Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1104: The name of China shakes the world

Chapter 1104 the name of China shakes the world

Cut a three-story building in half with one knife!

The deafening sound made people feel the soul trembling and the whole body trembling. I subconsciously imagined how terrifying would it be if this knife were to slash someone on the body?


It felt as if he had fallen into the cold of winter, and his body was shaking uncontrollably after being frozen.

No one answered Luo Feng's question.

Question his strength?

Who the **** would dare to talk nonsense with his eyes open!

After all, many people know it well. Most of the accusations against Luo Feng that had been choreographed just now were mostly speculations, or even deliberate discredit, even if they wanted Luo Feng to be reasonable.

But now, people don't make sense at all.

In the face of many doubts, one fell swoop.

Shut up all!

He even wanted to swallow all the words just said.


The three-story building that was split in half collapsed!

Everyone's bodies then trembled again.

"Are you injured now?" Luo Feng stared at James Hughes, "Make an appointment, we will fight."

James Hughes's face changed drastically, he was cold all over, and he lowered his head without saying a word.

He admitted it!

Arranged for a fight?

This earth-shattering move completely shattered the courage of James Hughes.

"And you." Luo Feng looked at Pierce and Garnett, and the two hurriedly turned their heads to the side, their faces embarrassing to the extreme.

"Does anyone else say that director Hua Xia is in this play?" Luo Feng's eyes swept across the audience, and no one responded.

"It's really a cheap bone, it won't work if you don't hit it." Tie Mian made a knife unceremoniously.

"Our Huaxia Xuanyuan Pavilion saved your life today, but you avenged your grievance." Qian Yilan's face was cold, "This is your national quality?"

"I agree with the fourth brother." The blood demon said.

"I agree with Miss Qian." Leopard Ying added.

Several people let out a bad breath.

"If you dare not fight with our boss, I will fight you!" The judge issued a statement to James Hughes.

James Hughes trembled all over.

He has never been so embarrassed and shameful in his life. A national hero is destined to become a thing of the past. His prestige will fall to the bottom in a battle tonight.

"let's go!"

Luo Feng didn't need to stay here when his goal of westward travel was achieved. He turned around and left.

Inside and outside the entire charity manor, countless royal guards and various types of police arrived and surrounded them.

Luo Feng led the brothers and stepped out, no one dared to stop them.

Tonight, truly stand up!

The name of Luo Feng shocked the world.

The news couldn't be blocked. After Luo Feng and others left, those present also left.

Then, this news swept all countries at an extremely fast speed, causing shocks.

"The Charity Manor has undergone a shocking change and was attacked by terrorists!"

"The highly questioned young senior Chinese officials appeared at the international charity auction to turn the tide and shock the world."

"The captain of the American Cheetah Special Forces, James Hughes, was humiliated."

"Title of'Gentleman's Sword,' Britain's top master Lei Lun is actually the leader of terrorists."

"International superstar Alice was interviewed by reporters, saying that China is a miraculous transition. Her next stop will be a charity concert in China. All the income will be donated to China Charity Organization."

The spread of madness, entertainment, business, politics, etc., were all swept by this news, like a tsunami.

China, Xuanyuan Pavilion.

"Good! Good! Good!" The old man flushed with excitement. For a moment, he burst out laughing, "What a Luofeng! What a **** team!"

Master Zhang Xian stared at the TV closely, exhilarating, "Raise the prestige of our country!"

"The voices of doubt all over the world have shut up."

"I thought Luo Summit would ignore the doubts, and wait until the world special forces exercises and competitions, and then take a strong shot, but now...hehe, every country may feel weak when it thinks of military exercises."

China was applauded.

This night, for countless people, they are all sleepless.

The next morning, the sun was shining.

The local media in London broke the news again in the morning news that the Chinese youth who shocked the world last night had not only good skills, but also a magical Chinese medicine.

"Ms. Vanessa, who had been sleeping for more than 30 years in the Cavendish family, woke up overnight because of the magical Chinese medicine!"

On this day, it was the word ‘Hua Xia’ again, successfully dominating the screen and grabbing headlines.

The tyrannical Chinese Kungfu!

The magical Chinese medicine!

London's Chinatown was suddenly full of people, especially Ben Caotang, and there was a long queue directly.

Jiang Mingwen has never been so busy.

See a doctor, ask a doctor, write prescriptions.

Guys are busy.

Wiping sweat constantly.

However, there was a smile on his face.

"If the business is so hot every day, how much should our commission be?" Many guys' eyes glowed.

"Haha, don't worry." Jiang Xiaohai laughed, "With the golden sign of Brother Luo, our Materia Medica will always be prosperous."

"Talk more!" Jiang Mingwen scolded, "Hurry up and work."

Jiang Xiaohai hurried away.

Night fell.

The number of guests in Ben Caotang finally dwindled, and Jiang Xiaohai was so tired that he just slumped on the ground.

"Grandpa, if we have this business every day, we won't be able to bear it." Jiang Xiaohai had such happy troubles for the first time.

"No." Jiang Mingwen put down the pen in his hand and said in a deep voice.

Jiang Xiaohai was startled, "Why?"

Jiang Mingwen's expression was calm, and he spoke slowly, "We will return to China in a few days."

"Back home?"

"Yes!" Jiang Mingwen's gaze was firm, "I have been evading for so many years. Now that the sect has been destroyed, as a child of the ancient medical school, I also have the responsibility to rebuild the ancient medical school. We must go back. ."

"Okay! Let's go back!" Jiang Xiaohai also wiped his eyes firmly.

Fallen leaves must return to their roots after all.

"The Cavendish family members are here." A dude's voice rang outside.

However, the guys in the cottage were not panicked, because they saw Mrs. Vanessa walk out of the cottage.

The Cavendish family came naturally with gratitude.

The fact is also true.

A large pile of presents filled the cottage.

Aldous, the elder of the Cavendish family, came with his wife Vanessa in person.

People are refreshed on happy occasions, and at first glance, Aldous seems to be twenty years younger.

He will never forget the scene he saw when he opened his eyes this morning...

Vanessa, smiling at him.

Aldous thought he was a dream, and finally, holding Vanessa like a child, crying and laughing, excited.

"The power of love is really powerful." All those who have witnessed the road of love between Aldous and Vanessa will be amazed.

Aldous stayed with his unconscious wife for more than 30 years, and his love was stronger than gold.

"Doctor Luo, haven't you come yet?" Aldous's eyes showed a trace of disappointment, and he wanted to thank Doctor Luo in person.

"What I promised, I have brought it today."

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