Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1444: Whoever cuts your son, big ears too!

Chapter 1444 Whoever cuts your son, big ears!

In the room, as if the cold wind of the twelfth month of winter was blowing, the cold air was pressing, Zhuge Hanxing felt the cold wind cut like a knife, piercing the bones, and shivered involuntarily.   Come and see him.

By the way...


Do you want to be so casual!

Zhuge Hanxing was about to cry, curled up on the bed.

Tang Daer's voice was very cold, but like a demon, approaching step by step, stimulating Zhuge Hanxing's nerves, Zhuge Hanxing retreated to the corner of the wall, panicking, his lips trembled, "You, don't mess around."

"Why are you messing up?" Tang Dal's expression was serious. The machete in his hand was a bit rusty. "Although the knife is not good, I am very strong. I can definitely chop off your head. Don't worry too much."

Zhuge Hanxing cried.

I **** worry about this.

"My father is outside, you killed me, and you don't want to survive." Zhuge Hanxing lied inwardly and shouted hard, hoping Zhuge Yi could hear him.

"Forgot to tell you, I just wrote a letter to Elder Zhuge, and now Elder Zhuge should be on his way to Oupuge." Tang Da'er had already reached the bed, and the rusty machete in his hand pointed at Zhuge Hanxing. , Suddenly shouted sharply, "Get here."

Zhuge Hanxing's face was desperate, and his whole body was trembling.

"I, I have no grievances with you..." Zhuge Hanxing's voice trembled, "Let me go, I can promise that I will not blame the past, and let my father take you back to Wanhua Peak and accept you as a true disciple."

"The true disciple of the Wanhua Peak of the Purple God Palace, so majestic." Tang Dal sneered, "Unfortunately, I'm not interested."

call out!

The machete in Tang Daer's hand slashed and directly hit Zhuge Hanxing's throat.

At this moment, Zhuge Hanxing almost fainted, his pupils widened and rounded, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.

"You father and son, cure my brother Feng, torture the crime of the same family, and put him to death." Tang Dal's eyes were wiped with a madness, and a blood-red light flashed by. "I can't deal with Zhuge Yi, but I must It's okay to chop off his son's head."

Zhuge Hanxing's heart was violently shaken, and he couldn't help but tremble, "No, we didn't kill Luo Feng, he broke into the dead end of Bailian Lake..."

The machete in Tang Daer's hand pressed hard, and Zhuge Hanxing felt the blade sink into his throat.

"Tell me what happened today. There is half a lie, your head is moving." Tang Da's eyes were blood-red, as if he was crazy, and his body was full of alcohol. Especially this point made Zhuge Hanxing Even more afraid, a drunk person would not be afraid of threats at all.

"Remember, I can't hear anyone say that my brother Feng is not half a sentence." Tang Daer reminded seriously, "especially, discredit my brother Feng."

Zhuge Hanxing was full of excitement.

I dared not make any more false words, and my voice trembled, talking about today's affairs.


Zhuge Yi swept away, heading to Oupuge.

At the beginning of the heavy rain, there were not many people on the road.

Suddenly someone blocked Zhuge Yi's path.

"But Elder Zhuge?" A middle-aged man looked at Zhuge Yi earnestly, with a vague expression of excitement, and worshiped. He is now the head of the Fuji City of Opu Pavilion and knows Zhuge Yi's identity.

Zhuge stopped, "You are..."

"Here, Li Zhuang, the person in charge of Oupuge Rattan City." Li Zhuang said quickly, and took out a letter paper in his hand, "This is Elder Zhuge's letter paper. I am planning to send it to the City Lord's Mansion."

Zhuge Yi took the letterhead and opened it directly. He was a little strange. At this moment, who wrote him the letter?

Next second...

Zhuge Yi's face changed abruptly, and he turned quickly, speeding like electricity, and rushed back toward the city lord's mansion.

On letterhead, a line of words.

"Old Zhuge Miscellaneous, whoever cuts your son, big ears too!"

Zhuge Yi increased the speed to the extreme.

Anxious, crazy, furious!

The majestic and vigorous breath covered wildly, overwhelmingly, "Zhuzi, dare!"

Zhuge Yi's voice roared.

City Lord's Mansion, in the room.

"Obviously you forced my brother Feng to go to death. In your mouth, it turned out to be my brother Feng's murderous fellow!" Tang Da'er had already understood what happened, and laughed angrily, "What a Wanhua Peak, okay. An elder Zhuge!"

During the break, Tang Dal's complexion changed slightly!

"It's really fast to come back." Tang Dal frowned, his eyes swept Zhuge Hanxing coldly, "You should also be on the road."

Zhuge Hanxing's eyes were wide and round.

call out!

The machete in Tang Dal's hand slashed sharply and slashed directly.

A **** arrow flew out, and Zhuge Hanxing's head rolled directly down.

Cang Dang.

Tang Dal quickly threw the machete, turned and broke the window.

It's too late to say, then soon!

Tang Da'er didn't expect Zhuge Yi to come back so quickly. He originally planned to kill Zhuge Hanxing, leave his name, and then leave quickly. As everyone knows, Zhuge Yi has already killed him.


Tang Dal's body swept away directly.

Zhuge Yi also saw Tang Da'er, his eyes surged with murderous intent, and his figure was like electricity, rushing towards Tang Da'er...

"Old Zhuge Miscellaneous!" Tang Dal's voice roared, "If you still want your son to live, you can save him."


Zhuge Yi's body suddenly stopped forcibly, turned decisively, and rushed back.


Zhuge Yi opened the door.


Zhuge Yi's voice seemed to be demonic, and he roared frantically.

The whole person is full of evil spirits.

"The old man will break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" Zhuge Yi was completely crazy, turned around and rushed out of the room again, and chased him in the direction of Tang Dal's escape.

"What happened?" Everyone in the City Lord's Mansion was alarmed.

There was one person who was the fastest. He had been following Zhuge Yi from a distance, and at the moment he rushed into the courtyard and walked into the room.

"Not good!" Mo Yuanwu's expression changed a lot when he saw the scene in the room.

Soon, Qian Yilan, Sister Xiao Yu, Ma Fu and others arrived.

"What's wrong?" Ding Fuyu also rushed over.

"Da Er... cut Zhuge Hanxing." Mo Yuanwu's expression was ugly, "Now, Zhuge Yi is chasing and killing Da Er."

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

"He kept telling us to calm down." Qian Yilan's body couldn't help but tremble, "I understand, he wants to avenge Luo Feng on his own!"

"He is determined to die." Xiao Yu couldn't help pursing his lips, extremely worried.

"Elder Ding!" Mo Yuanwu suddenly knelt toward Ding Fuyu, "I, Mo Yuanwu, will never kneel to the sky or the ground. I only kneel before my parents and teachers. I beg you, save Big Ear!"

Everyone looked at Ding Fuyu pleadingly.

Zhuge Yi, broke the existence of the nine chains.

Even if they concentrated all their strength, they couldn't compete with Zhuge Yi.

"I will try my best." Ding Fuyu didn't hesitate, turned around and chased it out.

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