Pet King

Chapter 960: Borrow money

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the latest pet king!

Zhang Zi'an has observed through some details before. Fina has unparalleled dominance over domestic cats, but it is also limited to domestic cats. The dominance of stray cats is weakened, and wild cats in urban or rural areas are weakened. And the dominance of the second and third generation of stray cats dropped even more. Those cats saw it not to submit to the ground, but ran away in terror.

Many cats were originally domestic cats and were very close to them. Later, they were abandoned by their owners or ran out of their homes and became stray cats. The second-generation stray cats that were mated with other stray cats were not so loved. By the third or even fourth-generation stray cats, , Basically the same as the wildcat.

Therefore, it is not easy to count on Fina to order these stray cats and stop them from ventilating messages. And Fina cares about the safety of stray cats because they are all big cat families. It can't sit idly by, but it There is still a slight difference in attitude towards domestic cats and stray cats.

The reason is probably because it was summoned to the ancient Egyptian empire that had been living in slavery before this era. Even human beings must be divided into three or six grades. Slave has no human rights, let alone a cat. This is in its eyes. It is quite normal that the ideas that have been formed for a long time may not change in a short while.

Zhang Zi'an paused for a while, Richard flew to high school, and reported to him that Laocha and Feimas had begun to split the road, and he began to act.

During this period, the light group representing the elf on the mobile phone screen never moved, and the evil cat seemed to be resting.

However, deep down, he always felt that something was wrong--before the evil cat had been clever and cunning like a fox, was it his intention this time?

No matter what, he always had to go and see what the idea was.

He kept observing the electronic map in the game, and slowly approached the flashing central area of ​​the light group, entering a very ordinary street.

This is a street that can be seen everywhere in the old part of the capital. It is not wide, not narrow, not long, not short, new and not old. Wherever you can see, there are no low-key luxury courtyard houses, even few shops, and there are some institutions on both sides of the street. The unit's Beijing office and old bungalows, as well as primary schools and kindergartens, the highest building is only three or four floors.

Cars parked on the side of the road occupy part of the width of the road. Several sidewalks are supported by new or old bicycles. Tall locust trees and poplars support the dense shade of the sun at noon. Nearby residents or pedestrians passing by. Hurried past.

No matter how you look at it, this is a normal scene that can't be more normal.

Richard fluttered on his shoulder, flapping his wings, and shrugged regretfully, noting that no evil cat had been seen.

But the light group did not move, which meant that the evil cat must be hiding somewhere nearby.

Lao Cha and Feimas were ambushing at the intersection in front of the street. Zhang Zi'an told them that if necessary, they could get out of stealth and intercept the target when the pedestrian didn't notice.

He is not worried that the evil cat will run away now, only that it will remain lurking and be patient with them.

There are too many places to hide cats on this street, but as long as the evil cat doesn't run away, it will be found unless it gets into the residents' home from the balcony.

He paced slowly, observing the surroundings intently, not even letting out the trash can-80% of people who didn't know thought he had lost his wallet near here.

There are many beautiful and fashionable women walking on the streets of the capital. In the weather is still a bit cold, they are already dressed very cool. This was a good time to feast on, but unfortunately Zhang Zi'an didn't have time to watch ...

However, happiness fell from the sky and was caught off guard.

He was looking for traces of the evil cat intently, because the elf seemed to be able to see it directly without a cell phone, saving a lot of trouble. At this moment, he was suddenly stopped by a pair of beautiful legs.

"This big brother."

A tender voice made his bones crisp.

Looking up, standing in front of a young girl about 20 years old, a plaid shirt and tight legged jeans, wearing a sun hat, ordinary looks, but a bright smile.

Zhang Zi'an thought it was a girl who took the initiative to talk with each other, and felt that her charm value had probably been unknowingly improved, and she was very happy. She was about to tell her each other's micro-signature generously. A young man similar to her age, also about 20 years old.

The appearance of the young man is also very ordinary, and the same is true of his clothes. While the young girl talks with Zhang Zi'an, he looks around nervously.

What surprised Zhang Zi'an most was that the young girl had a baby under her age in her arms.

Who are these two people?

What is the relationship between them? Boyfriend? They should not be married because they are too young to be legally married.

Why do they stop me?

Is the baby a child of this girl? Have children at such a young age?

