Pet King

Chapter 977: error

Zhang Zi'an looked at Vladimir's solemn stance, and thought it was funny that only elementary school students would shout out the name of the move before issuing the move.

In addition, the name of this trick is not good. It is better to shout a voice, "On behalf of the moon, destroy you!"

Judging by the vision of Grand Master Zhang Zi'an Zhuan Wuxue, Vladimir's fist was neither power nor speed, fluttering, and felt like a kitten slaps a mosquito, whether he or other elves I don't think this miracle can produce any miracle, but fortunately it will not hurt itself, let it play.

Vladimir's fist stopped silently in the air, as if against an invisible, colorless, and airless wall.

It stared at the motionless front.

A static itching sensation flowed through Zhang Zi'an's body instantly and disappeared quickly. Although everything was normal inside and outside the pet shop, the air in the shop seemed to be filled with a certain agitation.

This was not his illusion, because the other elves stood up in horror and looked around uneasily. Something had changed where they could not see with their naked eyes.


Zhang Zi'an's cell phone suddenly sounded an information tone.

He took a look at his phone and it turned out that the pet hunter game started automatically.

[Game Tip]: Error! Error code 043d968!

[Game Tip]: Error! Error code 043d968!

[Game Tip]: Error! Error code 043d968!

[Navigation Wizard]: Sorry! Due to the detection of an unpredictable memory overflow error, the game will enter the temporary maintenance phase and will be back online afterwards. The estimated maintenance time is 5 minutes. During maintenance, players will not be able to capture and release sprites, and I will not be able to respond to player calls, please forgive me!

Before Zhang Zi'an had finished reading this long paragraph, the screen suddenly turned black and the navigation wizard disappeared.


"Navigation Elf?" He tried to call.

The phone was quiet and did not respond.

Since downloading this game, as long as the game is in the foreground, the light group representing the navigation wizard is blinking on the screen most of the time, either occupying the center of the screen or occupying a corner of the screen, even if it disappears sometimes, as long as Call it, it will return information anytime, anywhere, even if the game is not running at the time.

This means that the game has the right to call the camera and microphone. Every word he said can be heard by the navigation wizard, but there is no way. This was the first time he entered the game he agreed.

At first, he felt awkward about such a navigation wizard, because it was like being monitored anytime, anywhere, and even the payment password was often changed, for fear that a small amount of property would be transferred by the navigation wizard ...

Later, he saw that the navigation wizard didn't seem to steal his property, and his browsing history at the helm was not made public on the Internet, so he was relieved, and later he turned a blind eye to the existence of the navigation wizard.

But such a navigation wizard actually disappeared?

Even if it just disappeared temporarily, it was amazing enough.

He stared blankly at the screen of his mobile phone, his brain was still in a state of inertia, and tried to quit the game, or switch the game to the background, but no matter which button on the phone was pressed, the screen was always occupied by the game interface that seemed to be stuck. I can't even turn off the screen, and nothing happens when I shut it down.

He couldn't help but think of the old tea, there is a gram in nature, nothing is invincible, as long as it is a program, there will be bugs, the more exquisite the game is more likely to have bugs, this is unavoidable, even pets Hunter games are far beyond this era as well.

Just then, the whole house suddenly shocked!

Lying down! Really earthquake?

Or is Shihua crying on the second floor again?

Zhang Zi'an was so horrified that his heart said that it was really special.

He was unstable, and squatted on the ground, trying to find a table to get under the table.

The elves were shocked, and Fina fell from the top of the cat climbing frame. Fortunately, it responded sensitively, her body restored balance in the air, and landed on the ground steadily.

The snow lion was also shaken off the cat's climbing frame and rolled around on the ground like a hair ball. Fortunately, it was thick and not afraid of falling.

Zhang Zi'an was trying to shout, "Earthquake, let's run away." However, with a closer look, it seems that only the **** and the elves were shaking the strange things. In addition, all the furnishings in the room are as stable as Tarzan, puppies And everything is as usual.

The tremor disappeared for only a moment.

Before Zhang Zi'an got up from the ground, she saw four legs and four dirty sneakers appearing in front of her.

Wang Qian stared at him like this and asked, "Master ... you lie on the ground with your mobile phone, do you want to sneak a photo of the bottom of the skirt of a passing girl? Is it a little early? Isn't it summer? ! "

With a quick move of Li Kun ~ ~, he said, "Maybe Master is doing the exercises!"

Zhang Zi'an: "..." Why does it happen to be seen by an acquaintance every time I go out?

He patted the dust on his knees, stood up from the ground, and asked without a thought: "Is there an earthquake just now?"

"No ..." Wang Qian was asked to answer truthfully, and Li Kun was ripped off.

Li Kun handed a wink to Wang Gan, which meant that he had to give some respect to Master, so he corrected: "Yes, Master, there was indeed an earthquake just now, and we were just knocked down ... Look, Master, the girl in the dress across the knee hurt her ... "

Zhang Zi'an looked in the direction he was pointing, and sure enough, he saw a young girl with a thick make-up rushing listlessly, with redness on her knees.

"Nothing! This is a big health technician who just left work!" He cursed. "She passed by the opposite side every morning, and her knees were red every morning!"

Li Kun gave a thumbs up, "Master respects things like God! Wisdom is like a torch!"

There is no way to communicate with the two of them normally, but see that the pedestrians on the roadside are all normal. If an earthquake really happens, people will never be so calm.

The elves didn't know what had just happened, and looked around nervously.

So, the shock just affected him and the elves?

It was not an earthquake, but the space where the pet shop was located, such as ... fracture and deformation.

"Hey? Master, where did this cat come from? Is it a stray cat?" Wang Qian asked as if he found a new continent.

Under normal circumstances, if you see a cat in a pet shop, it will never be considered a stray cat, unless the cat is not in the pet shop, but on the street ...

Zhang Zi'an suddenly looked back and saw that Vladimir had left his shop with his tail!

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