Pet King

Chapter 978: truth

When Zhang Zi'an shook his head and walked out of the shop, Zhang Zi'an was in a broken heart. Nima?

I saw it squatting down on the steps outside the store, shook the front paw of the fist that had just been punched, and said to himself: "Hoo ... he is meowing, but it is also a paper tiger!"

Seeing this scene, the other elves almost stunned their chin!

"Quack! What's going on? Uncle Ben's eyes are dazzled?" Richard raised his wings and rubbed his eyes.

This unscientific!

That fluttering punch actually broke through the imprisonment set by the game?

"Master, your face doesn't look very good ..." Li Kun warned, "It's almost like eating a few flies ..."

"Don't talk nonsense! By the way, did you pick up any baskets during my absence these days?" Zhang Zi'an asked.

"No, how is that possible? It's just a few trips to the beach." Wang Qian and Li Kun promised vows: "We are both law abiding and good people, and we will never go to the basket until we are successful."

"Is this cat a stray cat? It looks like English short, but it doesn't look like ..." Wang Gan asked Vladimir.

"No, this is a cat I brought from a friend's house in the capital. He didn't want to keep it, so I accepted it." Zhang Zi'an opened his mouth. "Besides, it's not English, it should be a Russian blue cat string."

Russian blue cats are relatively rare in the country, and the price is relatively expensive. Generally, they are not given away casually, but if it is a string, it is easy to make sense.

"Russian blue cat, no wonder ..." Wang Gansi said, "I thought it was a stray cat."

"Just go and work." Zhang Zi'an waved them away.

Wang Qian and Li Kun spit out their tongues as birds and beasts scattered, and they said that Master seemed to be upset when he came back?

"Vladimir, you ... did you really go out? How did you do that?" Zhang Zi'an crouched down, trying to touch the position of the air wall with his hands, of course he could not touch anything.

"Haha, it's very simple! As long as you have faith in your heart and iron fist on your hand, anyone can do it!" Vladimir said easily.

"I ’m going to put Tekken aside first. What kind of faith can I have?" He asked.

It thought about it, and replied, "Just believe that I am the truth!"

Zhang Zi'an seems to have realized that when ordinary people do things, they will self-doubt more or less, feel that they can't do it, feel that they can't learn, and feel that they are incapable ... but Vladimir is different. There is no half doubt about himself, he firmly believes that what he is doing is correct, believes that his idea is truth, and believes that he can do it.

So it did.

What a powerful soul this is!

The only problem is that I hope it does and thinks it is true, otherwise doing wrong things with this zealous belief ... I am afraid it will cause more trouble than the cat **** statue.

Lao Cha also came over and sighed, "Zi'an, no wonder it is an evil cat. It can even punch through such empty things as the air wall, and the devil and ghost must have nowhere to hide ..."

Zhang Zi'an nodded in agreement, and Lao Cha talked about the idea. They used to be tricky about the cat-god statue, something between life and death. It wasn't even clear whether it was a creature, let alone how to deal with it ... but Vladimir's power, Even the air wall can be penetrated. If it is hit on an ordinary demon, it is estimated that it will be powdered ...

He recalled that there was another prophetic slang golden monkey in Pi's nameless book, Yu Yu clarified Wanli. Calling Sun Dasheng today, only the demon cat is back!

Although Sun Dasheng is a myth, it is also a relatively famous evil spirit, isn't it?

The golden monkey in this sentence should be changed to a blue cat, and Sun Dasheng should be changed to a evil cat. This is more appropriate.

If you think about it, Vladimir's fist is probably not a physical attack. After all, the speed and force of the fist are very slight. It can't violate the laws of physics, so it should be some form of belief attack, right?

In terms of physical attack, it is still the oldest fork of old tea.

A short time with Vladimir, he found that it is sometimes old-fashioned and sometimes very childish. For example, it will shout out the name of the move before the move. The biggest feature is ... it always likes to quote famous people. You know.

"Vladimir, I have a suggestion. When you quote famous celebrities, can you also quote famous celebrities like Roosevelt and Churchill? It ’s like fleece, you ca n’t just stare at two or three sheep , What to do if the sheep is bald? "He suggested.

Vladimir stared at him for a moment with a weird look and thought, and said, "Well, I'll consider it."

"Good morning ~ ~ Mr. Store Manager."

"Good morning, manager."

As I was talking, Lu Yiyun and Jiang Feifei also went to work in the store. When they saw Zhang Zi'an squatting at the door, there was a blue cat beside it.

"Good morning, how about it? Did you enjoy the whale?" Zhang Zi'an stood up and asked.

Jiang Feifei said with excitement: "I've enjoyed it! We have been going almost every day these days, only one day we got a whale, but it was a little far away, it seemed to be three minke whales. Fortunately, we brought a telescope! Next time, I also want to go whale watching! I hope to be closer next time! Also, Wang Qian and Li Kun's sailing skills are too bad, and I especially like to be able to overturn the boat several times! "

Zhang Zi'an knew that it was a minke whale mother and child and an escorted male whale. They probably heard the familiar propeller sounds and thought it was Zhang Zi'an again, but they did not hear the singing of Shihua in the underwater speakers, so they were on alert. , Dare not get too close.

This is all right. It is not bad to bring some caution to strangers. Some stray cats are abused because they have no protection against others.

Jiang Feifei said endlessly: "By the way, we also went to the premiere of" War Dogs ", it was really great! The soundtrack was so full! And the audience was full! Many people finally moved to cry! Many boys in our class Also want to see Feimas! "

This is to be expected.

"This cat is ..." Lu Yiyun noticed Vladimir.

Zhang Zi'an said the same thing again.

Lu Yiyun gave a whisper, and Jiang Feifei went to do their own work.

"Brother, good morning!"

There was a clear child's voice behind him. Zhang Zi'an turned around and saw that it was celery bouncing around.

Vladimir also noticed the lively and lovely little celery and exclaimed: "This child is really energetic, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning!" 8)

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