Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1359: The white army, commanded by a thousand people

Chapter 1359 White Army, Commanded by Thousands

"I'm sure." Sima Takong nodded vigorously even though he was so painful that he couldn't even stand upright.

It can be seen that Sima Takong cherishes his life extremely, even if he is treated inhumanly, in order to survive, he must try his best to cooperate with Luo Feng and be his hostage.

He wants Luo Feng to know his worth.

"No one in the younger generation of the Sima family can be better than me." Sima Takong said vigorously, "Grandpa loves me the most, and he will definitely agree to your request."

"The Sima family holds the seal of Songzhou's plane passages. My grandfather will not be able to descend on the earth plane if Tian Yuxue and Xuanyuanming don't act."

Luo Feng said with a low face, "However, it is far from Songzhou. Even if I take you as a hostage, Sima Jinzun doesn't know."

"No, you can use the messaging flying eagle." Sima Takong said in a hurry, "To any city, there are messaging flying eagles carefully cultivated by Weiwolou and Oupge. From here, within three days, Send the message to my grandpa."

"How does he believe?"

"I write by myself." Sima Takong vibrated.

Luo Feng was very satisfied. The awareness of a hostage was simply too high to find fault.

"Very good, but using paper and pen is a bit cumbersome, and it is not enough to render." Luo Feng very simply tore a piece of fabric from Sima Takong's body, "Use this to write a blood book."

Sima Takong trembled all over, and in the end he could only nod in bitterness.

After the blood was written, Sima Takong was too late to speak, and he received a heavy blow to his head, and his eyes went dark and unconscious.

I don't know how long it took.

Sima Takong woke up leisurely, opened his eyes, a peculiar smell came from his nose, he felt his body was bumping, and a lot of weird hair rubbed his face, his eyes were dark, and the sound of horseshoes came from his ears.

Sima Takong reacted quickly, his chest surged, and he vomited a mouthful of foulness.

"Ah..." Sima Takong roared bitterly, the blue veins on his forehead rising, but he seemed to realize something and hurriedly shut up.

He was tied to the horse's back on his stomach, with an extremely indecent posture, with his mouth directly facing the back of the horse's ass.

His eyes went dark again, and Sima Takong passed out again.

When he woke up again, he was already in a stable, and there was darkness all around.

Sima Takong was heavily wounded, and Luo Feng used a special technique to imprison his strength. It was impossible to escape.

The spar lights in the houses are still on.

Luo Feng brought the news back and informed everyone.

"Post this blood book first, and stay here for a few days, waiting for Sima Jinzun's response." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, and at the same time wrote another letter, "This one, send it back to Senior Mo , Ask him to catch the power of Oupuge and secretly pay attention to the movement of Sima family and Sima Jinzun."

"I'll do it right away." The judge stood up, and everyone realized the seriousness of the matter.

Once the strongest of the three major forces successfully descended on the earth, now the strongest on the earth plane is nothing but the Taoist leader, breaking the two shackles and simply cannot match them.

If that happens, it must be a **** storm for the earth martial artist world.

The Dragon Palace bears the brunt.

Luo Feng's expression was solemn, and it also contained killing intent. "If Sima Jinzun resolutely opens the seal of the earth channel and descends on the earth regardless of Sima Takong's life, then we can only rush back as fast as possible."

"I hope that Sima Takong's life is important enough." Qian Yilan frowned, "Otherwise, the earth martial arts world will really face a crisis."

"Sima Takong is the hope of the future for the Sima family. Especially in the recent period, the three strong Sima family has lost the second, and the Sima family has been hit hard." Su Huan said in a deep voice, "If Sima Jinzun is still If you want to think about the future of the Sima family, you will definitely abandon your plan to descend on the earth for the time being, and find ways to rescue Sima Takong."

"While we walk back, we are waiting for news?" Tang Daer said in a deep voice, "I'm worried, even if Sima Jinzun agrees on his face, what if he secretly sends someone to the earth again?"

"I have a suggestion." Su Yitong said suddenly, "If you are worried about your hometown and go back, this should be. Moreover, you originally came from the earth plane, if you go back, you will not be rejected, of course, strength If it is too strong, it will be suppressed, and it will be maintained at the breaking of the four chains. That is the suppression of a field formation owned by a plane itself. Unless the sky is powerful, no one can resist. This is also a plane. Self-protection rules. However, I think you should be divided into two groups. You turn back, and Luo Feng, continue to Zizhou."

"Why?" Luo Feng asked puzzledly.

"You are all rare geniuses. It is enough for you to join hands and go back to guard the plane of the earth. However, this is not a permanent solution." Su Yitong said, looking at Luo Feng, "There is a way that can be done once and for all. Let the earth plane be safe forever, but it depends on you."

Luo Feng's expression remained puzzled.

"Go to the Purple God Palace, participate in the Purple God Palace assessment, become a true disciple of the Purple God Palace, and be qualified to be the commander of the white army!" Su Yitong paused and said with a vigorous voice, "If you can do this, The Purple God Palace will send the White Army to guard the passage of the earth plane, immortal and protect the Earth. This is the reward of the Purple God Palace to the strong who are above the commanding position of the white army, and it is also to make the strong from all sides feel at ease Don’t worry about your hometown."

"True disciple, white-clothed army, commanded by a thousand people." Luo Feng's eyes were wiped with a sharp light, "This is the strongest army in the east in the entire hell, even if it is commanded by a thousand people, the competition will be extremely fierce. ."

"It is rumored that the strength of the thousand-man leader of the White Army has broken at least seven shackles, and some are strong men breaking eight shackles." Su Yitong looked at Luo Feng, "It is difficult for others, but, I believe, Your potential will not take long to achieve. However, it is certain that the strength of each of the thousands of people in the white cloth is stronger than your opponent today. Even if it is the same to break the seven shackles, the strength is not one. Grade."

The eyes of several people were shocked.

what does this mean?

In the White Army, for every thousand people, there is at least one strong man who broke the seven shackles, and even broke the eight shackles.

This army is simply terrifyingly powerful.

"It's an opportunity to be able to enter such an army for tempering." Luo Feng has already made a decision.

For his hometown, he did not hesitate to make a decision.

The white army, commanded by a thousand people!

Luo Feng's eyes wiped a blazing light, and this was the goal of his trip to Zizhou.

"Then, I'll leave it to you for the time being." Luo Feng looked at everyone, although he was reluctant to separate, but he had to do something, otherwise, once something happened, it would be too late to regret.

"When I become the commander of a thousand people in the White Army and obtain asylum qualifications, when the White Army guards the Earth Passage, you can set off again and go to Zizhou." Luo Feng solemnly urged.

"I believe that this day is coming soon." Xiao Yu looked at Luo Feng with a smile, his eyes full of determination.

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