Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1443: Cut you by the way

Chapter 1443

Tang Dal exhaled deeply, waved his hand and then said, "Go back to the City Lord's Mansion first, what is Zhuge Yi's identity? He doesn't even pay attention to Brother Feng, and now he has set a murderous fellow for Brother Feng. We catch up to the crime, useful? Zhugeyi would not say anything at all. Even if he thought of it, he might act on us. I think..." Tang Dal's voice trembled faintly, "Brother Feng, also I don’t want to see that everyone here is hurt."

Qian Yilan's eyes also wiped the crystal tears at this moment, and it seemed that she was about to collapse.

"Luofeng Jiren have their own natural state. We can't conclude that this is the truth because of Zhuge Yi's one-sided words." Mo Yuanwu said calmly, "Remember, when I was outside the Dragon Palace, the whole world thought Luo Feng was dead, but In the end, isn't he back yet?"

Mo Yuanwu's words rekindled a glimmer of hope in everyone's hearts.

"I don't believe it either. Brother-in-law is someone who has a good chance." Xiao Jun pressed his red lips tightly and spoke in a low voice.

"Zhuge Yi will enter the sacred mountain. Master said that he had reminded his junior brother." Ma Fu also said vigorously at this moment. "Junior brother could not know that Zhuge Yi would follow in secret, and he would still tell Zhuge Han Xingsan. Assassin, there must be something hidden in this."

"So I said, go back to the City Lord's Mansion first." Tang Dal said in a deep voice.

The judge couldn't help but glance at Tang Dal.

He felt that Tang Da'er was a little strange, it was not like the big ear he knew.

Everyone understands Tang Daer's brotherhood to Luo Feng, but now that he heard that Luo Feng had an accident, Tang Daer was so calm and terribly calm.

"Go back to Elder Ding, and only if he asks can he know the real answer."

Everyone hurried back to the City Lord's Mansion, and Ma Fu found Ding Fuyu the first time and informed the news.

"What!" Ding Fuyu's face paled in disbelief, he couldn't help but tightened intensely in his heart, his pupils widened, and asked Ma Fu, "Are you sure? This is impossible!"

Ma Fu smiled bitterly, "Master, this is what Elder Zhuge said personally, the specific truth, I also invite Master to take a trip and ask Elder Zhuge."


Ding Fuyu rushed out quickly.


"How could this be?" Ding Fuyu clenched his fists, unable to accept this fact.

Exploring the sacred mountain, despite the danger, he gave Luo Feng two extraordinary pattern soldiers, and in the crisis, he would surely be able to save Luo Feng's life.

"Zuge Yi." Ding Fuyu stepped into the yard, his voice roared.

The door was pushed open, Zhuge Yi had a cold face, and walked out slowly, "Elder Ding, my son is seriously injured and is resting now. Don't shout here."

"Where is my apprentice?" Ding Fuyu stared at Zhuge Yi frantically.

"Didn't they tell you?" Zhuge Yi's voice was cold, "I don't want to say it a second time."


The main hall of the city hall.

Everyone in Ma Fu was waiting anxiously. Not long after, they even heard Ding Fuyu's roar and the quarrel with Zhuge Yi, and everyone's hearts were low.

"Where is the big ear?" Suddenly, Mo Yuanwu said.

Everyone noticed that Tang Dal had disappeared without a trace at any time.

"Where did he go?" The judge couldn't help but worry. After hearing the news of Luo Feng's accident, Tang Dal's expression had always been strange.

"Judge, take a few people out to find him." Qian Yilan also knew Tang Dal. Starting from Zijing Middle School, Tang Dal’s life was transformed because of Luo Feng. In Tang Dal’s heart, Luo Fengbi He himself is important.

"He kept saying calm just now, I felt something was wrong. How could he calm down with his temperament?" Mo Yuanwu was bitter, his face changed slightly, "No! Will he go to Zhuge Yi?"

"You are here waiting for the news. I used to guard Zhugeyi's yard just in case." Mo Yuanwu hurriedly left after leaving a sentence.

Everyone's heart is very heavy.

Not long after, Ding Fuyu came back with a look of anger, but he was helpless. The veins on his forehead exploded and he became angry, "Zhuge Yi insisted that Luo Feng had committed the crime of cruelty to the same family."

Ding Fuyu's eyes smeared a blood-red light.

At this moment, Ding Fuyu's heart was even more painful.

He suddenly regretted it.

Why don't you follow Luo Feng and enter the sacred mountain together? If he were there, these things would definitely not happen.

Ding Fuyu wanted to slap himself severely.

But what's the use of regret?

Clouds in the sky of Fujijo.

In the afternoon, the sky was extremely dim, and dark clouds changed above the firmament, like wild beasts, sometimes showing fierce fangs.


After being depressed for a long time, the torrential rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, poured down and washed the world.

Streets and alleys, a wine house, near the window.

"Wine!" There was a voice, a full hiccup, and a loud shout.

The wine house shopkeeper glanced worriedly. This young man with big ears in black came to the wine house without ordering a dish, and ordered the strongest wine. Now it is the fifth jar.

Ordinary martial artist, such a strong wine, fell in one jar.

But this young man with big ears in black did not seem to be drunk at all.

The wine shop shopkeeper had a bitter face and walked over, "Young man, too much wine hurts your body."

"Stop talking nonsense, give me another altar." Tang Dal shouted, and at the same time took out a high-grade spar and placed it on the table.

The wine shop shopkeeper shook his head, did not say much, only gave Tang Daer another jar of wine.

Tang Da'er snapped and opened the jar of wine.

Headache drink.

For a moment, holding the wine jar with one hand, he staggered out of the wine house and plunged into the rain.


"Calm down!" Tang Dal raised his head and looked at the sky, letting the rain slap his face, "Brother Feng, I definitely don't want any of us to have trouble."

"However, there are certain things that someone must do." Tang Dal murmured.

Cang Dang!

The wine jar slammed to the ground, and the boy in black disappeared into the rain.

After an hour or so, the heavy rain gradually stopped.

Zhuge Yi received a message, Oupuge, there was a letterhead.

Zhuge Yi immediately walked out of the yard and walked towards the direction of Tengcheng Oupuge...

"Zhugeyi, why did you go out suddenly?" Mo Yuanwu had been outside the courtyard all the time. Seeing this, he couldn't help but stunned and followed carefully.

However, Mo Yuanwu did not expect that soon after he walked away, he broke into the yard alone.

He is dressed in black, with a white silk tied to his head!

His face was cold and merciless, and he held a machete in his hand.


Tang Dal directly kicked the door of the room open.

On the bed, Zhuge Hanxing suddenly sat up, seeing Tang Da'er, his expression could not help but change, "You, what do you want to do?"

"It's okay." Tang Dal walked over, "Come and see you, by the way, I slapped you."

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