Pet King

Chapter 956: Stray cats in the Forbidden City

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the latest pet king!

Once entering the unopened area of ​​the Forbidden City, it seemed to be completely isolated from the hustle and bustle of the open area, and the fear of being overwhelmed by tourists at any time also disappeared, and finally the real Forbidden City can be appreciated.

The first feeling here is silence. It's so quiet. Except for the occasional one or two staff members, several people are basically invisible on the road. The grass is fragrant, and the ancient trees are covered. On both sides of the road, a pair of stone-bottomed bronze palace lights will stand. Walking here is like walking in the past for thousands of years.

Wen Li saw Zhang Zi'an look out of curiosity and smiled, and said, "Did you think that the area not open to the Forbidden City before was quite mysterious, but it turned out to be so?"

She was partially guessed.

In fact, the main reason for Zhang Zi'an and Zhang Xiwang to look for the suspected elf that just ran away, but this is not convenient to explain to her, she simply defaulted her guess.

"Rarely come in, can I take a picture?" He shook his phone and applied to her.

The thing that ran away before was just a suspected elf. If you have preconceived prejudices, what to do if you miss the real elf?

"Please." She did not stop, and agreed generously.

Zhang Zi'an followed her while scanning, using the game capture interface to scan the surroundings, without letting go of any corner.

There have been many rumors about the authenticity of the Forbidden City. Some people say that the treasures of the Ming and Qing emperors are hidden in these unopened areas. Some even say that the Forbidden City does not open these areas. There will be psychic events, and these unopened areas are high incidence areas of psychic events.

In fact, based on what he saw and heard along the road, these hypotheses can be completely overturned. These areas are not open to the outside world because the repairs have not been completed and it is not time to open them.

Every time he passed a palace, he could see a corner of the courtyard like a leopard through the open courtyard door. The gray-faced palace was surrounded by scaffolding, and piles of stones were placed around it, which was obviously under repair.

As a cultural relic with a history of hundreds of years, the repair work of the Forbidden City is far more complicated than the repair work of ordinary houses. Experts who have been engaged in this industry for decades have led graduate students to carry out carefully, little by little. Sloppy behavior may cause irreversible damage to cultural relics.

Therefore, although it looks like a construction site, there are only a few people working there, wearing yellow hard hats to repeatedly verify the drawings, the work progresses extremely slowly, after all, it is slow work and detailed work.

Of course, there are some palaces without scaffolding outside, it may be that the external reinforcement work has been completed, the internal repair work is underway, or it is not the turn of this palace at all.

As for the second feeling of entering here, there are really many stray cats. Stray cats of various colors enjoy the spring sunshine in various poses at the wall, corners, thresholds, and under the window.

Most cats like to be quiet. There are crowds of tourists in ordinary open areas, and bear children like cat tails, so no stray cats can be seen in the open area. They all ran to the open area to enjoy quiet time.

Every time she sees a stray cat, Wen Li speaks of their names just like Jiazhen.

The history of cat breeding in the Forbidden City began as early as the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty even set up a "cat room" to manage cats in the palace, and then selected the best to dedicate it to the emperor. The emperor left his favorite cat to himself, and the rest was rewarded to his relatives.

Years of historical change, the distinguished palace cat of that year has been scattered around.

Wen Li said that some of these stray cats may be descendants of the palace cats of the year, and some of them were brought in by nearby stray cats. It is no longer clear.

Including Xiaoxue, these stray cats have marks on their ears, indicating that they have been sterilized.

Wen Li also proudly said that the buildings of the Forbidden City were mostly made of wood, but they hadn't been hit by rats for many years, and they must have contributed to these stray cats.

Looking at these sterilized cats who are fed chubby and lazy in the sun, Zhang Zi'an has reservations about this statement. Perhaps Wenli said this in order to find a legitimate excuse for the Forbidden City staff to raise cats and love cats.

Stray cats are the real masters of this ancient building. Some locked courtyard doors can be smartly drilled through the gaps under the doors, through the drainage channels on the courtyard walls, and can also jump over the wall heads.

Visiting the Forbidden City is a very boring thing. After all, all palaces are actually similar, but it is different with professionals leading them. Every time Wen Li passed by a palace, she would tirelessly introduce the name and origin of the palace to Zhang Zi'an, which concubines she had lived in, and what interesting stories happened.

Not only did Zhang Zi'an listen and nodded frequently ~ ~ I thought it was a worthwhile trip, even the elves listened very carefully.

As you go northwest, the surrounding buildings become more stale, and the bright and beautiful buildings in the open area are two different things. Maybe this is the true look of the Forbidden City after hundreds of years of wind and rain and war Good looking, but not real.

"The destination is ahead of us."

By the east wall of Jianfumen, she pointed at a building obscured by an ancient tree.

Jianfu Palace is a large area. They are not going to Jianfu Palace itself, but to a nearby courtyard.

At the first glance at this courtyard, Zhang Zi'an could hardly believe his own eyes-is this too broken?

A row of compartments in the courtyard can no longer be described by grey-faced faces. It is almost like a ruined ruined temple. The windows are all hollow, there is no glass or paper, and the paint is almost gone. A layer of ash.

If this is not the Forbidden City, he dares to guarantee that no one will ever enter the house.

Wenli understood his feelings and smiled bitterly: "No way, this place has not been included in the repair schedule, and the courtyard itself is of little importance, so it can only go back."

She walked to the door of the compartment, which was also broken, just a decoration.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zi'an did not directly push in the door, but instead exclaimed into the dilapidated room, "I'm coming in."

Before she spoke, Zhang Zi'an had already seen the interior of the room through the window hole. It was black and rumbling. Although it was not clear, there was no half figure in it. Who was she talking to?

Thinking of the rumors of the Forbidden City, although Zhang Zi'an did not believe this, he still unconsciously felt cold.

Are those rumors true? Some supernatural things do exist here?

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