Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1103: Do you all question my strength?

Chapter 1103 You all question my strength?

The western media were silent collectively.

All the photos taken tonight have been silently deleted, because they all know that the leaders of their country have been slapped and others can report it, but they can only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Otherwise, it can only be blocked.

Wardgo's face was red and purple, and he looked up and found that the reporters who had surrounded him before had dodged far.

It's like avoiding the plague god.

Because before that, Wardgo was the one who criticized Luo Feng the most and won the title of Dragon Slayer Warrior. Now it seems that this is a joke.

The ridicule column that "USA Today" just published today, I'm afraid, after tonight, I can't wait to remake all the previous newspapers.

This face hurts too much.

What national hero James Hughes.

What the best British master Lei Lun.

What the world’s number one terrorist organization WISP.

At this moment, all are the stepping stones of this young senior Chinese official.

Strongly shock the world!

Just when some people were still immersed in the joy of the rest of their lives, and some people were shocked, Luo Feng once again dropped a heavy weight.

"Before coming here, the headquarters of the WISP organization had already been wiped out."

One stone caused a thousand waves!


No one can believe it.

Down the road?

Don't make the ghost fire organization so unbearable, okay?

But calm down and think carefully, the powerful WISP organization, in front of this young Chinese senior official, is really like paper.

"The headquarters of the WISP?"

"Is it in the UK?"

Some reporters who had previously maintained neutrality stepped forward, and the Luo Feng brothers spread the news, causing rounds of shaking.

"Oh my God, the headquarters of the notorious WISP is actually in the UK."

"Not far from here, our charity party tonight is simply looking for food by the wolf den!"

"The location of the old castle is easy to identify. At the top of the old castle, the Chinese flag has been planted!"

"The five-star red flag, flying over the castle, is announcing the awakening of the Chinese lion?"

Outside, the support of the British Royal Guard has arrived, but now, it can only clean the scene.

A reporter rushed out frantically and rushed to the castle to get first-hand information. Otherwise, the castle would soon be blocked.

James Hughes and Pierce and others quickly exchanged their sights for a while and reached a consensus.

Pierce spoke on behalf of the British Royal Guard, "The strength of the WISP makes it hard to believe the authenticity of what you said. We have every reason to doubt that this is a premeditated plan."

The words fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

Eyes came over.

Express doubts.

James Hughes said ‘suddenly’, "So it might be a scene!"

Is it acting?

All were stunned.

In the next second, shock appeared in his eyes.

"It must be so. Huaxia has been under attack by public opinion recently. Tonight, it may be a scene planned by Huaxia." Wodego seized the opportunity and shouted, his expression began to cheer up again, to reappear. The majesty of the dragon warrior.

It's like dropping a heavy cannonball in the crowd!

Some people also questioned.

"The WISP organization is so powerful, how can it be defeated so easily."

"Even the old nest was wiped out. Who knows if the headquarters of the WISP organization is real?"

"The whole world doesn't know the headquarters of the WISP, why do they know?"

"There are many doubts."

"No, there is no doubt, this is the truth."

"It seems that this young senior official's background in Huaxia is really amazing. Huaxia actually spent such a high price to direct this scene with him as the protagonist."

Luo Feng and others instantly fell into the vortex of a storm of public opinion.

"These people simply don't know good or bad." Qian Yilan's pretty face flashed angrily, "I knew it, let them fall into the claws of ghost fire!"

The iron face also clenched his fist in anger, and pointed directly at James Hughes, "You said we are acting? Are you questioning our strength? OK! Come up and fight me!"

James Hughes sneered, "Think thoughtfully. Now that we are all injured, you are only going to fight?"

Pierce also sneered, "In order to hold up a young high-ranking official, even at the expense of two peerless powerhouses, China really has courage."

"For this, I admire China, hahaha!" Garnett laughed.

In the face of many doubts, attacks, taunts, and even verbal abuse, Luo Feng remained silent.

Upon seeing this, James Hughes and others scolded even more severely, thinking that Luo Feng was a guilty conscience.

Wardge became courage again, rushing to the front, verbally criticizing Luo Feng.

"How many innocent lives were killed in order to direct a scene."

"Strongly condemned!"

"For this matter, China must give an explanation!"

"Hehe, the drama just now was really wonderful. One punch to solve a peerless powerhouse! Who does he think he is?" Someone unceremoniously opened the mocking mode.

"Bring it back and assist in the investigation." Pierce finally ordered that Luo Feng and others be detained.

"Who dare!" The judge looked angry, with a stylus in his hand, ready to attack.

"Okay!" The Gorefiend laughed angrily, "The British royal family, want to question our strength? Okay, just come up."

"Are you going to fight?" Leopard Ying's face showed excitement, murderous.

They are not afraid of a battle!

"I need to take action, just speak." Yan Guilai said unambiguously, his eyes also filled with anger.

These Western guys are too self-righteous.

It should be a lesson!

Yan Guilai would not underestimate the people of the world, but he obviously didn't care about these things.

To be able to shoot, directly suppress.

The emotions of the people around were successfully provoked by James Hughes and others, and many of them were angry.

"Don't pretend if you don't have the ability!"

"How many innocent lives were killed."

"Go back to China!"

"It's not that easy to want to go."

There were strong accusations.

"Boss." The judge and others looked at Luo Feng, waiting for him to give orders.

Luo Feng's eyes swept away.

The members of the British Royal Guard who were just about to rush up suddenly trembled. At this moment, they felt like being struck by thunder, and their souls trembled.

"No need to be afraid!" Pierce was very sure. "It was a deduction just now. What can he do with his young age?"

"Take it!"

Order decisively.

Several British royal guards immediately swept away their spirits, and rushed up with a low growl!


At this moment, Luo Feng suddenly started to drink.

The powerful aura instantly diffused and enveloped the manor, and the air above the night seemed to freeze instantly.

A azure blue knife light suddenly broke out, rushing straight into the sky, Luo Feng raised his knife and looked down at the audience.

"Be careful!" James Hughes and others shouted loudly.

Luo Feng's eyes showed disdain, and he gave the crowd coldly, "You don't even have the qualifications to let me shoot."

When the words fell, Luo Feng raised his eyes and swept away, a small three-story building on the manor side was next to him.

The blue is dazzling, and the sword light crosses the sky.

Like a thunder and lightning attack.

Falling from the sky!


Everyone's eyes widened to the extreme in an instant. They saw a scene that they had never dared to imagine...

A three-story building, with a single knife, split straight from the middle, spread to the end, and then exploded!

"Do you all question my strength?"

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