Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 531: : The old man reunited [9]

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Chapter 531: The reunion of the old man [9]

The girl who pulled the sword was a girl who walked behind. The black towel covered her face and said coldly: "There is no color, didn't you see us less?" Today, the younger brother is in a good mood, and spares you a life. !"

"More, thank you to the Lord of the Palace, the villain no longer dare...." Zong Nan shivered, and his eyes were stunned, provoked such an ancestor!

The girl who was in front of them, who was called the Shaogong Lord, had never seen him. It was a small mercenary group that was not influential. It was not worth seeing.

However, just the place where the man came out, there was a very strange person sitting there, with a ghost mask, clear and cold, as if nothing could attract her attention.

Even if something happened here, she didn't seem to have a look.

How can this person be so calm? Calm a little...

The younger monk turned around and was about to come over here. Suddenly someone shouted in front: "Qi Wang is here!"

The people of the small mercenary group immediately stood up and looked forward.

The Lord of the Palace also regained his gaze and left with his own people.

"Wang, it seems that several judges of this competition have come." Asare came to inform the news and smiled with a thief. "The Qi Wang is really growing, oh... it’s a great city."

"You kid, what are you going to see!" Jike glanced at him.

Asare smiled and said: "I have to watch, the maids are all gone with the madness, so I just looked at them casually."


Huang Beiyue listened faintly, there was not much reaction, and asked casually: "Is there all the judges?"

"What I know is that only the Qi Wang of the Northern Kingdom, the King of Power, the Dean of Canghe of the Southern Wing, the National Teacher of the Western Kingdom, and the Lost, and the Lolo, who is with us, It is also one of the judges."

"Lolo is actually a judge?" Huang Beiyue unconsciously raised her lips, and her apprentice did not give her a shame, but Lolo represents the entire huge Bujir family.

"There was also a judge who did not come. I heard that Wei Wuchen, the general of the East, was away from the country!" Asare added, "The rest, I don't know."

"Wei Wuchen?" Phoenix North month dangerously picked up the scorpion, I can't think of it, I met the old guy here!

Asare nodded and said: "Wang, can we not look at it?"

"You have to go and see, it's too stuffy, I go out."

"Yes, Wang, please be careful!" Several people are going out for the first time, and they are very happy to hear that they are free to move.

Huang Beiyue went to the outside of the mercenary camp. It was a plain. In the evening, the evening breeze slowly blew, and the distant sun was shining, the grass was lush, and there was a little bit of scenery.

Huang Beiyue found a large stone to sit up, half lying down, let the wind blow his face, just want to take the mask down and breathe, and the footsteps of rustling came from not far away.

The footsteps stopped when they reached the back of the big stone, and then another leisurely footstep came from the other side.

"His Royal Highness, please be sure to go to the appointment, the princess is waiting for you!" The girl's crisp voice came.

Phoenix North Moon's eyebrows pick one, Qi Wang?

"Must come!" When the girl finished, she hurried away, as if she was afraid of being seen.

The evening wind blew from a distance, with a little bit of grassy aroma, the footsteps of that person have not left.

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