Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1358: Don't think about it

Chapter 1358

For Luo Feng, this is undoubtedly an explosive news.

Bloody jade pendant, inherited from the sword god.

Luo Feng had already heard of it when he auctioned Shackle Dan, but he couldn't imagine that it had something to do with the earth.

"Three blood-colored jade pendants, are they all gathered?" Luo Feng asked calmly.

"The jade pendant of the Tengcheng auction fell into the hands of the Luoshen Temple. There is a blood-colored jade pendant in the Xuanguang Sect, plus the betrothal gift from the goddess and the betrothal gift from the Tianmen Sect. Three blood-colored jade pendants are gathered. However, the opening of the plane channel requires them With the help of my Sima family, they have already found my grandfather."

"So, the three of you are joining forces to descend on the earth?" Luo Feng's eyes flickered indifferently.

Sima Takong's heart trembled intensely, and his voice trembled, "You vowed to let me go."

"Answer my question seriously." Luo Feng's face turned black and his tone was cold.

Sima Takong did not dare to struggle and nodded prostrate.

"From the Heavenly Prison Realm to the Sealed Passage of the Earth Plane, there are a few people under the control of the Sima Family." Luo Feng looked gloomy.

Hearing this, Sima Takong was taken aback, "Of course there is only one plane channel."

Luo Feng frowned, his eyes fixed on Sima Takong.

It seems that Mo Yuanwu's smuggling passage is extremely secretive, and few people know it.

"When are the three major forces planning to enter the earth plane?" Luo Feng asked again.

"I don't know this." Sima Takong smiled bitterly, "However, with the strength of my grandfather and the two powerful forces, entering the low-level plane channel together will encounter resistance. This kind of preparation, and once you successfully enter the earth plane, your strength will be suppressed to a certain level."

In order to survive, Sima Takong knew everything and said nothing.

"But..." Sima Takong's expression hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and raised his head to look at Luo Feng, "The Tiannv Peak collapsed, and the Luoshen Temple is dead. The Lord of Luoshen Temple Tian Yuxue will definitely be impatient and want to descend on the earth."

Luo Feng's face couldn't help changing.

Sullen face.

Sima Takong looked uneasy and looked at Luo Feng.


Luo Feng waved his hand, "Let's go!"

Hearing the sound, Sima sighed in relief, overjoyed, turned around and left.

Run madly!

Finally, he recovered his life, and Sima cherished it.

Over a mountain, Sima Takong was tired from running and slowed down subconsciously.

Suddenly, Sima stopped in the air, staring at him, thinking it was an illusion.

In the direction of the setting sun, there was a figure standing high on the mountain peak, black hair dancing, indifferent, carrying the setting sun, looking at him calmly.

"You..." Sima Takong's voice trembled.

It is Luo Feng!

"It's a coincidence, we met again." Luo Feng sighed, seeming to lament the fate between himself and Sima Takong.

What a coincidence your sister!

Sima Takong's face was completely dark, and Luo Feng was clearly on purpose.

Repressing the anger and fear in his heart, Sima Takong took a deep breath, "What else do you want to ask?"

"What are you asking?" Luo Feng looked calm and indifferent, standing with his hands behind him, "Is there any question I need to ask you? Sima Takong, it's really a narrow road! My Luofeng traveled all the way to the west, in order to see the beauty of the sunset in the Izumo Mountains. Unexpectedly, you ruined my Yaxing, you said, what should you sin?"

Sima Takong's mouth twitched fiercely.

It's just nonsense.

Still unreasonable?

Sima trembled all over the air, but didn't know how to answer Luo Feng.

"That's right." Luo Feng glanced sideways at Sima Takong, looking up at the sky, as if he was reminiscing about something.

"I remember in a daze that there was a battle in the past, and I vowed to let you go. I didn't expect that you appeared in front of me again today. It seems that you should have been killed."

Sima Takong convulsed all over, trembling with anger, and his face turned blue.

Do you remember?

Old days?

This is obviously a **** thing a few hours ago.

Could it be more shameless?

Sima Takong's iron-green face, clenched his fists tightly, for a moment, Sima Takong almost exhausted all his strength and shouted frantically, "Luo Feng, you must die."

Luo Feng narrowed his eyes lightly, "I have been cursed by many people like this, but it seems to have no effect."

Sima Takong's eyes rose with despair. This feeling of being born and facing death all at once caused him to completely collapse.

"You will definitely get retribution." Sima Takong's eyes were red and roared, "You kill me, Grandpa will slaughter all your relatives on earth."


Sima Takong was blasted out like a discouraged balloon, flew tens of meters, and slammed into a tree, causing the thick trunk to break.

"Poor tree, suffered a disaster." Luo Feng's words rang in Sima Takong's ears, Sima Takong coughed up blood, more than a few ribs of his body were broken.

I was shaking with pain.


Sima Takong didn't want to die. At the last moment, he also took out a patterned soldier with a rectangular shape. After being activated, the light was bright, like a crystal coffin, dazzling, erupted with terrifying power, and blasted towards Luo Feng.

This is Sima Takong's last reliance.

"Have you prepared a coffin for yourself so soon?" Luo Feng blasted the crystal coffin soldier to pieces with a punch, and stepped on Sima Takong's body.


Sima Takong's cry was extremely miserable.

Luo Feng couldn't help but said, lifting Sima Takong up and beating severely.

"You kill me." Sima Takong was repaired so badly that he almost couldn't recognize Sima Jinzun even standing in front of him.

"I can't think about it?" Luo Feng frowned, "You are also the rare arrogant of the Sima family in a hundred years! The true disciple of the Purple God Palace, the hope of the Sima family's future, how could the thought of suicide so easily occur, do you know if Sima Jinzun Knowing how disappointed you will be if you think so."


Sima Takong spit out another mouthful of blood, and went into a coma when his eyes went dark.

When Luo Feng stepped on it, Sima Takong woke up with pain.

Real life is better than death.

"Don't worry, I am a kind person and I am not easy to kill." Luo Feng smiled, "You are the future hope of the Sima family. I want you to cooperate with me and have a good talk with Sima Jinzun."

Sima trembled slightly as he stepped on the air.

However, he heard hope again from Luo Feng's words.

Luo Feng wants to keep his relatives on the earth and takes himself hostage!

Although this kind of feeling is not good, but it will save his life temporarily.

"You are right." Sima Takong said hurriedly, "Without the help of my grandfather, Tian Yuxue and Xuanyuanming would not be able to descend on the plane of the earth."

Luo Feng raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

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