Pet King

Chapter 955: Tear mark

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the latest pet king!

The two employees were very worried about the health of Tricolor Cat Xiaoxue and told Zhang Zi'an all they knew.

In fact, Zhang Zi'an took a few seconds to figure out the situation, but he could n’t say it right away. If he spoke too fast, people would despise you, and he would not trust you, just like a doctor who knows your condition and pretends to be a fake Number pulse.

He deliberately groaned with a bitter and bitter face for a moment, and then said slowly: "Don't worry, Xiaoxue was not injured, just tears."

"Tears?" Wen Li didn't have a cat herself, and she was even more confused when she heard the words. She could cry the fur on her face when she shed tears?

She soon wanted to crook again, and said anxiously, "Red tears, conjunctivitis? Keratitis? Glaucoma? Cataract? What medicine to take or to apply?"

"Have you watched more TV commercials?" Zhang Zi'an could not help but vomited. "It's just ordinary tears. You don't need to take any medicine. The cat's tears are colorless and transparent, but the components of the tears contain iron. After flowing out, if it is not wiped off in time but dried naturally, the oxygen in the air will oxidize and form red-brown iron oxide. This is not its blood mark, but its tear mark. "

He further explained that although the inflammation and symptoms of the eye can also cause tears, the cat's eyes showed no signs of redness, swelling, inflammation, or pus, so they were just ordinary tears.

Then the two employees suddenly realized that they were happy.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Zi'an replied, "However, a cat's tears are generally a stress response. Has it been frightened recently or other circumstances have changed?"

"No." The two employees looked at each other, shaking their heads to deny.

"That's because it's too fat. It's caused by eating too much high-fat food for a long time." Zhang Zi'an said, holding his fat, "In other words, it's time to lose weight. Fat is more useful for cats, but It shouldn't be too fat. Too much fat will cause upper body diseases and reduce their life expectancy. "

Hearing this, both employees were embarrassed.

The male employee said frankly: "It's our fault. The Forbidden City is distributing cat food, but because the budget is limited, and there are many stray cats in the Forbidden City, cat food is all sort of ordinary, so we often buy cat food ourselves. Many cats feed their favorite cats, and many people also bring them some snacks to feed them. Tourists also feed them when they encounter them. They keep eating all day long, and they naturally gain weight. "

"At first we felt nothing, how chubby was cute, and the feel was awesome. Later, we also felt that they were a bit too fat. I said no more in my mouth, and couldn't help but continue to feed it in the next second. Give them a diet. "Wenli also behaved when she knew she was wrong.

The staff of the Forbidden City, especially those in charge of cultural relics, are mostly graduate students majoring in archeology and cultural relics. They have a more introverted personality and are more otaku. Otaku and otaku tend to prefer cats.

These stray cats live in the Forbidden City. They have no enemies and do not have to travel around for their lives. They are taken care of by the staff. They wander around all day, eat, sleep, and eat. They have a better life than ordinary domestic cats. There is a ghost without gaining weight.

Zhang Zi'an finally managed to put it on, and was wondering if they should recruit temporary workers in the Forbidden City. At this time, he listened to the male employee and reminded him: "Wen Li, it is rare to meet this expert. Would you like to ask him to help? Look at the cat in Jianfu Palace? "

"Yeah!" Wen Li patted her head. "Why did you forget Zhuangzhuang? I was talking about taking it to the veterinarian after work today, but ..."

She glanced at Zhang Zi'an embarrassedly and said to the male employee: "People are here to visit the Forbidden City. Let's not waste people's time, I'm so sorry ... or I'll run away after work with a strong man Go to the veterinary clinic. "

"Well, my colleagues have agreed to go to" Bug "today, and you won't go again?" The male employee said with regret.

Wenli hesitated, "This ..."

Zhang Zi'an heard the Jianfu Palace, and his heart moved, because before looking at the map of the Forbidden City, the name of the palace is not in the open area. In this case, 80% of the palace is located in the unopened area!

He was racking his brains on how to get into the unopened area, and the opportunity came, of course, not to be missed.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I've been to the Forbidden City before. This time I just revisit the place. Besides, I plan to spend a full day in the Forbidden City today. It doesn't take much time to take a look." He hurriedly interjected.

"Look, everyone said that." The male employee said cheerfully, "Let's be polite."

Zhang Zi'an nodded, "Yeah, and I would also like to thank you for your support of" War Dogs "and Feimas."

Wen Li is also overjoyed. If she can solve the big problem during the day, she can go to the cinema with colleagues tonight. After watching the premiere yesterday, they all praised the movie, saying that it must be another dark horse in the domestic movie market this year. She heard it very much, and it was a group activity anyway. Think of being out of place.

"That's great! Please rest assured ~ ~ We won't let you run for nothing-you've been to the Forbidden City before, but all you see are ordinary open areas, right? We lead You walk into the unopened area and guarantee a worthwhile trip! "She promised excitedly.

The male employee corrected: "I still have something, you just have to lead him."

"Okay, then you can help me cover up in front of my superior." Wen Li said jokingly.

The male employee didn't want to suffer, and bargained, "It's OK to cover, but tonight's movie ticket ..."

"Okay, I'm in charge of your movie ticket tonight." Wen Li waved his hand impatiently. "It's not a gentleman at all!"

The male employee took a haha ​​and stepped elsewhere.

Wen Li beckoned to Zhang Zi'an enthusiastically, "Come on, I'll show you to Jianfu Palace to see it grow strong."

Zhang Zi'an couldn't wait for it. He saw the large army of tourists behind him approaching him, and gave the elves a wink and motioned them to follow.

"Will it be inconvenient?" He asked guilty, mainly because he was afraid of being stopped by other employees on the road.

"No, I'm going to take a trip over there anyway, by the way." Wen Li seemed to be well-informed and said indifferently.

She beckoned to the three-color cat Xiaoxue again, "Xiaoxue, come together? Take a few more steps to just lose weight."

Xiaoxue sniffed the smell of Fina, pursuing Fina's taste.

Wen Li led Zhang Zi'an to the west, said hello to other staff, bypassed a "stop tourists" sign, and entered the unopened area of ​​the Forbidden City.


PS1: There is really a fat three-color stray cat called Xiaoxue in the Forbidden City

PS2: Some people say that I am a title party. I do n’t admit it. I ca n’t say that I am a title party because I have a title once.

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