Pet King

Vol 2 Chapter 1620: Western Region Sage

In fact, Vladimir's life was not entirely saved by old tea. Of course, the old tea's shot certainly played a part, but the main reason was that the second cat had reservations during the sneak attack and did not. Dead hand.

It sounds incredible, why both parties have reservations?

This is because it judges that it is more in the best interest to seriously hurt Vladimir. If Vladimir dies on the spot, Fina and Lao Cha will surely fight with it and his teacher. It believes that the strength of the two sides is between the middle and the middle. But if there is a towing oil bottle, Fina and Lao Tea will definitely not be able to fight in order to take care of the injured Vladimir. After it and the teacher have the upper hand, kill Fina and Lao Tea first, and then Vladi This is the best choice for Mill's life.

Just as a smart sniper will injure the first enemy on the battlefield without killing, and then wait for the enemy and other comrades to come to the rescue, using the enemy ’s stupid friendship to kill one and two to kill one, this is simpler than The benefit of killing the first enemy is even greater.

It believes that Fina and Lao Cha are such stupid enemies. They refuse to wisely abandon their teammates and can only die together.

However, although it worked out very well, the sudden appearance of Faitui disrupted its plan.

Both it and the teacher believed that Fai will undoubtedly die. When he sees Fai's appearance, he knows that something went wrong.

Changes in the situation forced it to revise its plan.

Seeing that Fina was helping the injured Vladimir to leave the battlefield at this time, letting them go is no different from raising a tiger, and it was difficult for the cat group to stop them, so he was standing in length and intended to intercept it himself.

As soon as it moved, a gray figure leaped forward immediately, blocking all its forward routes. If it stormed, it would open the door.

"Oh, your opponent is old."

Although Lao Cha was laughing, she was clearly angry.

Even if it is regenerating, it still maintains the style of a warrior, holding his fists and bowing his back, saying, "Old tea, I would like to have a trick with you, dare to ask your name?"

The moment the old tea held his fist, the other party's eyes flashed cold, thinking it was an opportunity to attack again.

However, Lao Cha already knew the despicableness of the other side. When he held his fist, he did not relax his alert. At the moment, he scored one point with his fists and hit back with a claw.

Between the rabbit's ups and downs, the two figures split at a glance, stepping back a few steps each.


The old tea was surprised, because it was well-informed that it had already faintly perceived the opponent's path from the moment of confrontation. On the other hand, the opponent just hit elbows and knees on the one hand, and on the other hand, pointed at the key to the old tea, which is exactly the same as the trick used when wounding Vladimir. different.

Had it not been for the experience of the old tea battle, it would have been hurt by the opponent's strange move almost in the first round.

"Is it outside Martial arts?"

"Huh, you have eyesight." The other person spoke for the first time since his appearance, his voice was low and full of air.

Laocha wondered geology and asked, "Saiwai Martial Arts originated from the Kunlun Mountains and belongs to the same vein of Chinese martial arts. Why do you help foreigners in turn ..."

"Well! Who is the Chinese martial arts? Don't put gold on your face! It doesn't matter to tell you, anyway, you're dead, my name is Emil."

Amir showed the portal, his posture was very strange, and it was different from the way of Central Plains martial arts.

Lao Cha took a deep breath, and the other party was still vague. He may have modified the words in the formula for his Holiness, but it was confirmed by the posture of the other party. It had confirmed the identity and genre of the other party. Sure enough, it is the conjectured Kunlun Mountain martial arts.

"Well, since you don't recognize the same vein of Chinese martial arts, then the old man will not be merciless." Old tea also revealed the portal of Yongchunquan.

The old tea house was kind-hearted and didn't want to kill him. After all, although Vladimir was not injured, taking the life of the other party might hurt him, and when did he report his injustice, but the other party even had the identity of Chinese martial arts. All abandoned, want to come to leave each other's life will be a tiger, so the old tea rarely used to kill.

On the other side, Faith also blocked the first cat that attacked Fina and said coldly, "I listen to the guards calling you Master Mieza. This is your name."

When he was bound by his limbs and mouth, he heard the guard and the woman mentioned the name in awe. At first it didn't know who it was. After all, it hadn't heard Zhang Zi'an told the story, but he did. After a while, it knew that this was the cat in front of it.

Miezha sneered, "Unfortunately I just blocked your mouth and didn't cover your ears. Those guards are really useless, otherwise you won't appear in front of me alive ... but it doesn't matter, it's your coming The last thing I knew before I died. "

"You better pray that your true skill is half your skill." Fa pushed his lips against each other.

"Teacher! Don't talk nonsense to them, just kill them!" Exclaimed Emile, an impatient and rude, "then go after the others!"

Mieza nodded slightly, and winked at Emir. The two teachers and students had long-term cooperation, and they had long communicated with each other. They didn't need to communicate with each other. The latter understood and swayed into the dark forest.

"Where is the rat!"

Lao Cha knew that the other party was going to divide the two ways ~ ~ Separating himself from the law and then breaking them down, but now that he had lost his heart, he could only chase into the forest.

How can the other party ’s true skill be put aside for a while? These endless ghostly tricks are just the actions of non-genuine gentlemen. They can clearly and diligently do their best, but they are doing their best, and this is the best. Too toothless.

Faiyue and Mieza stared at each other in the same place. They knew well that the battle would come sooner or later. Only one of them was destined to leave the forest alive. This has nothing to do with personal grudges. It's ... something higher.

Hearing Emile ’s vocal call, Emil called Mieza as a teacher. He watched Emil ’s attack on old tea and knew that Emil ’s moves were strange. Since Mieza was Emil ’s teacher, the number of moves was probably the same. Weird and bizarre, he often attacks from unexpected angles and methods, and Mieza, as a teacher, must be more brilliant.

However, what made the law a big surprise was that Mieza lifted her two claws and was low in shape. She even gave up the weird move and rushed straight towards it, as if to use a reckless fight like a reckless fight!

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