusion is more patience test, because the cat must be transfused very slowly when the blood is transfused. A tube of blood in this 50ml syringe is normally injected into Vladimir's body for one hour. And the first half hour is very slow, slow to the suspicion of time stagnation.

According to Vladimir's blood loss, one tube of blood is definitely not enough, so it can be imagined that it takes time, and it is expected that he will not lose even after dawn.

Of course, Vladimir's body is firm and he is also in an emergency situation that needs blood urgently. He can lose a little bit faster.

Zhang Zi'an gave the task of blood transfusion to Megan, and he was only responsible for drawing blood because he had other things to do. He was anxious to understand what happened, and whether the old tea and Faihui who were not present might encounter the same. Danger.

He repeatedly emphasized the points of blood transfusion to Megan, and she kept it in mind.

Find the jugular veins of Feimas and Vladimir by flashlight and candlelight and feel, mark with a marker, he slowly took a tube of blood from Feimas, stopped several times in the middle, and waited for blood and solution Mix, then continue pumping, it takes quite a long time to draw a tube of blood, shake it evenly, and hand it to Megan.

Megan pierced the needle into Vladimir's jugular vein and carefully started pushing at a very slow rate.

Zhang Zi'an began to draw a second tube of blood.

The room was extremely quiet, and the elves watched in silence as they both drew blood and pushed the blood, and the atmosphere dared not give it out.

Feimas has repeatedly asked for more pumps, it can resist, but Zhang Zi'an only pumped five syringes in the end, which was enough to help Vladimir through the most dangerous stage.

By the time he had drawn five tubes, Megan hadn't even injected a full tube of blood into Vladimir's body.

She was so absorbed that slowness was sometimes more demanding than fast.

Vladimir seemed to be asleep, but this was not a dangerous sleep, the blood was slightly replenished, and breathing was smoother than before.

Feimas lay down a bit tired, "I'll take a rest, just a moment ..."

Zhang Zi'an placed the remaining four syringes side by side on the coffee table, winked at Fina, and they came out quietly.

"What the **** happened?" He wanted to ask long ago, but he kept refusing to ask because he was worried that once he knew the situation, he would not be able to concentrate on treating Vladimir.

Fina remorsefully recounted briefly what happened after she broke up.

The thrilling and bizarre twists and turns made Zhang Zi'an secretly startled. "So, now, Master Tea and Fai Tui are in a fight?"

There is no need to repeat the old tea's ability. Fai Tui was an infamous killer before he turned to evil, and his hunting skills were extremely high, but the two of them have not returned yet, proving that the enemy's strength and cunning are beyond imagination.

With the lesson learned from Vladimir, he was deeply worried about the current situation of Lao Tea and Fai Tui, and he couldn't imagine that even Lao Tea and Fai Tu would encounter unexpected situations ...

Fina nodded heavily, "Yes, if there is nothing here that the palace needs to do, the palace must go to help immediately!"

In fact, it wanted to go long ago, but if it was gone, Zhang Zi'an would not know what happened, so it was anxious to hold back.

Zhang Zi'an looked at the blood stains, dust, grass blades and a few abrasions on his body, knowing that it was not easy to support Vladimir's breakout along the way, and comforted: "You don't need to blame yourself, neither is Vladimir. I'll blame you, but you better stay now, otherwise in case cats find it here, who will resist them? You have also seen that the blood transfusion process is very slow and can't withstand accidental interference. "

He understood that Fina was desperate to fight and wash away the urgency of shame, but what she needed most now was rest. Meghan, Vladimir in the house, and Pegasus tired from the blood, all needed it to protect. Can't count on Snow Lion and Richard?

Fina was depressed and anxious, but it could not refute Zhang Zi'an. If Vladimir's blood transfusion process was disturbed, it would be wrong again and again.

"Okay ..." After weighing the interests, he reluctantly agreed, glaring at him and saying, "But you have to assure this palace that you must make up those two **** blood debts! Otherwise you don't have to come back to see this palace! "

"Relax, I promise," he patted his chest.

He may have fooled Fina many times in his life, but at least this time he was unprecedented sincere. The hatred of the murderers in his heart is not under Fina, and he ca n’t wait to get rid of them!


π gestured with a wooden stick ~ ~ means that although it has no ability, it also wants to avenge Vladimir.

"Quack! How could such a thing be less uncle Ben!"

Richard has always been timid, and if it is the usual, he would rather stay in a relatively safe house.

"Meow ~ defeat the bad cat!"

Even Xinghai, who has always been kind, has rarely clenched his fists.

"Okay, let's go together and take revenge on Vladimir!"

He also raised his fist firmly.

Fina returned to the room and helped him lock the door.

The wolf that led Zhang Zi'an back to the deserted village was still resting outside. Zhang Zi'an walked over and patted him, and pointed to the forest, "Take me to help your boss."

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