Pet King

Chapter 954: Fatty Snow

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the latest pet king!

In fact, it is not surprising that the suspected elf ran into the unopened area. After all, two-thirds of the area of ​​the Forbidden City is not open to ordinary tourists. This probability is as high as two-thirds.

If it really runs into the unopened area, then he can only give up simply, or try to apply for a temporary job in the Forbidden City?

However, the post needed by the Forbidden City should have nothing to do with him? Regardless of his profession or work experience, the Forbidden City does not seem to be used.

He can't chase, but the elves can chase, but what's the use of catching up? Take a look at what kind of elves it is.

"... Xuexue ..."

Zhang Zi'an was in a dilemma, and suddenly heard that someone was talking next to him, and also mentioned Xiao Xue's name in his speech.

The sound came from behind a courtyard wall, and it didn't sound clear, but the speed of speech was very rapid.

Strange, he didn't see any tourists running in front of him along the way, who was talking?

What's wrong with Xiaoxue? This is obviously not talking about the light snow in the 24 solar terms.

Is it the same name?

Or did the internet celebrity anchor in Binhai City also come to the Forbidden City to broadcast live?

Wouldn't it be so coincident?

He winked at the elves, motioned to keep them quiet, don't talk, and then led them around a corner.

Standing in front of him were two young men of the same age, a man and a woman. The man was wearing glasses and the woman was holding a cat in her arms. The man and the woman's chests had employee certificates of the Forbidden City.


Is the management of the Forbidden City so loose? Can I bring my pet to work?

Zhang Zi'an couldn't figure out the situation and was wondering, just watching the female employee scratching the little cat's face in her arms and muttering, "Xiao Xue, Xiao Xue, what's wrong with you? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Lying down! I said that it was impossible to be so coincident. The cat was also called "Xue Xue"!

However, Xiao Xue is fat enough--it is a black, white, and orange three-colored cat. It weighs almost 20 pounds. It is estimated that the orange cat's gene is dominantly inherited in its body ...

There are clouds in "The Cat's Scriptures", ten orange cats and nine males, and three-color cats are absolutely unfair.

This means that nine of the ten orange cats you meet are only male, and cats with three suits must be female.

So this little snow is a fat girl.

The female employee should be very fond of this three-flowered cat named Xiaoxue, so anxious that she almost cried.

When the male employee saw this, he persuaded, "Wen Li, why don't you take a vacation? Take Xiaoxue to the nearby pet clinic and let the veterinarian show it. I hope it is not a serious illness."

"But ..." A female employee named Wenli said in a dilemma: "But she has just been at work now, and she has been short of staff recently. Several people have taken maternity leave. I guess I ca n’t take leave ..."

"What then? Only after work?" The male employee sighed. "Well, we have so many stray cats in the Forbidden City. It stands to reason that we should hire a full-time veterinarian ..."

"Then what will happen, the public will gossip, saying that we are here to work or keep cats ..." Wen Li shook her head and smiled bitterly.

At this time, they also saw Zhang Zi'an, but this is a normal open area, so they did not say anything, thinking he was just an ordinary tourist.

Zhang Zi'an approached slowly, glanced at the three-colored cat, and cried out with a dry cough: "This cat is fat enough, it's time to lose weight, otherwise it is bad for your health."

He was embarrassed to say that he had overheard their conversation, and could only use this excuse to make excuses.

The two employees just smiled politely and left the cat.

In a hurry, Zhang Zi'an had to say, "Hey, look at this cat's condition is not good, is it sick?"

The two employees stopped and stared at each other with complex eyes.

"Excuse me, are you a veterinarian?" Wen Li asked expectantly.

"I'm not a veterinarian, but I know some common knowledge about pet diseases, because I opened a pet shop." Zhang Zi'an introduced himself calmly, and pulled out his mobile phone to find relevant reports about himself on the Internet for them to watch.

Since Feimas won the Berlin Film Festival, there have been a lot of reports about Zhang Zi'an and Feimas on the Internet. You can find them anywhere, with text, pictures, and videos.

"Yeah! You're the owner of the Emperor Dog?" Wen Li cried in surprise, "No wonder I think you are familiar!"

The male employee was even more excited, "What about lightning? No, its real name is Feimas, right? I want a signature of it? I went to see the premiere with my colleagues last night at midnight, and it performed. It's awesome! I've circled my friends and me! "

"The Forbidden City does not allow pets to come in. Feimas stays in the hotel. I will go shopping by myself." Zhang Zi'an replied with a smile. He said to himself that Feimas was squatting a few steps away, but you ca n’t see .

Feimas was very happy to hear that they described their love for movies ~ ~.

The male employee was deeply sorry when he heard the words, but there was nothing he could do. After all, it was a rule of the Forbidden City. He said to Wen Li, "You were invited to join us to watch the premiere last night. You aren't going yet!"

Wen Li regretted: "I was a bit sleepy last night and wanted to go home to sleep earlier. How can I know that I can meet the owner of Yingdi Dog today!"

"By the way, since they opened a pet shop and are so famous, maybe they know what happened to Xiaoxue," the male employee reminded.

Wen Li woke up at the beginning of her dream. She was holding her sour arm and had sour arms. She could not hold her arm. She quickly said to Zhang Zi'an, "Can you please help us to see what kind of illness this cat has? ? "

They believe that since Zhang Zi'an can easily see that the cat is in bad condition, 80% is better than a regular veterinarian, and you must not miss this opportunity.

Zhang Zi'an asked her to put down the cat, pretend to observe it, and asked, "Apart from its bad condition, what else is wrong with it?"

The two employees pointed at the tri-color cat's eyes at the same time and said in unison: "Look, there is a bloodstain beside his eyes! It was not there before work last night."

Wen Li added worriedly: "There are a lot of stray cats in the Forbidden City, and there are some other small animals that make it a home. I am worried that it is fighting with other cats or other small actions, and it hurts the eyes ..."

Zhang Zi's eyes were fixed, and the hair next to the cat's eyes was indeed dyed reddish brown.

It seemed to smell the smell of Fina, obediently inspected Zhang Zi'an, did not dare to move at all, and this scene was seen in the eyes of the two employees who did not know the truth, and even admired Zhang Zi'an because Xiaoxue's temper had always Not good. I don't like contacting strangers, but under Zhang Zi'an's hands, they are obedient, proving that they have a wonderful job ...

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