Pet King

Chapter 958: 3 viruses

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the latest pet king!

The orange cat's mouth and tongue must be very painful. The large ulcers can only open its mouth. The cool air relieves the burning pain in the tongue and mouth, and it shows that it has been spitting its tongue and drooling.

It twisted its body in Zhang Zi'an's hands, tried to struggle, and exposed tiger teeth deterrently, but Zhang Zi'an had already prepared, how could he let it escape his palm?

"How? Isn't it a serious illness?" Wenli asked worriedly. Although Zhang Zi'an is a professional, she always felt that he would pinch it.

Zhang Zi'an put it down with a serious face, saying: "The situation is not good. The cat must be quarantined and sent to the veterinarian as soon as possible, otherwise it may be transmitted to other stray cats."

"Ah? Ah?" Wenli wasn't expecting the situation to be so serious, she was shocked and wondered what to say.

On the other hand, she did not want Zhang Zi'an to make a mistake. Although he was a professional in the pet industry, he was not a veterinarian after all.

"It ... what's wrong with it? Isn't it a common cold?" She asked with a hint of hope.

Zhang Zi'an shook his head. "I can't judge the specific disease now. I have to send it to a veterinarian for testing, but there are currently three candidates-feline calicivirus, feline herpes virus or feline HIV."

When he said the first two nouns, he was okay. When he heard the last terrible noun, Wenli was overwhelmed, and could not help but take two small steps back.

HIV is really irritating. It sounds no less than rabies virus. No wonder Wenli is afraid.

Zhang Zi'an guessed her psychological activity and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, cat HIV is not the same thing as human HIV, and it will not infect humans or dogs. And this is just one of three candidates. First, not necessarily. "

Cat HIV is usually transmitted by cats biting each other. The high-risk group is adult male stray cats. This orange cat can sit in the right seat.

No matter which one of the three viruses it infects, it cannot be judged on the spot. It must be tested to confirm the diagnosis, and it must be immediately isolated from other cats.

"Then ... then it will die?" Wen Li calmed down a little, and asked her most fearfully the question.

"The situation is not so bad. None of the three viruses is a lethal virus. Even if it is terminally ill cat HIV, there have been some new anti-infective drugs in recent years. The medical conditions in the capital area must be very good. As long as it is actively treated, Can greatly delay its life. "He answered truthfully.

"I see." Wen Li seemed to be determined, and her expression became firm. "The staff of the Forbidden City has a spontaneous donation fund for cats, and will definitely give it the best medicine and never give it up!"

Zhang Zi'an encouraged to nod and say nothing, because some words are more suitable for her to be told by the veterinarian. For example, it is better to give up when giving up. Euthanasia is kind to cats suffering from extreme pain.

"I have an iron cage in my office. I'll take it now and try to get leave. If not, I'll take it to the veterinary clinic after work ... It seems that I can't go to the cinema to watch" War Dogs "today. Now, "she said.

"Here, I still have a few extra gloves here. After touching it with my hands, if it is not disinfected, it is best not to touch other cats." Zhang Zi'an gave flowers to the Buddha and gave her the extra disposable gloves. .

She took it gratefully, not expecting that these gloves would be given away for free early.

"Sorry, I planned to take you to a few more places. I'm afraid I don't have time now ..." She said sorry, "Well, if you stay in the capital for a few more days, I will definitely wait for your next visit to the Forbidden City." I owe it to you. "

Zhang Zi'an knew that she was eager to take the cat to the doctor, but she could not let him be a tourist to stay in the unopened area. In case of something, she couldn't bear the responsibility, so she ordered a passenger.

He smiled when he heard the words, "It's nothing to owe. I can see the true features of the unopened area of ​​the Forbidden City. I'm satisfied."

He said so sincerely. After all, it is a rare experience for professionals to lead a visit to the Forbidden City, and she can get her promise. When he returns, he will also lead him to visit the unopened area. The only regret is that he didn't find the elves along the way, and he didn't see the running guy again. I don't know if he can find them when he comes back two days later ...

Wen Li put on her gloves and carefully picked up the orange cat. She was very nervous and awkward in posture, always guarding the orange cat's saliva from dripping onto her clothes or shoes. It wasn't the distressed clothing, but she was worried that it might spread to other stray cats.

Orange Cat just didn't have a good attitude towards Zhang Zi'an, but she was still very good in her hands. Although her mouth was sore and painful ~ ~, she did not resist.

"I'll send you to the open area," Wen Li said, "you continue to visit."

At this time, the open area must be crowded, and Zhang Zi'an was not interested in continuing to visit. Instead, he might as well come back another day and offered to take the initiative: "No, I will visit here today and have a chance to come again in the future."

The two of them took the orange cat to the outdoors.

The three-flowered cat Xiaoxue intimately wanted to come to Wenwen Li, but was stopped by Zhang Zi'an to keep it away from her, and at the same time warned the elves to nourish and motioned to keep them away from the orange cat.

"Where is the exit? I turned." Zhang Zi'an looked around. The houses and courtyards in the Forbidden City are similar, and there are no road signs in the unopened area, making it easier to get lost.

"There, go, I'll take you out. Tourists can only leave from Shenwumen." Wenli held the orange cat and walked in front.

Zhang Zi'an signaled the elves to follow.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly fell asleep, and the feeling of being watched again!

Almost at the same time, Old Tea whispered, "Zi'an, the wall!"

Zhang Zi'an suddenly looked up, and saw a black animal almost completely integrated into the shadow on the wall not far from the shadow of the eaves, staring straight at him.

He immediately raised the phone and aimed at the guy with the camera, but it responded very quickly, twisted in a blink, turned over the wall, and jumped out of the wall.

"Haha! I have the ability to chase me!"

Not only that, it also laughed loudly and arrogantly.

"Well? Where did the cat bark?" Wen Li stopped in surprise and looked back, but she didn't see any trace of the cat except Sanxue Cat Xiaoxue.

"There was one on the wall just now, and I ran away." Zhang Zi'an said calmly.

He looked down at the phone screen.

[Game Tip]: Target Confirmation-Evil Cat!

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