Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1385: Put to death!

Chapter 1385 Execution!

The elders have orders!

Chen Luan's voice is undoubtedly, domineering loudly.

Hearing the sound, the ordinary Drunken Dragon Peak disciples in the distance did not dare to neglect, and several of them immediately turned and ran up the mountain. At the same time, someone walked up to Chen Luan and said, "Brother, please move to your seat."

"No need." Chen Luan shook his head and stood at the foot of the mountain. He looked indifferent. This place is known as the first wasteland of the Purple Temple in a thousand years. Chen Luan naturally did not want to step into it, lest he might be unlucky.

"Elder E Panfeng has an order, I want my younger brother to go there?" Ma Fu got the news first and couldn't help but wonder, but he still found Luo Feng and told the news.

Luo Feng was also puzzled, "Epanfeng? I have never heard of it."

"The elder of Epanfeng's surname is Gu, and the name is Gu Lin." Ma Fu said in a deep voice, "He is a very arrogant and arrogant old man, and his temper is also very rough, just don't know, why would he suddenly want to see his brother?"

"Don't I know if I take a trip in the past?" Luo Feng smiled without realizing that Epanfeng's intention was not good.

Luo Feng would never have thought that Sima Jinzun would suddenly come to Sky City and enter Epan Peak, much less that Epan Peak would directly impose so-called punishment on him.

It can be seen that in the eyes of Gu Lin, the disciple of Drunken Dragon Peak was not in his eyes at all.

He caught Luo Feng's disrespect to the Purple God Palace and directly ordered him to be accused.

Ma Fu accompanied Luo Feng down the mountain.

"Brother." Ma Fu arched his hand toward Chen Luan, and said in a deep voice, "I wonder what Elder Gu is asking for our brother?"

"You know when you arrive." Chen Luan stared at Luo Feng, "Follow me."

"Brother, it's okay. Today is a big day for us Drunken Dragon Peak." Luo Feng smiled and slapped Ma Fu on the shoulder. "You go back and prepare the wine and food. Master today will definitely celebrate."

Chen Luan's eyes were wiped with a cold.

Want to come back alive?

Death is imminent.


Luo Feng and Chen Luan came to Epan Peak one after another.

Along the way, Luo Feng tentatively asked Chen Luan, but Chen Luan had no intention of communicating with Luo Feng.

Step into the hall.

Chen Luan looked respectful, and bowed towards Ancient Champa, "Master, Luo Feng has been here."

On the chair in front of the main hall, Champa looked majestic and looked towards Luofeng.

Luo Feng frowned slightly, "Isn't the elder looking for me?" Ma Fu said, Gu Lin is an old man.

"Only you, are you eligible to see the elders?" Chen Luan sneered.

"This ancient Champa." Looking at Luo Feng, the ancient Champa spoke slowly, "Sima Takong is a true disciple of this seat."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Feng's heart couldn't help.

Without changing his face, he bowed his hand towards Ancient Champa, "It turned out to be the ancient senior, disrespectful."

"You are quite calm." Ancient Champa said indifferently, "Come out."

As soon as the words fell, Sima Jinzun stepped out from the side of the main hall, staring at Luo Feng with no concealment, his voice was cold, "Luo Feng, you can't think of it, there will be today."

Luo Feng raised his eyebrows, "Who are you?"

Luo Feng now understands that this trip to Epanfeng is a ‘Hongmen Banquet’, but the other party is more direct and doesn’t even need to set up the banquet.

In the Purple God Palace, what happened to this kind of thing was indeed unexpected to Luo Feng.

This also reminded Luo Feng that there is no absolutely safe place in the world.

In the Purple God Palace, he did relax his vigilance.

With the appearance of Sima Jinzun, Luo Feng guessed his identity. After all, Luo Feng had seen Sima Yinzun and Sima Niu, and their faces and silhouettes were somewhat similar to Sima Jinzun.

"Sima Takong, is it life or death now?" Sima Jinzun's eyes were full of evil spirits and shouted Luo Feng.

"It's a living now, it's hard to tell after a while." Luo Feng narrowed his eyes and spoke frankly, his eyes swept around, Sima Jinzun and Chen Luan stood on each side, seeming to be wary of Luo Feng's escape.

"It seems that you have already admitted." Ancient Champa said in a low voice, "Tengcheng assassinated the city lord, Huangcheng slaughtered the wolfsmoke army, and then attempted to kill my true disciple of the Purple God Palace... These three charges are enough to put you to death! "

"What qualifications do you have to deal with me?" Luo Feng stepped, straightened up, "I am the disciple of Drunken Dragon Peak elder."

Gu Champa laughed, without any fear, and said with a sneer, "Do you think that this identity can be your umbrella? Maybe if Elder Ding is there, we can't touch you, but now, this is Mount Epan. To tell you the truth, today, you never want to walk down Epan Peak. If you commit a capital crime, we will naturally notify Zuilong Peak to come and collect the corpse afterwards."

Luo Feng's heart was shocked, and he was extremely alert for an instant.

At the same time, there was a burst of anger in my heart.

He is also a disciple of the elder Drunken Dragon Peak anyway, so the other party actually said to kill and kill?

This also shows how humble the position of Zuilong Peak in the thirty-six peaks of the Purple God Palace is.

No wonder Ma Fu also said that Elder E Panfeng was arrogant and irritable, and his disciples were of the same virtue as him.

"I have nothing to say." Gu Champa looked down at Luo Feng, "This year's strongest Tianjiao? My Purple Temple, the most indispensable, happens to be Tianjiao." Gu Champa waved his hand, "However, I miss you. I am an elder disciple. This seat has decided to give you a decent way to die, come, and give you wine."

Luo Feng's pupils shrank lightly, his eyes turned to Sima Jinzun, and his voice was harsh, "You don't want Sima Takong's life anymore? He is locked in a place that only I know. If I die, he won't survive. ."

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense?" Sima Jinzun's expression is grim, "Maybe I can tell you that before leaving for the Sky City, the old man has already issued an order. The three major forces will descend on the plane of the earth at the same time and capture your comrades. , Now, maybe, they have already broken the law, you can go down with them."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Feng's face suddenly changed, and a fury shot out from his eyes, "Old Pifu, you dare to openly violate the elder's order!" Ding Fuyu has already issued an order and cannot step into the earth plane for half a step.

"Official business." Sima Jinzun sneered. "You are a sinner and disrespectful to the Purple God Palace. Maybe you are more intent on the opposite! Your companion, to seek back the plane of the earth, you are also damned."

At this time, a disciple of Epanfeng came in with a tray.

A glass of wine is placed on the tray.

Walked in front of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng glanced down and picked up the wine glass.

"Epan Peak, Ancient Champa..." Luo Feng whispered to himself, suddenly raising his eyes, his eyes suddenly burst out with two golden lights, which shot towards the ancient Champa city like quality, although the ancient Champa city quickly avoided, The chair he was sitting on broke and exploded.

"Give me poisonous wine?" Luo Feng smiled, the wine glass in his hand was poured, and he laughed contemptuously, his eyes were rebellious, his eyes swept coldly, "You want the minister to die, do you have to die? You **** Take yourself too seriously."

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