Or the child of her relative?

Or is it her brother or sister? After all, some old husbands and wives now choose to have a second child. The difference between the first child and the second child may be in their teens or even twenties.

A series of questions flashed in Zhang Zi'an's mind, but instead of asking, he asked one of the most normal questions in this situation-"Is there anything wrong?"

"This elder brother ..." the young girl smiled embarrassedly: "My husband and I came to Beijing with my child to play, and the wallet was stolen. I can't return home now, can we borrow some money for dinner?"

Zhang Zi'an sank in his heart.

Honestly, this situation is actually very common in every city in China, especially near the train station, and you can meet it just a few steps away. It is not ruled out that some people have encountered temporary difficulties and need help urgently, but it cannot be denied Most are scammers, using people's goodness to cheat money.

When these scammers ask for money, they often choose people with loyal faces and young couples, especially couple college students. They take advantage of the weak points of the undergraduate students, they are entangled, pretending to be poor.

Many people have experienced this kind of thing, they are more alert and know that they may be scammers, but sometimes they ca n’t hold back their entanglement, and they pay for the heart, and some boys want to show their generosity and kindness in front of their girlfriends And easily took out the money.

In fact, there must be a lot of people paying for it, otherwise it would not be possible to feed such a large fraud industry.

Incidents of deceiving by this method existed at least two or three decades ago. Instead of dying out for so many years, they have become more and more diverse.

With the increase of people's vigilance, one foot tall and one foot tall, they will choose to use the gray-haired old man as a pity, use the disabled man for disability, or use it like the couple in front of them. A sensible baby is pretending to be poor ...

Zhang Zi'an didn't read the mind. He didn't know if the young man and woman were liar in front of them. They might also be a couple in distress and needed money for dinner.

The young man also came along and echoed: "Brother, it is not easy to go out. Our young couple have insufficient social experience and accidentally lost their wallets. Now they are hungry and intimate ..."

He paused, looked down at the baby again, wiped the corners of his eyes with his fingers, and said, "We are also people with faces. If it is not a last resort, we can't pull our faces to ask you to help ... Our adults are hungry for two Nothing, nothing for two or three days, but the child can't help being hungry ... "

If it was a young female college student who heard these words, she might have been moved generously, but Zhang Zi'an was unmoved and looked around at the faces of young men, women and babies.

The young woman sighed, "Yeah, brother, children can't stand being hungry. We haven't eaten a bite from morning till now, even adults can't be hungry, let alone children ..."

Her voice didn't fall, the baby in her arms grinned suddenly and cried, her face turned red, but the crying voice was weak and it seemed that she was really hungry ~ ~ Most ordinary people are in this In this case, even if you are hard-hearted, even if you know that the other party may be a liar, you may not see the child crying. Generally, you will pay for it, and then comfort yourself and tell yourself that the other party should not be a liar.

But Zhang Zi'an still showed nothing, his face was calm, and he said, "I'm sorry, I hurried out today, and I didn't have any money with me."

"It's okay, I think you have a mobile phone with your elder brother. Mobile phone transfers are also possible. WeChat Alipay is fine." The young man immediately interfaced and pulled out his mobile phone, ready to let Zhang Zi'an scan the code.

"Oh, how much do you want?" Zhang Zi'an nodded.

The young man and woman looked at each other, and the woman said, "Twenty or thirty are not too few, and forty or fifty are not too many. If you look at us poorly, give us a little more. We want to buy train tickets when we are full. Family."

"Brother, don't worry, we are not asking for money from us, we are borrowing money from you." The young man also vowed to agree, "how much money do you transfer to us, and we will return the money to you as soon as we get home, Nothing is missing! And you can make friends. "

The young woman did n’t wait for Zhang Zi'an to agree, and said with a smile: "Thank you, brother, you look so handsome, you must be very good-hearted. We hesitated for a long time, only to stop you borrowing money, think you are sure A good person. "

Zhang Zi'an coughed and laughed, "Actually, I've been very nervous recently ... I can't lend you money, but I do have a good heart, so I can accompany you to the police. Let's go to the police uncle to help What do you think? You see, there is n’t a sign beside it that says, "There is a problem, please find a policeman?"

He pointed to the sign posted on the wall.

The faces of young men and women suddenly changed.

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