Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1384: The veins really exist!

Chapter 1384 The lines really exist!

Luo Feng walked over, and the door of the bamboo house opposite was just opened. Ding Fuyu smiled, "What are you gaining? Tell me."

Luo Feng glanced at Ding Fuyu, a little surprised, "Where is the master going?" Luo Feng has never seen Ding Fuyu dressed in such a formal dress.

"Palace Master Tianshu explored the secrets a while ago, and just returned yesterday, I have something to report to him." Ding Fuyu said.

Palace Master Tianshu!

One of the seven deputy masters of the Purple God Palace.

Such a character, to Luo Feng today, looked up like a mountain.

"I heard Senior Sister say that Palace Master Tianshu supports the master to explore the lines." Luo Feng asked curiously.

Ding Fuyu nodded, "If it were not for the support of Palace Master Tianshu, how could I study the tattoos for so long with peace of mind? Unfortunately, I also failed Palace Master Tianshu's expectations." Ding Fuyu sighed, "Right, you Say, what are your gains?"

"Master, look." Luo Feng handed the shield in his hand to Ding Fuyu.

Ding Fuyu took the shield handed by Luo Feng, half-sounding, a little speechless, "This is an ordinary shield, but it is a bit old, and it may be cracked after a few stabs."

Ding Fuyu couldn't understand why Luo Feng suddenly showed him such a shield.

Luo Feng smiled, "Master, don't you see clearly?"

Ding Fuyu glanced at Luo Feng suspiciously. Luo Feng then squinted and said, "Doesn't the master think this shield is a bit familiar?"

"Familiar?" Ding Fuyu couldn't help but lower his head and observe carefully. This time, he was very serious. Suddenly, Ding Fuyu's whole body was shocked, his eyes widened, for a while, he shivered involuntarily, and then continued to be serious again. After looking at it for a long time, he looked up and looked at Luo Feng in disbelief, "Here, this is the patterned soldier shield I gave you yesterday? Impossible! Where is the pattern on it? Why did it disappear?"

"It's it." Luo Feng nodded, and said with a serious face, "Didn't I say it yesterday? I carefully studied the master's manual experience, and I was inspired by it. After returning last night, I tried to put the pattern on this shield. They disintegrated one by one. In the end, they succeeded in breaking all the patterns on the shield with patterned soldiers, turning it into an ordinary shield."

Ding Fuyu's forehead exploded.

His face turned pale, half-sounding, showing enthusiasm and excitement, looking at Luo Feng, his voice was quick, "You, how did you do it?"

Since the patterned shield can be resolved into an ordinary shield, then, on the contrary, is it possible to engrave the pattern on the ordinary shield, so that the ordinary shield becomes a patterned shield?

Ding Fuyu was extremely excited, trembling all over.

I have explored for most of my life without breaking through the pattern, but it was solved in one night in the hands of my disciple?

"Master lends me another shield with tattoos." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, not selling it.

"Here." Ding Fuyu couldn't wait to take out a shield with a pattern of soldiers, and looked at Luo Feng eagerly.

"Master, look." Luo Feng took the shield with the patterned soldier, walked into the bamboo house, and placed it on the table, "The shield with patterned soldier, the pattern on it looks simple, but contains infinite mysteries, so I suspect that this requires special handprints. Come to start, just like the formation, there are similarities in the same way."

While explaining, Luo Feng tried to crack this patterned soldier shield.

Step by step, all kinds of subtle thoughts, the unconstrained changes, made Ding Fuyu's mind almost unable to turn.

How could this be so?

It turns out that this step needs to be cracked with this kind of handprint.

Ding Fuyu studied tattoos for a lifetime, and was quick to accept the mysteries of tattoos taught by Luo Feng, and his mind was directly absorbed.



Suddenly a faint white smoke rose up from this patterned shield. Soon, the pattern on it disappeared and disappeared completely.

Ding Fuyu saw this happening with his own eyes, and his lips trembled with excitement.

"Really... Can it happen?" Ding Fuyu was excited, excited, tears filled his eyes, and didn't know how to express his feelings.


The veins really exist!

For a long time, Ding Fuyu insisted on his conjecture. However, along the way, he encountered too many cold eyes and ridicule. Although few people dared to mock him in front of him, Ding Fuyu knew how many gossips in his back.

He wanted to prove it to everyone that the so-called pattern soldier was not a relic of the gods, but a way! Like Dan, the formation can be created by humans!

But he has been unable to do it.

Today, he witnessed it with his own eyes.

From this moment on, he was able to pat his shoulder more powerfully, telling everyone that the tattoos were real, and that it would shock the heaven and the hell.

Ding Fuyu didn't even expect that Luo Feng would break open so easily by studying the fruitless veins.

"Genius! Wendao Tianjiao!" Suddenly Ding Fuyu grabbed Luo Feng's shoulder with excitement, and laughed like crazy with excitement, tears in his eyes could not hold back.

He is so happy!

"Since it can be cracked, wouldn't it be possible to engrave the pattern on an ordinary shield?" Ding Fuyu looked at Luo Feng with shining eyes.

Luo Feng nodded seriously, "If there is no accident, it is true."

"Haha!" Ding Fuyu was extremely excited, "Luo Feng, you are simply my savior! Starting today, our identities will be reversed, and you will be my master."

"No, the disciple doesn't dare." Luo Feng was taken aback, and quickly waved his head, "I also studied the master's handbook and gained some insights, so I happened to crack this patterned shield."

Ding Fuyu smiled with satisfaction, and finally calmed down his mood, "I will tell the Palace Master Tianshu, Luo Feng, this time, this time, you have made incalculable military merits! Maybe, just make an exception, Xiang Tianshu Palace Master requested that a white-clothed army be sent to guard the passage of your hometown. Palace Master Tianshu may also agree."

Luo Feng's eyes lit up, "Then I am waiting for the good news from the master."

Ding Fuyu smiled like a spring breeze, and immediately left Drunk Dragon Peak and rushed towards the Purple God Palace. On the way, Ding Fuyu's heart suddenly thumped, and a feeling of uneasiness arose inexplicably, and, this feeling, Quickly filled my heart and enveloped my body.

"What's the matter?" Ding Fuyu's footsteps stopped suddenly, and looked back at Drunken Dragon Peak. After a while, he smiled and shook his head, "I am so excited, this is a great happy event."

Ding Fuyu tried to calm himself down, and soon walked to the purple palace.

"Several palace masters are discussing matters. Elders, please move to Zilan Pavilion and wait." In addition to Ding Fuyu, several elders are also there, and they all have to wait outside.

When Ding Fuyu had just left Zuilong Peak, Chen Luan had arrived at the foot of Zuilong Peak. Standing at the foot of the mountain, with a calm expression, he directly urged several ordinary disciples of Drunken Dragon Peak in the distance, "Passing on the orders of the ancient elders of Epanfeng , Let Luo Feng go there quickly, without error."

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