Pet King

Chapter 959: You chase me

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the latest pet king!

Zhang Zi'an watched as the light group on the screen representing the location of the elves was moving. Before the light group covered the area of ​​the Forbidden City, at least half of the light group had deviated from the Forbidden City.

He said to the evil gate that the sprites encountered in the past were basically fixed at a certain position on the map. This is the first time that the sprites have been seen to move, and the movement speed is quite fast.

Wenli held the orange cat and walked slowly, and occasionally asked a few questions about the three infectious diseases, but Zhang Zi'an didn't have time to delay here and asked, "Suddenly, I need to find something urgent. I'll go first. One step, where is the exit? "

"Oh, there, you can see a few turns, not far from Shenwumen." She pointed to the northeast.

"Okay, then I'll go first, bye, I'll come again when I have time." Zhang Zi'an stared absently at the screen and ran away with his legs wide open.

"Ah! You're running in the wrong direction! Go forward at that intersection, don't make a turn, this is the way to Jingshifang!" She reminded later.

Zhang Zi'an: "..."

"Meow meow! The courtroom is right!" Snow Lion finally couldn't help crying.

"Well? Where's the meow?" Wen Li looked around puzzledly. "There are no cats around ..."

When Zhang Zi'an didn't hear it, he trot all the way, leaving the Forbidden City from Shenwumen.

To the northwest of the Forbidden City is Beihai Park, and to the north is Jingshan Park. At this time, the light group has almost completely left the area of ​​the Forbidden City, first ran for a while to the northeast, and then turned to the southeast to enter the densely populated area.

I wandered in the Forbidden City all morning, and now it is almost noon. There are more people on the street, and the traffic is constantly flowing. The difficulty of searching has suddenly increased.

Xinghai originally ran at the front with great interest, but as soon as she left the Forbidden City and saw the bustling crowd in front of it, she froze.

π usually does not exercise much, and he is panting after a trot.

The same is true for the Snow Lion. Its short legs are too difficult to run, and its hair is too long. It will be hot during vigorous exercise, and it is always noisy to return to the mobile phone.

Fina is not afraid of people, and has strong athletic ability, but she disdains to condescend to go down to chase another cat elf, lazily unable to lift her spirit.

Zhang Zi'an must pay attention to the movement of the light groups on the screen and pay attention to them not to be hit by the car. No way, he put four of them into his cell phone, leaving only Pegasus, Laocha and Richard outside.

There are many alleys and old-style residential buildings in this old town. Sometimes you can see the courtyard, which is full of rich old capital style. The evil cat who ran away seemed to be very familiar with the terrain in this area, constantly changing directions in the streets and lanes, often making Zhang Zi'an tired.

Fortunately, Richard Fei stared at the cat from a high place, and old tea ran over the wall and roof, and Feimas smelled the smell along the road, barely able to eat its exhaust, if Zhang Zi'an People chased after him, and had been thrown away.

Several times, according to Richard's words, Zhang Zi'an thought that the cat had run into a dead end and had nowhere to run. When he was about to catch up, he always found an unknown path inadvertently. , Even a dog hole, sneaking into another alley, making him angry.

It stands to reason that this is a very strange thing, because the elf radar in his phone is similar to the Saiyan Dragon Ball radar. He can roughly know the cat's escape direction, and then intercepted the approach block, but the cat did not have the radar in his hand. Ah, how does it grasp his movements like the unknown prophet? Every time the capture action fails at a critical moment, he always feels that his every move is in his grasp ...

At this time, he noticed another thing. No matter where he and the elves ran, he could encounter stray cats-whether it was a twig of willow branches, the wall of the courtyard, or the roof of the old house. Stray cats of all kinds were staring at him with strange eyes.

After meeting his eyes, the stray cat ran away with a flick of his tail, and the direction of running was very consistent with the direction in which the evil cat escaped.

It is impossible to say that this is a coincidence, because this is the case for a dozen stray cats encountered along the way, and even if they are collectively refined, they are more convincing than coincidence.

He couldn't help but think of a possibility of dreadful fear. Is that evil cat driving these stray cats to detect his movements?

If this is the case, the reconnaissance operation started as early as the day before he checked into the hotel, and the game did not even prompt the elf to appear ...

He was chasing and thinking, but there was no clue whatsoever.

He was a little distracted by the heavy gasping sound in his ear. He glanced sideways, and Feimas panted as he ran out.

Looking at old tea again, old tea looks better than Feimas. It has a long breath and the breathing rhythm is still the same ~ ~ Despite this, he and Feima are still young, but old tea After all, he is too old to chase blindly.

As for Richard, this cheap bird takes good care of himself, and after a while flying, he falls down and crouches on top of him, resting for a while, always talking nonsense, so angry that he wants to drown it in bean juice.

He was about to greet Laocha and Feimasi for a break and breathe, and then unexpectedly found that the speed of the evil cat seemed to slow down, hovering near a street not far ahead, and did not continue to escape.

Is it tired too?

This is also possible, he and it have run a long distance after chasing and running.

He cheered up and said to Lao Cha and Feimas: "The elf doesn't seem to be running anymore. Stop in front. Let's think of a way. This time we must not let it run away again! At least we must ask it for an argument— —Why monitor us? "

Both Lao Cha and Feimas were a little tired, and their spirits were refreshed.

They discussed the battle plan against the game's electronic map, and finally decided to encroach on it in three ways-Feimas was responsible for the left wing, and Lao Cha was responsible for the right wing. Zhang Zi'an continued to move along the middle, but slowed down, waiting for Laocha and Feimas Walk around to the side of the evil cat, blocking its retreat, at this time they show up together again to catch a puppet!

When discussing the plan, he winked at Lao Cha and Feimas, and then kept his voice very low, avoiding the eyes and eyes of stray cats nearby.

Laocha and Feimas were stunned. The original reason that their side has been so tired is that stray cats ventilate messages to ward off evil cats. No wonder they ca n’t always catch up with it.

But stray cats can only see Zhang Zi'an, but they can't see Lao Cha and Feimas, so it is Zhang Zi'an to attract the stray cat's attention, and splitting up is the best solution.

Plans have been decided, Lao Cha and Feimas ran to the left and right alleys, respectively.

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