Pet King

Chapter 924: Ultrasound

Zhang Zi'an told Fina and Lao Tea that the culprit that caused the chaos and storm was Shihua's cry. Don't say that Fina didn't believe this explanation, even Lao Tea was doubtful.

"Zi'an, what are you saying? The cry of Shihua has such terrible power?" Lao Cha asked inquiringly.

"Yellow-eyed! Are you still flickering in the palace again?" Fina's face was not good, and she was still sulking in her chest. She might find a scapegoat at any time, "She didn't cry, didn't it happen?"

"Listen to me first." Zhang Zi'an said helplessly, "Shihua did cry before, but this time is different from before, this time you can hear her cry, but I didn't hear anything."

If Lao Cha realizes, "No wonder ... I was wondering downstairs before I died, why did Shi Hua cry so sad upstairs, Zi'an you didn't react, as if you didn't hear it at all ... Lao Shi thought Shi Hua You did something wrong, and you want to take the opportunity to punish her, but then you ca n’t bear to hear it, so you go upstairs and check it out ... ”

Zhang Zi looked at Fina in peace.

Fina tilted her head and said, "Hmm! I thought you dare to be angry with her in this palace's shrine, and it was upstairs to stop it!"

Zhang Zi'an: "..." Who do you think of me as? What can I do to a fish?

Because he didn't hear it, he was curious at this time-what kind of cry did Shihua actually lead to Laocha and Fina going upstairs to check?

Laocha sighed: "The cry of Shihua is really ... the smeller is sad, the listener shed tears, the old man has never heard such a sad cry ... but, why can't you hear it?"

Zhang Zi'an further explained: "That's because ... your cats' hearing range is better than us humans ..."

"Square human." Fina interrupted.

"Okay, that's because your cat's hearing range is much wider than that of our humans, so you can hear humans inaudible."

Fina had just suffered a huge loss and was in a very bad mood. Zhang Zi'an wisely decided to swallow it for the time being, and did not care about it.

He tried his best to explain to them in short and simple terms what ultrasonic waves are and why cats can hear them but humans cannot hear them-not only humans, but Feimas is not as good as cats in this regard, and cats are far behind. bat.

Aside from the dose, toxicity is a hooligan. Low-intensity ultrasound is not harmful to living things, but if it reaches a certain intensity, it can cause different degrees of damage to the living things, even very serious damage.

人类 Because humans cannot hear the ultrasound, they may not be aware of it when they are harmed, but mistakenly think that they have a disease.

Wu Feina and Lao Cha nodded as if they didn't understand. They accepted this explanation and further proved the superiority of the cat. As for the bat ... the kind of flying mouse won't mention it.

But this can't explain another problem, that is, Shihua has cried before, but it was just ordinary crying. Why did you cry with ultrasound this time? Is Nima Ultrasound doing this?

Zhang Zi'an winked at Fina and Lao Cha, and the two cats entered the bathroom one after another.

Xi Shihua was frightened by the thunder, and Zhang Zi'an snarled again. She did not cry for a while, but she was still breathing intermittently.

"Why ... what's wrong? Why do you all have this expression? Is it ... constipation?"

I saw them coming in seriously, and she drew her body into the water, flinching, revealing only her neck and her head, as if she might shrink her head back into the water at any time.

"Shihua, I ask you, you have to answer truthfully." Zhang Zi'an asked with a stern face: "The first question, why do you cry? The second question, why do you cry with ultrasound?"

Wu Shihua blinked innocently and blankly, "Xiao Shengbo? Xi Shengbo is a **** horse? Can I eat it?"

"Idiot! You don't know the ultrasound?" Fina gave her a hard glance and stared at Zhang Zi'an, "What are you still doing?"

Zhang Zi said with peace of mind, but also explain what is ultrasound?

He had no choice but to explain the definition of ultrasound to Shihua again, but shortly after she came to this world, she had a very poor understanding of scientific knowledge.

The two cats talked for a long time, only to let Shihua understand what happened just now.

"I ... I didn't do it on purpose!" She shook her head in panic, "I didn't want to hurt anyone with the ultrasound, I just felt bad and wanted to cry ..."

Zhang Zi'an believed that she didn't mean it because she didn't have that IQ, so she asked, "Why did you cry in the past, but today ... you cry uncommonly?"

因为 "Because ... because ... because ..."

She looked very embarrassed, her body sank into the water again, her neck and chin were submerged in the water, her lips were talking against the water surface, and she spit bubbles, "because" several times, but she kept screaming and said nothing.

"What the **** is it? Come on!" Fina's last patience was worn away, her eyes rounded, and a front paw slammed against the bathroom cabinet, urging sharply.

"Don't ... don't be so fierce ..." Shihua could not hide it, so she stretched out her fingers and pointed at Zhang Zi'an, and said with a smile: "He was on the second floor at the time, and I didn't want him to hear me crying ..."

The two cats were speechless.

I just didn't want Zhang Zi'an to hear that she was crying, so I cried in a voice he couldn't hear? I can cry very fast ~ ~ without shame, this logic is not wrong ...

"The next time you want to cry, you will cry normally. If you don't want me to hear, I can go downstairs first." Zhang Zi'an said embarrassingly, saying that this is my house, why should I avoid it?

But I also thought about it in my heart, I couldn't say it in front of Fina, otherwise I would be faced by the speed of light ...

"Okay ... okay, I know." Shihua grumbled reluctantly, because not only did she not want him to hear him cry, and she didn't even want him to know she had cried.

"Are you crying, isn't it normal? Why are you afraid that others will hear it?" Zhang Zi'an asked again, "Do you know how much trouble you caused by your inaudible cry today? Almost hit the horse honeycomb!"

因为 "Because ... you are so strong, you never cry."

Wu Shihua kept her head down when she spoke, and she lifted her head slightly, and then glanced at the faces of Zhang Zi'an, Fina, and Lao Cha.

"You never cry-you do n’t cry, Fina doesn't cry, old tea doesn't cry, π doesn't cry, Feimas doesn't cry, Snow Lion doesn't cry, Richard doesn't cry, Xinghai doesn't cry ... only I cry all day, isn't it embarrassing? "

Wu Shihua really felt that Zhang Zi'an and the other elves were so strong, and they were clamoring every day, never seeing them crying.

She is very envious of them. ...

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