Pet King

Chapter 923: Good deeds

The customers on the first floor of the pet shop waited and waited. The legendary earthquake did not wait. Later, they even looked forward to a little shock. Otherwise, did it just become a rumor to call relatives and friends just now? When I thought that I might go in for a meal because I turned five hundred times, the chrysanthemums turned into sunflowers, and the few people who tossed the most were even more frustrated than the earthquake really came.

It was raining hard outside and there was no sign of clearing in a short time.

Not everyone goes out with an umbrella. It is not easy to get a taxi or ride a ride on a rainy day. People who are bored have to talk about their pet experiences and experiences.

"Ah, that customer! Yes, that's you!" Wang Gandian ran over, preventing a customer from throwing the empty bottle of the happy water of the fat house into a trash can, but pointing to the wall The sign says: "Our store actively responds to the national environmental protection policy and promotes waste separation and recycling. Please throw plastic bottles into a special trash bin next to it."

In the past, there was only a trash can at the pet store's door, no matter what kind of trash was thrown in, but recently another trash can was added beside it. Two trash cans stand side by side with the same style and different colors. The newly added trash can has a "recycling" sign on the front, and a down arrow is attached to the wall, pointing to the trash can, with "Plastic bottles throw in this bucket," next to it.

Most young people like to drink beverages. It is common to have a drink bottle in your hand when you enter the store. After most customers notice, they will consciously throw empty bottles into the designated trash cans, but there are also a few customers who have not noticed or paid attention, and Wang Gan will give a sound reminder.

But occasionally, individual customers are more different. It may be that the basketball team that has participated in the school for a few days thinks that they are LeBron Bryant's possession, and they like to throw empty bottles in the trash can in the face of their sisters. It's the norm, and it's rare when you throw it.

At this time, the battle day went over, picked up the empty bottle thrown out, loosened his mouth, put it in the designated trash can, and then returned to the original position on the second floor stairs and lay down.

This is embarrassing.

After one or two visits, few people blame themselves.

This trash can is a suggestion proposed by Wang Qian. One is that as more and more customers are in the store, the original trash can is not enough, and it has to be poured several times a day. The most space in the bucket is empty. Bottles; the second is to create a special trash can to facilitate the collection of empty bottles, otherwise it will be mixed with other garbage and then picked out ... somewhat buried.

Zhang Zi'an had no reason to object to this kind proposal and immediately agreed to it. Lu Yiyun helped hand-painted arrows and recycling signs, which were affixed to the wall and the front of the bucket, respectively.

Not only pet stores, but also the aquarium next door. A dedicated trash can is set up. Li Kun will also remind customers like Wang Qian, but there is not as much passenger traffic there as there are fewer empty bottles collected every day. Much more. In addition, most of the strollers in the aquarium are relatively stable middle-aged and elderly people, who themselves do not like to drink beverages.

Every morning, Wang Qian and Li Kun will take the puppies in the shop, bring cat food, walk the dogs in the green space and feed stray cats. Now they will also put on black garbage bags each filled with large and small empty bottles, and place them near the old lady who picked them up.

In the past, the empty bottles in pet stores were randomly thrown into the designated bins on the street. Instead of making it cheaper, it would be better to spend a few hands to give the old lady more time to bring Pomeran out to bask in the sun.

Good deeds are manifested in little things in everyday life.

It is easy to do good deeds once, and it is also easy to do good deeds for one day. But what if it is 300 years of good deeds?

If a person can do good deeds for three hundred years, it is estimated that he is a tenth-century good man like Tang Seng, and his luck is as if he saved the world in his last life.

According to the fairy tale, if the little mermaid turned into a bubble can do three hundred years of good deeds, she can obtain an immortal soul and share all the eternal happiness of mankind.

The light breeze drizzled and spilled into the room from the window on the second floor.

Zhang Zi'an finally glanced at the lightning-like lightning between the lead gray clouds, carefully closed the window, sighed at the crack on the glass, and the sorrow in his heart filled with emotions, and the wallet was bleeding again. .

But forget it, anyway, the weather is getting warmer, stick it with scotch tape, as long as it doesn't break, and change the glass when it's winter.

"Π, how are you doing?" He pulled out a wipe and gave it to π.

"Squeak." Pi's nosebleed has stopped for a few drops, not serious. It took the paper towel, wiped it carelessly under the nose, wiped its hands again, and wanted to return to the chair to write a novel.

"Wait, π, take a break before you write." Zhang Zi'an discouraged, "Lie back in the hanging basket rattan chair, you just fell asleep just now, it must be very sleepy? Write a novel without rushing. "

"Squeak." Pi nodded, obediently returned to the hanging basket, pulled the blanket over his body, and closed his eyes.

Fina and Lao Cha finally returned to their normal state, but their eyes were still full of suspicion.

"Zi'an, what happened just now?" Old Tea picked up Douyi and put it on, and straightened Douyi.

"Master Tea, I still want to ask you, when I went downstairs, what happened to you here?" Zhang Zi'an was asking Old Tea, but his eyes were also scanning Fina.

Fina's anger was still gone ~ ~ silent. Its face sank almost to drip water. How could it have suffered such a huge loss, and even the enemy did not see it, he was laid down. The most important thing was that he was in a state of disregard in front of this subordinate servant, which really made it big Shameless!

Lao Cha hissed in a sigh and groaned, "After you went downstairs, Lao Wan was going to enter the bathroom to comfort Shihua, so that she should not cry, but suddenly she had a headache and a thousand needles in her ear It ’s the same, the kind of pain ... Even if Luo Jinxian can't bear it! Even if he covers his ears, it only eases a little until the thunder sounds ... "

Fina did not dispute the old tea narrative.

"Master Tea, in fact, you have a headache, and ..." Zhang Zi'an sighed, and looked at the sleeping face of π in the hanging basket. The dog panicked, so that the bats outside the window could not find the north ... The culprit of all this is Shihua's cry! "...

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