Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 530: : The old man reunited [8]

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Chapter 530: Reunion of the old man [8]

"This is your head." The middle-aged man was also able to observe the words. As soon as he came over, he saw that the North Moon with a mask was the head of the mercenary group smaller than them.

"This is our moon-night son." Ji Kedao, "What advice?"

The middle-aged man is also welcome. In this small mercenary group, there is no need to be bound, everyone is the same weak!

There was a blanket on the ground, and Huang Beiyue sat on it. The man consciously sat across from her, and said, "My name is Zong Nan, the head of the Ten Tigers Mercenary."

Huangbei month nodded in a faint spot, not much to say.

Zongnan said: "Monday and night, I don’t see many of you. After two days of the big competition, you have fewer people. There are only two or three places in the competition, and you may not be able to win those big mercenaries. The master of the regiment is not as good as"

"Not necessary." Huang Beiyue refused when he finished speaking. "Zongnan head, I took people to look at the excitement. It doesn't matter if I can't get on the stage."

Zongnan Yizheng, some surprised: "You are white? Oh, unfortunately! Do you know how many natural treasures in Shura City? That is a good place, if there are several people who can follow the alliance. Let's not fight, but we can quietly bring out the good things inside, and change hands, oh"

It turns out that the Ten Tigers Mercenary Corps is a material dealer. These sales groups generally have no masters, but they are all good-eyed people who know what is good.

They often go to risk on their own, or go to the mercenary union to see if there is a master who needs a mercenary group to do high-level tasks, they will go to a fun, follow the master, they are cheap.

"There is such a dangerous place in Shura City, do you also go?" Huang Beiyue said coldly.

"I can't bear the children's set of wolves! Not to mention the master of the big mercenary group, there is a layer of protection!" Zongnan said shamelessly.

The face behind the phoenix moon mask was completely cold, saying: "You like to die, even if you go, don't pull me."

Zong Nan snorted: "Be as timid as a rat! What kind of atmosphere can you guys be? A group of fledgling stinky boys!"

"The fledgling stupid boy?" Phoenix North sneered, "You better pray not to meet me in the ring!"

Zongnan stood up and sneered: "You are less vocal here, there is a kind of person who is with the first mercenary group!"

"Do you think that I am as brainless as you? The first mercenary group did not offend me, why should I call them?"

"You, don't regret it! Don't cooperate with me, who can still see your little role!" Zongnan taunted for a while, turned his head and turned back to his camp.

In the middle of the road, several people wearing cold blue robes, masked, murderous people came over, because they looked at the body is not high, generally women's body, that Zongnan did not see, went straight.

Seeing that she was about to hit a girl who was walking in front, a cross flashed over, and the south chest immediately gave a cross of blood! Clothes are scattered!

After the people around them took a breath of cold, they said: "Cross-light! The first killer organization in Carta mainland!"

The south fell to the ground and was scared to shrink into a ball -

Recommend the golden fiber text "The world is mad: the four materials of waste material" is a wonderful good text~

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