Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1587: Golden Core Beast King!

Chapter 1587 Golden Core Beast King!

The surrounding areas of Phoenix Lake are all in a petrified state.

Everyone's mind is blank.

He raised his head and looked at the beautiful body above the sky.

The whole body's feather scales are glowing with colorful rays, and each color contains a majestic and powerful energy. Those beautiful wings that shouldn't exist in the world, entangled in the sky, suddenly, all of the sky's glory , All gathered under its wings.

From top to bottom, it seems to be an impeccable handicraft.

This shocked everyone!

The mind fell into complete sluggishness.

It didn't take long for its body to fully expand, lying in the air, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, and its reflection fell on the Phoenix Lake, making the entire lake shimmering and colorful.

The boiling lake suddenly stopped.

The lake surface is like a mirror, clearly reflecting the colorful and beautiful body.

Suddenly, it opened its eyes, like two colorful lights, rushing directly to the sky.

"Finally, it's out."

The voice murmured, and his gaze swept across the surrounding people, his eyes a little cold, without any emotional noise.

At this moment, everyone around them felt a terrible force, covering the whole body, and their own lives seemed to have been controlled by the other's thoughts.

Many people reacted energetically.

The look in his eyes suddenly changed, and he began to show horror, and his mood suddenly cooled from the excitement. The whole body was surging with cold, and it was instantly filled.

The beauty in front of me is also in crisis.

The other party, but the Beastmaster!

Now, in the north, an army of alien beasts is attacking the northern Xueling Palace.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze all at once.

boom! boom! boom!

Outside the city wall, the song of war drum sounded again, shaking the clouds.

This colorful phoenix seemed to have heard it at this moment. When he raised his head, the pair of extremely beautiful eyes flashed with a burst of brilliance, and suddenly, spreading its wings, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in the sky above Phoenix Lake.

Everyone was relieved and let out a long sigh of relief, their eyes still unable to conceal the shock.

The war continues!

At this moment, the elite of the Heavenly Dragon Army, the'Dragon Head' Legion, has already approached the city.


The horn of battle can oscillate around like gold and gravel.


Shouts, crazy roars.

The faces were ferocious and determined, their veins exploded, and blood was splashed on their faces from time to time.

"Strike with all your strength." Palace Master Tianshu took a deep breath, decisively and solemnly ordered.

"The white army guards Huangcheng firmly."

"The Dragon Legion, fearless."

"Come to fight!" Tang Da'er's eyes were more fearless, holding the Datang Halberd in his hand, majestic, and the demon spirit next to him, making him more relaxed. The combination of one person and one tiger is strong in this golden core. It can be said that the battlefield that the actor has not participated in is invincible and unstoppable.


The battlefield is rendered and extravagant like a huge picture.

Suddenly, the demon demon spirit stopped and turned his head.

"What's the matter?" Tang Dal noticed her strangeness.

But in the next second, Tang Da'er noticed that there was a powerful aura that quickly diffused from the Phoenix City towards this side.

Huh huh!

Many people look up subconsciously...


A colorful figure swept across the city wall directly, the huge body, colorful wings, under the sky, dotted a beautiful scene.

Palace Master Tianshu raised his head, his eyes showed strong shock, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Top ten on the list of strange beasts, the undead Phoenix?"

Immortal Phoenix Race!

There seemed to be thunder resounding in countless people's minds.

Similar to the ranking of the Silver-winged Sky Tiger, it is in the top ten list of alien animals!

Even the undead Phoenix clan that appeared right now was even more terrifying.

"Golden Core Avenue." The old Jiu Dao looked solemnly, took a deep breath, and stared at the Undead Phoenix Clan, the strange beast of the Golden Core Realm that suddenly appeared above the battlefield at this moment. He saw it for the first time.

At this moment, the battlefield seemed to have briefly stood still.

The aura of the Immortal Phoenix Clan rises and spreads everywhere...

"This is... the Immortal Phoenix Clan?" In the distance, Wu Kun, the Taoist master who asked the common people, couldn't help but shrink.

Huangcheng, the immortal Phoenix!

Is it true that some legends that have been passed down in Huangcheng for thousands of years are true?

Luo Feng also looked up at the undead Phoenix clan at this moment. Undoubtedly, this undead Phoenix clan was perfect and flawless, beautiful to the extreme, but underneath it, the dangerous aura was too strong.


The Immortal Phoenix glanced coldly at the bottom of the battlefield, and suddenly the colorful wings flashed lightly.

Above the wings, there seemed to be flames beating.

The sky seemed to be burned.

Afterwards, the wings of the Immortal Phoenix Clan flicked...


Fireballs with a diameter of more than one meter slammed directly into the ground.

Too many, it was like a fireball rainstorm.

The elite division directly facing the Sky Dragon Legion.

Boom boom boom!

It is like a meteorite wrapped in flames, hitting the surface.

The impact is too strong.


The entire Tianlong Legion was plunged into panic and despair.

"A terrible fireball." Countless people gasped.

The power is amazing.

The bombardment continued, the Heavenly Dragon Legion could not resist.

"Are you going to break the balance?" In the distance, Xiao Hun's face was instantly cold, his face gloomy, a strong Jin Dan Dadao, can stop thousands of horses, not to mention, this is an undead Phoenix with a unique talent. The clan, the fireball, is too powerful for the Heavenly Dragon Legion.

"Purple God Palace, colluding with an alien beast, it would be even more damn." Xiao Hun shouted, his body suddenly rushed up like lightning, and the magical soldier in his hand appeared, turning into a stream of light, a tyrannical deterrent force, shaking the world. , Rushing towards the undead Phoenix clan.

call! call! call!

At this instant, the Immortal Phoenix Clan suddenly opened his mouth.

A beam of strange flames, containing colorful rays of light, rushed towards Xiao Hun in a flash.


Above the sky, screams echoed.

Everyone's eyes were wide and round, shocking.

Xiao Hun, the Golden Core Avenue powerhouse in Opu Pavilion, was wrapped in flames from the mouth of the Immortal Phoenix Clan with one move, breaking the defense.


The Immortal Phoenix Clan made a sudden move, and immediately killed Xiao Soul.

The atmosphere on the entire battlefield fell into a state of dead silence...

This kind of lethality is really terrifying!

"This is the power of the Beast King in the Golden Core Avenue Realm?"

Many people couldn't help but breathe in the cold.

It was terrible to incredible.




Suddenly, the drums of war sounded, accompanied by the horn.

The Chu Dynasty, decisively retreated!

Thousands of troops, like tides, retreat frantically...

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