Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 529: : The old man reunited [7]

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Chapter 529: The reunion of the old man [7]

Lolo looked at the thin figure in front of the horse, the black robes flew, the feeling of isolation, how can he make him inexplicable?

Sakura night poked his head out of the carriage and asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing." Lolo shook his head, slowed down the horse speed, paralleled her, and said, "Princess, if I go this time, what should I do if I know that Qi Wang has a sweetheart?"

"You have less crow mouth!" Sakura night glanced at him. "Wing brother is not the kind of person who is looking forward to three, four, and two hearts!"

She embraces the most ardent hope of this life. The strongest love, from small to large, has never changed, and has never been suspected.

She believes that the person will wait for her, or should say that she wants that person to wait for her, free her from the cage of the royal family, she does not marry a person she does not like, she does not want to live with her for the rest of her life. The same after the mother.

Waiting, there is never an end.

Lolo touched a nail and touched his nose: "I just asked questions."

"Nothing to do with the mouth! It is not allowed to say bad things about a word of the wing brother!" Sakura Night Princess said savagely.

"Hey! Then why are you saying that my Master is bad?" Lolo refutes to refute.

Sakura Night Princess stunned and fell off the curtain and sat in the carriage. It seemed to be angry.

Lolo is holding the carriage and getting angry? What kind of gas is it? The angry person is his good!

After a moment, his anger was born, and Sakura Night Princess suddenly opened the curtain again. His eyes were red and he said with tears: "I just want her to come back! Hate!"

After saying that he fell off the curtain again, this time he completely ignored him.

Lolo wanted to say something, his mouth opened, and nothing could be said.

********************North Moon Dynasty*******************

Two days after the road, I finally arrived at the capital of Beijing, the capital of Beibei. There are already many mercenary groups camping outside the city. Because there are too many people coming here, they are all mercenaries and big families in the country. Ordered, the mercenary group and the big family were all camped outside the city. The ring-fighting competition in a few days was also held on the empty plain outside the city.

The battle between the summoners is very large. In the city, there are indeed many inconveniences. The mercenaries can understand the orders of the king. Therefore, they are all camped according to the arrangements of the people dispatched by Beibei.

The Bukit family has a special status among the countries. The first family on the mainland of Karta also has power in the northern country, so it can enter the city without any hindrance.

Although Lolo has repeatedly invited, Huang Beiyue refused to enter the city with him. He camped here and could hear more news. It was inconvenient to go to the city.

Moreover, they can also enter the city, but they are not allowed to enter the station.

Lolo went away in disappointment, and Huang Beiyue asked Jike and others to tie up the camp, and then prepared to go to the city to see.

Their mercenary group of only a dozen people can only be arranged in the most remote places, together with several similar small mercenaries.

Just got a good camp, someone came over and said hello, Huang Beiyue raised his head. The person who saw him was a middle-aged man who looked like a mouse, and he was only a mercenary squad with more than 20 people. In the past, I knew that the strength was very general.

"This is your head."

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